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1. Frair, W. 2013.

Media Reviews: The Key to Understanding Origins: The Underlying Assumptions
CRSQ 50(2):118. CELD ID 28465.

2. Frair, W. 2012.

Book review: Creation in Six Days by E. Norbert Smith and Steve Kern
CRSQ 49(1):86. CELD ID 24870.

3. Frair, W. 2012.

Book review: Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview: How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Caused the Greatest Holocaust in World History
CRSQ 49(2):165. CELD ID 25753.

4. Frair, W. 2010.

Book review: How to Be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (Or Not) by William A. Dembski and Jonathan Wells
CRSQ 46(3):158. CELD ID 23882.

5. Frair, W. 2009.

Book review: Understanding Intelligent Design by William A. Dembski and Sean McDowell
CRSQ 45(4):292. CELD ID 23843.

6. Frair, W. 2009.

Book review: Slaughter of the Dissidents: The Shocking Truth about Killing the Careers of Darwin Doubters by Jerry Bergman
CRSQ 46(1):39. CELD ID 23858.

7. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: A Student's Guide to Natural Science
CRSQ 44(3):179. CELD ID 20892.

8. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: Darwin's Conservatives: The Misguided Quest
CRSQ 44(3):202. CELD ID 20896.

9. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: Pioneer Explorers of Intelligent Design: Scientists Who Made a Difference
CRSQ 44(3):229. CELD ID 20902.

10. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: Atlas of Creation, Vol. 1
CRSQ 44(3):247-248. CELD ID 20912.

11. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: Investigating Evolution: A Six Part Educational Series
CRSQ 44(4):300. CELD ID 22691.

12. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: Chance or Purpose? Creation, Evolution, and a Rational Faith
CRSQ 44(4):324. CELD ID 22700.

13. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems
CRSQ 45(1):23. CELD ID 22706.

14. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: Darwin Strikes Back: Defending the Science of Intelligent Design
CRSQ 45(2):90. CELD ID 22719.

15. Frair, W. 2008.

Book review: Explore Evolution: The Arguments For and Against Neo-Darwinism
CRSQ 45(2):125. CELD ID 22727.

16. Bergman, J; Frair, W. 2007.

Evidence for Turtle Evolution?
JC 21(3):24-26. CELD ID 19401.

17. Frair, W. 2007.

Book review: Genetic Entropy & The Mystery of the Genome - The Genome is Degenerating
CRSQ 44(1):55. CELD ID 20880.

18. Frair, W. 2007.

Book review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Designby Jonathan Wells
CRSQ 43(4):219. CELD ID 20978.

19. Frair, W. 2007.

Book review: Beyond Forever: Evolutionism's End Game by Warren LeRoi Johns
CRSQ 43(4):231. CELD ID 20983.

20. Frair, W. 2007.

Book review: Passive Fear: Alternative to Fight or Flight: When Frightened Animals Hide by E. Norbert Smith
CRSQ 43(4):250. CELD ID 20987.

21. Frair, W. 2007.

Book review: A meaningful world: how the arts and sciences reveal the genius of nature by Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt
CRSQ 43(4):276. CELD ID 20995.

22. Frair, W. 2006.

Book review: The Naked Emperor: Darwinism Exposed by Antony Latham
JC 20(3):39-42. CELD ID 19160. Full text link available.

23. Brophy, TR; Frair, W; Clark, D. 2006.

A review of interspecific hybridization in the Order Testudines
OPBSG 8:17. CELD ID 19205. Full text link available.

24. Frair, W. 2006.

Book review: The Faces of Origins by David Herbert
CRSQ 43(1):13-14. CELD ID 20959.

25. Frair, W. 2006.

Book review: The Origin of Man: The Image of an Ape or the Image of God by Stuart Burgess
CRSQ 43(1):47. CELD ID 20968.

26. Frair, W. 2005.

Book Review: A Creationist Review and Preliminary Analysis of the History, Geology, Climate, and Biology of the Galapagos Islands
CRSQ 42(3):193. CELD ID 19034.

27. Frair, W. 2005.

Book review: Darwin and Design
CRSQ 42(3):202-203. CELD ID 19036.

28. Frair, W. 2005.

Challenge of the tangles: re-evaluating concepts of life's origins
PSCF 57(2):131-133. CELD ID 20074. Full text link available.

29. Frair, W. 2004.

Book review: The Way of the Cell
TJ 18(1):42-44. CELD ID 18222. Full text link available.

30. Frair, W. 2004.

Book review: Darwinism Under the Microscope
CRSQ 41(2):103. CELD ID 18769.

31. Frair, W. 2004.

Book review: The Design Revolution
CRSQ 41(3):215. CELD ID 18785.

32. Frair, W. 2003.

Book review: The Right Questions: Truth, Meaning and Public Debate
CRSQ 40(1):62. CELD ID 16079.

33. Frair, W. 2002.

Frank Lewis Marsh: his life and his legacy
CRSQ 39(2):94-100. CELD ID 13625.

34. Frair, W. 2002.

Quarterly dedication to Glen and Becky Wolfrom
CRSQ 39(1):1. CELD ID 15948.

35. Frair, W. 2002.

Book review: Creation, Evolution, and Modern Science: Probing the Headlines that Impact your Family
CRSQ 39(1):1-2. CELD ID 15949.

36. Frair, W; Clancey, PH. 2001.

As a Man Thinks...
CM 6(2):4-5. CELD ID 4065. Full text link available.

37. Frair, W; Clancey, PH. 2001.

Scientific or Unscientific?
CM 6(2):5-6. CELD ID 4066. Full text link available.

38. Frair, W. 2001.

Book review: Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth by Jonathan Wells
CRSQ 38(1):29-30. CELD ID 7531.

39. Frair, W. 2000.

Baraminology - Classification of Created Organisms
CRSQ 37(2):82-91. CELD ID 1822. Full text link available.

40. Frair, W; Clancy, PH. 2000.

Design at Yale
CM 5(5/6):1,7. CELD ID 4043. Full text link available.

41. Frair, W. 2000.

Book review: What's Darwin Got To Do With It?: A Friendly Conversation About Evolution by Robert C. Newman, John L. Wiester Janet Moneymaker and Jonathan Moneymaker
CRSQ 37(3):158-159. CELD ID 7587.

42. Frair, W. 2000.

Tales of turtles
CS Dialogue 27(1):4-5. CELD ID 14540. Full text link available.

43. Frair, W. 1999.

Creationist Classification An Update
CM 4(1):1,5. CELD ID 3988. Full text link available.

44. Frair, W. 1999.

Embryology and Evolution
CRSQ 36(2):62-67. CELD ID 3912. Full text link available.

45. Frair, W. 1999.

Book review: Origins: Linking Science and Scripture by Ariel A. Roth
CRSQ 35(4):220. CELD ID 7800.

46. Frair, W. 1999.

Book review: Taking Wing: Archeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight by Pat Shipman
CRSQ 36(1):9-10. CELD ID 7886.

47. Frair, W. 1999.

Book review: Origins: Linking Science and Scripture by Ariel A. Roth
CRSQ 36(1):37. CELD ID 7891.

48. Frair, W. 1999.

Turtle taxa
CEN 21(3):5. CELD ID 12831.

49. Frair, W. 1998.

Effects of the 1981 Arkansas trial on the creationist movement
ICC4 :229-239. CELD ID 5250.

50. Frair, W. 1998.

Professor Maciej Giertych
CRSQ 35(2):99. CELD ID 7824.

51. Frair, W. 1998.

CRS salutes the CSF and the International Conference on Creationism
CRSQ 35(1):1. CELD ID 7838.

52. Frair, W. 1997.

Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds
CM 2(5):7. CELD ID 3958. Full text link available.

53. Frair, W. 1997.

Book review: Darwin's Black Box: A Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael Behe
CRSQ 34(2):113. CELD ID 8021.

54. Frair, W. 1996.

Sudden appearance of the immune system in sharks
CRSQ 33(3):169. CELD ID 8113.

55. Frair, W. 1995.

Book review: Darwinism: Science or Philosophy? Proceedings of a symposium entitled: Darwinism: Scientific inference or philosophical preference edited by Jon Buell and Virginia Hearn
CRSQ 32(1):17. CELD ID 8436.

56. Frair, W. 1995.

Book review: Creation: Facts of Life by Gary Parker
CRSQ 32(1):61-62. CELD ID 8450.

57. Frair, W. 1994.

Book review: Of Pandas and People: The Central Question of Biological Origins
CRSQ 31(1):59-61. CELD ID 8300.

58. Frair, W. 1994.

Book review: Originations of Life from Volcanoes and Petroleum: A Scientific Theory Opposed to Evolution
CRSQ 31(1):61-62. CELD ID 8301.

59. Frair, W. 1994.

Book review: The Biotic Message: Evolution versus Message Theory
CRSQ 31(3):161-163. CELD ID 8331.

60. Frair, W. 1993.

Additional Information on the Freiberg Human Skull Composed of Coal
CRSQ 30(1):36-39. CELD ID 2332.

61. Frair, W. 1992.

Is Scientific American "scientific"?
CRSQ 28(4):156-157. CELD ID 8082.

62. Frair, W. 1992.

Book review: Darwin on Trial
CRSQ 28(4):171. CELD ID 8088.

63. Frair, W. 1991.

Original Kind and Turtle Phylogeny
CRSQ 28(1):21-24. CELD ID 3818.

64. Frair, W. 1991.

Book review: Charles Darwin's Religious Views: From Creationist to Evolutionist
CRSQ 28(2):70-71. CELD ID 8059.

65. Frair, W. 1988.

Remarks by the president
CRSQ 24(4):165. CELD ID 7470.

66. Frair, W. 1988.

Remarks by the president
CRSQ 25(1):6-7. CELD ID 7640.

67. Frair, W. 1988.

Remarks by the president
CRSQ 25(2):65. CELD ID 7658.

68. Wise, KP; Frair, W. 1988.

NCSE meeting
CRSQ 25(2):83-84. CELD ID 7660.

69. Frair, W. 1988.

Remarks by the president
CRSQ 25(3):117. CELD ID 7674.

70. Frair, W. 1988.

Australopithecines: relationship to man?
CRSQ 25(3):151-153. CELD ID 7690.

71. Frair, W. 1987.

Book review: Evolution: A Theory in Crisis
CRSQ 24(2):89-91. CELD ID 7445.

72. Frair, W. 1987.

Remarks by the president
CRSQ 24(3):109. CELD ID 7448.

73. Frair, W. 1986.

Book review: Adam and Evolution
CRSQ 23(3):122-123. CELD ID 7390.

74. Frair, W. 1985.

Book Review: The Nature and Origin of the Biological World
CRSQ 22(2):90-91. CELD ID 6744.

75. Frair, W. 1985.

Minutes of the 1985 board of directors meeting
CRSQ 22(3):127-140. CELD ID 6762.

76. Frair, W. 1985.

Book Review: Darwin's Enigma
CRSQ 22(3):146. CELD ID 6768.

77. Frair, W. 1985.

A positive creationist approach utilizing biochemistry
NCC83 :33-36. CELD ID 19258.

78. Frair, W. 1984.

The Sleuths Challenge Science
Origins-GRI 11(2):103-104. CELD ID 2448. Full text link available.

79. Frair, W. 1984.

Book Review: The Great Evolution Mystery
CRSQ 21(2):93-94. CELD ID 6691.

80. Frair, W. 1984.

Book Review: COSMOS: Carl Sagan's Religion for the Scientific Mind
CRSQ 21(2):94. CELD ID 6692.

81. Frair, W. 1984.

Book Review: Two Men Called Adam
CRSQ 21(2):95. CELD ID 6693.

82. Frair, W. 1984.

Report of 1984 Board of Directors meeting
CRSQ 21(3):151-152. CELD ID 6703.

83. Frair, W. 1983.

Book Review: The Creator in the Courtroom "Scopes II." The Controversial Arkansas Creation-Evolution Trial
CRSQ 19(4):228. CELD ID 5993.

84. Frair, W. 1983.

Report of the 1983 board of directors meeting
CRSQ 20(2):124-125. CELD ID 6117.

85. Frair, W. 1982.

Report of the 1982 Board of Directors meeting
CRSQ 19(2):147-148. CELD ID 5972.

86. Frair, W. 1982.

Book Review: Biology for Christian Schools
CRSQ 19(2):131-133. CELD ID 5956.

87. Frair, W. 1982.

Mother's milk
CRSQ 18(4):232-233. CELD ID 5926.

88. Frair, W. 1981.

Report of the 1980 board of directors meeting
CRSQ 18(2):133-134. CELD ID 5914.

89. Frair, W. 1981.

Dedication to Wilbert Henry Rusch, Sr.
CRSQ 18(1):3. CELD ID 5884.

90. Frair, W. 1980.

Report of 1980 Board of Directors meeting
CRSQ 17(2):134-135. CELD ID 5714.

91. Frair, W. 1979.

Book review: God Beyond Nature
CRSQ 16(3):186-187. CELD ID 5672.

92. Frair, W. 1979.

Report of 1979 Board of Directors meeting
CRSQ 16(2):140-141. CELD ID 5656.

93. Frair, W. 1978.

Report of 1978 board of directors meeting
CRSQ 15(2):121-122. CELD ID 5496.

94. Frair, W. 1978.

Book review: Evolution of Living Organisms
CRSQ 15(3):171-172. CELD ID 5516.

95. Frair, W. 1977.

The heart of creation
CRSQ 14(1):61-62. CELD ID 5408.

96. Frair, W. 1977.

The protostomia-deuterostomia theory
CRSQ 14(1):72. CELD ID 5418.

97. Frair, W. 1977.

Report of the 1977 meeting of the board of directors
CRSQ 14(2):123-124. CELD ID 5433.

98. Frair, W. 1976.

Report of the 1976 meeting of the Board of Directors
CRSQ 13(2):124-125. CELD ID 5327.

99. Frair, W. 1975.

Gastric brooding
CRSQ 12(1):68. CELD ID 5149.

100. Frair, W. 1975.

Report of 1975 Board of Directors meeting
CRSQ 12(2):118-119. CELD ID 5187.

101. Frair, W. 1974.

Report of 1974 Board of Directors Meeting
CRSQ 11(2):126-127. CELD ID 4646.

102. Frair, W. 1974.

Book Review: Perspectives in Zoology
CRSQ 11(2):129-130. CELD ID 4648.

103. Frair, W. 1971.

Book Review: Nomogenesis or Evolution Determined by Law
CRSQ 8(3):207-208. CELD ID 4438.

104. Frair, W. 1969.

The Human Skull Composed Of Coal
CRSQ 5(4):133-135. CELD ID 2342.

105. Frair, WF. 1968.

Life in a test tube?
CRSQ 5(1):34-41. CELD ID 4133.

106. Frair, W. 1967.

Some Molecular Approaches To Taxonomy
CRSQ 4(1):18-22,47. CELD ID 1919.

107. Frair, W. 1967.

Book Review: Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure 1966
CRSQ 4(2):82. CELD ID 4117.

108. Frair, W. 1958.

What Are the Scientific Possibilities for Original Kinds?
JASA 10(1):12-16. CELD ID 238.

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