1. Anonymous. 1948. ForewordYASA :[3]. CELD ID 17684.
2. Everest, FA. 1948. Message from the presidentYASA :[4-5]. CELD ID 17685.
Message from the president
3. Barnes, MD. 1948. The message of the secretary-treasurerYASA :[6-7]. CELD ID 17686.
The message of the secretary-treasurer
4. Anonymous. 1948. Local section activitiesYASA :[18-19]. CELD ID 17687.
Local section activities
5. Anonymous. 1948. The annual conventionYASA :[20]. CELD ID 17688.
The annual convention
6. Cowperthwaite, IA. 1948. Summary of 1947 annual conventionYASA :[21-22]. CELD ID 17689.
Summary of 1947 annual convention
7. Tinkle, WJ. 1948. The unnecessary riftYASA :[26-28]. CELD ID 17690.
The unnecessary rift
8. Steele, FR. 1948. The Christian approach to the student mindYASA :[29-34]. CELD ID 17691.
The Christian approach to the student mind
9. Stoner, PW. 1948. Dr. Ivan Panin's work on Bible numericsYASA :[35-38]. CELD ID 17692.
Dr. Ivan Panin's work on Bible numerics
10. Cowperthwaite, IA. 1948. Introduction to round table discussionYASA :[39-40]. CELD ID 17693.
Introduction to round table discussion
11. Ramm, B. 1948. The spiritual interpretation of science by Jeans and EddingtonYASA :[41-47]. CELD ID 17694.
The spiritual interpretation of science by Jeans and Eddington
12. Tinkle, WJ. 1948. The theory of evolutionYASA :[48-52]. CELD ID 17695.
The theory of evolution