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Contents of Proceedings of the 1992 Twin-Cities Creation Conference

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1. Schobert, DL. 1992.

The origin of language: A Biblical perspective in regard to events at Babel
TwinCities :1-2. CELD ID 7293.

2. Lang, WHG. 1992.

Bible science relationships from the Book of Job
TwinCities :3-6. CELD ID 7294.

3. Garbe, R; Miller, H; Whitmore, J; Detwiler, G; Wilder, D; Vosler, F; Ditmars, J; Davis, D. 1992.

Direct dating of Cretaceous-Jurassic fossils (and other evidences for human-dinosaur coexistence)
TwinCities :7-13. CELD ID 7295.

4. Helfinstine, R. 1992.

Mammoth remains, what do they really indicate?
TwinCities :14-18. CELD ID 7296.

5. Sattler, E. 1992.

Music, gift of the Creator
TwinCities :19-20. CELD ID 7297.

6. Baurain, TS. 1992.

The crucial issues of Biblical creationism
TwinCities :21-22. CELD ID 7298.

7. Bouw, GD. 1992.

Creationist scenario for the origin of the universe
TwinCities :23-26. CELD ID 7299.

8. Hedtke, R. 1992.

The axiom method of teaching origins
TwinCities :27-29. CELD ID 7300.

9. Clark, ME; Voss, HD. 1992.

Resonance on flooded planet earth
TwinCities :30-33. CELD ID 7301.

10. Herbert, D. 1992.

Unmasking for parents and students this half-truth: "Creation = Religion; Evolution = Science"
TwinCities :34-35. CELD ID 7302.

11. Kaufmann, DA. 1992.

Creation medicine and the aging process
TwinCities :36. CELD ID 7303.

12. Griffith, D. 1992.

What "Time" is it?
TwinCities :37-39. CELD ID 7304.

13. Jorgensen, GS. 1992.

Fundamental physics of a water vapor canopy atmosphere
TwinCities :40-45. CELD ID 7305.

14. Rauch, AD. 1992.

The relationship of Genesis 1-11 to the salvation that is in Jesus Christ
TwinCities :46-50. CELD ID 7306.

15. Dennis, M. 1992.

Pastors need creation-science understanding
TwinCities :51-52. CELD ID 7307.

16. Cox, DE. 1992.

Scripture and geologic discovery
TwinCities :53-56. CELD ID 7308.

17. Nelson, ER. 1992.

The Eden diet and modern nutritional research
TwinCities :57-60. CELD ID 7309.

18. Holtz, MW. 1992.

God's creation: sounds, birds and plants (The Sonic Bloom story: How sound and nutrients affect plants)
TwinCities :61-64. CELD ID 7310.

19. Titrud, JM. 1992.

Christian psychology: evolution in the back door
TwinCities :65-69. CELD ID 7311.

20. Bergman, DL. 1992.

New spinning charged ring model of the electron
TwinCities :70-75. CELD ID 7312.

21. Berman, DL. 1992.

The stable elementary particles
TwinCities :76-79. CELD ID 7313.

22. von Fange, EA. 1992.

Anti-evolutionist treatment of the dinosaur
TwinCities :80-82. CELD ID 7314.

23. Overn, B. 1992.

The tilt of the earth's axis: Its orientation brings the new age, its history reveals the Flood and explains the magnetic reversals
TwinCities :83-87. CELD ID 7315.

24. Henry, JF. 1992.

Space age astronomy confirms a recent and special creation
TwinCities :88-90. CELD ID 7316.

25. Henry, JF. 1992.

Fate of the ethnic groups in the table of nations (Genesis 10)
TwinCities :91-98. CELD ID 7317.

26. Beach, JH. 1992.

A Biblical analysis of theistic evolution
TwinCities :99-105. CELD ID 7318.

27. Powell, CD. 1992.

Sex differences in light of creation
TwinCities :106-111. CELD ID 7319.

28. Powell, CD. 1992.

Language acquistion rates for man and ape contrasted
TwinCities :112-116. CELD ID 7320.

29. Eidsmoe, J. 1992.

Creation, Columbus, Evolution and the new age
TwinCities :117-122. CELD ID 7321.

30. Eidsmoe, J. 1992.

The crisis of the constitution: from Biblical absolutes-to evolutionary humanism
TwinCities :123-130. CELD ID 7322.

31. Culp, GR. 1992.

Do alpine flora show a marked tendency toward variation
TwinCities :131-132. CELD ID 7323.

32. Auldaney, J. 1992.

Asteroids and their connection to the Flood
TwinCities :133-136. CELD ID 7324.

33. Auldaney, J. 1992.

Update on human track-like features found with dinosaur tracks at Tuba City, Arizona
TwinCities :137-141. CELD ID 7325.

34. Lucas, CW. 1992.

Overview of the electrodynamic approach to God's creation and daily sustaining of the universe
TwinCities :142-146. CELD ID 7326.

35. Baker, M. 1992.

Evidences of a world-wide flood from a study of the dinosaurs
TwinCities :147-152. CELD ID 7327.

36. Hunter, MJ. 1992.

Archaean rock strata: Flood deposits-the first 40 days
TwinCities :153-161. CELD ID 7328.

37. Spencer, WR. 1992.

Design and catastrophism in the Solar System
TwinCities :162-167. CELD ID 7329.

38. Spencer, W. 1992.

Creation ministry strategy for the twenty-first century
TwinCities :168-171. CELD ID 7330.

39. Ackerman, PD. 1992.

Creation and psychology: A personal testimony
TwinCities :172-173. CELD ID 7331.

40. Ackerman, PD; Aronhalt, M. 1992.

Secular wester mindset or Biblical framework: the representative case of Alfred Adler
TwinCities :174-177. CELD ID 7332.

41. Curtis, WM. 1992.

Babel: The origin of diverse languages and races
TwinCities :178-184. CELD ID 7333.

42. Jue, DS. 1992.

Dinosaurs-the evidence for God's handiwork
TwinCities :185. CELD ID 7334.

43. McCoy, DL. 1992.

Evidence against the evolutionary superiority of plant pathogenesis
TwinCities :186-191. CELD ID 7335.

44. Orsillo, MT. 1992.

The Exodus during the early Bronze age: Including testimonies from Egyptian witnesses
TwinCities :192-197. CELD ID 7336.

45. Laing, RL. 1992.

Essentials for life
TwinCities :198-201. CELD ID 7337.

46. MacKinney, PM. 1992.

Startling evidence for a recent creation discovering Darwin's deception
TwinCities :202-203. CELD ID 7338.

47. Wise, KP. 1992.

Creation Polycladism: A Young-Earth Creation theory of biogenesis
TwinCities :204-210. CELD ID 7339.

48. Mann, DF; Wise, KP. 1992.

Plate tectonics: physical and Biblical evidences
TwinCities :211. CELD ID 7340.

49. Simpson, CE; Wise, KP. 1992.

Stratomorphic intermediates: evidence or macroevolution?
TwinCities :211. CELD ID 7341.

50. Chui, C. 1992.

Is the decay constant constant
TwinCities :212-217. CELD ID 7342.

51. Chui, C. 1992.

Predictions of partial half-lives for alpha emitters
TwinCities :218-220. CELD ID 7343.

52. Armitage, M. 1992.

God's Micro World
TwinCities :221-223. CELD ID 7344.

53. Harris, D; Harris, L. 1992.

The largest structures in the universe
TwinCities :224-226. CELD ID 7345.

54. Russell, RD. 1992.

Breakfast bacon and AIDS If the perfect God created us, why do we get sick?
TwinCities :227-231. CELD ID 7346.

55. Bergman, J. 1992.

A unified approach to particle physics: high energy physics and Paley's watch
TwinCities :232-236. CELD ID 7347.

56. Bergman, J. 1992.

The current status of the Big Bang theory of cosmology
TwinCities :237-242. CELD ID 7348.

57. Lucas, CW; Lucas, JW. 1992.

Electrodynamics of real particles vs. Maxwell's equations, Relativity theory and and Quantum mechanics
TwinCities :243-252. CELD ID 7349.

58. Chittick, DE. 1992.

The puzzle of ancient man
TwinCities :253-258. CELD ID 7350.

59. Montgomery, A. 1992.

Statistical analysis and theoretical considerations of the varible-c hypothesis
TwinCities :259-266. CELD ID 7351.

60. Shulgin, MA. 1992.

On causes and purposes
TwinCities :267. CELD ID 7352.

61. Lucas, JW. 1992.

Radiohalos, Geochronology, and radiometric dating
TwinCities :268-275. CELD ID 7353.

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