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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 63(2)

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1. Leegwater, A. 2011.

Disentangling Theology and Science: The Instrumentalization of Science
PSCF 63(2):73-74. CELD ID 24899.

2. Rios, CM. 2011.

Claiming Complementarity: Twentieth-Century Evangelical Applications of an Idea
PSCF 63(2):75-84. CELD ID 24900.

3. Miller, KB. 2011.

"And God Saw That It Was Good": Death and Pain in the Created Order
PSCF 63(2):85-94. CELD ID 24901.

4. Kim, J. 2011.

Naturalistic versus Eschatological Theologies of Evolution
PSCF 63(2):95-107. CELD ID 24902.

5. Murphy, GL. 2011.

Does the Earth Move?
PSCF 63(2):109-115. CELD ID 24903.

6. Makous, W. 2011.

Biblical Longevities: Empirical Data or Fabricated Numbers?
PSCF 63(2):117-130. CELD ID 24904.

7. Nelson, FP. 2011.

Letter: A Reply to "Seeking a Signature," an Essay Review by Dennis Venema
PSCF 63(2):143-144. CELD ID 24905.

8. Van Der Weele, SJ. 2011.

Letter: A Reaction to "Seeking a Signature," an Essay Review by Dennis Venema
PSCF 63(2):144. CELD ID 24906.

9. DeHaan, DO. 2011.

Book review: Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for God's People by Scott C. Sabin
PSCF 63(2):131. CELD ID 24907.

10. Strand, MA. 2011.

Book review: Partner to the Poor: A Paul Farmer Reader edited by Haun Saussy
PSCF 63(2):131-132. CELD ID 24908.

11. Sikkema, AE. 2011.

Book review: The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow
PSCF 63(2):132-133. CELD ID 24909.

12. Carlson, RF. 2011.

Book review: The Prism and the Rainbow: A Christian Explains Why Evolution Is Not a Threat by Joel W. Martin
PSCF 63(2):133-134. CELD ID 24910.

13. Toronchuk, J. 2011.

Book review: Defining Love: A Philosophical, Scientific, and Theological Engagement by Thomas Jay Oord
PSCF 63(2):134-135. CELD ID 24911.

14. Lamoureux, DO. 2011.

Book review: Darwin, Creation and the Fall edited by RJ Berry and TA Noble
PSCF 63(2):135-136. CELD ID 24912.

15. Huchinson, IH. 2011.

Book review: The Last Superstition: A Refutation of the New Atheists by Edward Feser
PSCF 63(2):136-137. CELD ID 24913.

16. Wood, JR. 2011.

Book review: The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth edited by Thomas Berry, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim
PSCF 63(2):137-138. CELD ID 24914.

17. Walton, JH. 2011.

Book review: The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder
PSCF 63(2):138-139. CELD ID 24915.

18. MacDonald, D. 2011.

Book review: Wesleyan Theology and Social Science: The Dance of Practical Divinity and Discovery edited by M. Kathryn Armistead, Brad D. Strawn, and Ronald W. Wright
PSCF 63(2):139-140. CELD ID 24916.

19. Yerxa, DA. 2011.

Book review: Science and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith in the Age of Science by Michael Ruse
PSCF 63(2):140. CELD ID 24917.

20. Bolyanatz, AH. 2011.

Book review: Why Gods Persist: A Scientific Approach to Religion edited by Robert A. Hinde
PSCF 63(2):141. CELD ID 24918.

21. Cleaver, GB. 2011.

Book review: The Universe-Order without Design by Carlos I. Calle
PSCF 63(2):141-143. CELD ID 24919.

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