1. Wiseman, J. 2011. Civil discourse and the ASAPSCF 63(1):1-2. CELD ID 24872.
Civil discourse and the ASA
2. Yong, A. 2011. Reading Scripture and Nature: Pentecostal Hermeneutics and Their Implications for the Contemporary Evangelical Theology and Science ConversationPSCF 63(1):3-15. CELD ID 24873.
Reading Scripture and Nature: Pentecostal Hermeneutics and Their Implications for the Contemporary Evangelical Theology and Science Conversation
3. Gingerich, O. 2011. Kepler and the Laws of NaturePSCF 63(1):17-23. CELD ID 24874.
Kepler and the Laws of Nature
4. Helble, TK. 2011. Sediment Transport and the Coconino Sandstone: A Reality Check on Flood GeologyPSCF 63(1):25-41. CELD ID 24875.
Sediment Transport and the Coconino Sandstone: A Reality Check on Flood Geology
5. Larson, R. 2011. Design or the Multiverse?PSCF 63(1):42-47. CELD ID 24876.
Design or the Multiverse?
6. Kaita, R. 2011. Essay Book Review: Establishing a Meaningful Dialog Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think by Elaine EcklundPSCF 63(1):48-50. CELD ID 24877.
Essay Book Review: Establishing a Meaningful Dialog Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think by Elaine Ecklund
7. Murphy, N. 2011. Essay Book Review: Relations Between Theological and Scientific Methodologies Philosophy of Science for Theologians by Gijsbert van den Brink, translated by Chris JobyPSCF 63(1):51-53. CELD ID 24878.
Essay Book Review: Relations Between Theological and Scientific Methodologies Philosophy of Science for Theologians by Gijsbert van den Brink, translated by Chris Joby
8. Guta, MP. 2011. Letter: Neuroscience or Neuroscientism?PSCF 63(1):69-70. CELD ID 24879.
Letter: Neuroscience or Neuroscientism?
9. Augustiny, E. 2011. Letter: Reaction to September 2010 PSCF IssuePSCF 63(1):70-71. CELD ID 24880.
Letter: Reaction to September 2010 PSCF Issue
10. McGrath, G. 2011. Letter: Response to John CollinsPSCF 63(1):71. CELD ID 24881.
Letter: Response to John Collins
11. Seely, PH. 2011. Letter: Absolute Biblical Inerrancy Is Not BiblicalPSCF 63(1):71-72. CELD ID 24882.
Letter: Absolute Biblical Inerrancy Is Not Biblical
12. Lamoureux, DO. 2011. Letter: Lamoureux' Response to MontgomeryPSCF 63(1):72. CELD ID 24883.
Letter: Lamoureux' Response to Montgomery
13. Peterson, J. 2011. Book review: Medical ethics and the faith factor: A Handbook for Clergy and Health-Care Professionals by Robert D. OrrPSCF 63(1):55. CELD ID 24884.
Book review: Medical ethics and the faith factor: A Handbook for Clergy and Health-Care Professionals by Robert D. Orr
14. Miller, RJ. 2011. Book review: Autonomy and Food Biotechnology in Theological Ethics by Cathriona RussellPSCF 63(1):55-56. CELD ID 24885.
Book review: Autonomy and Food Biotechnology in Theological Ethics by Cathriona Russell
15. Petcher, DN. 2011. Book review: The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom by Graham FarmeloPSCF 63(1):56-58. CELD ID 24886.
Book review: The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom by Graham Farmelo
16. Matheson, SF. 2011. Book review: Inside the Human Genome: A Case for Non-Intelligent Design by John C. AvisePSCF 63(1):58-59. CELD ID 24887.
Book review: Inside the Human Genome: A Case for Non-Intelligent Design by John C. Avise
17. Jongsma, C. 2011. Book review: Routes of Learning: Highways, Pathways, and Byways in the History of Mathematics by Ivor Grattan-GuinnessPSCF 63(1):59-60. CELD ID 24888.
Book review: Routes of Learning: Highways, Pathways, and Byways in the History of Mathematics by Ivor Grattan-Guinness
18. Winters, S. 2011. Book review: Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics by James J. GiordanoPSCF 63(1):61-62. CELD ID 24889.
Book review: Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives in Neuroethics by James J. Giordano
19. Yerxa, DA. 2011. Book review: Absence of Mind: The Dispelling of Inwardness from the Modern Myth of the Self by Marilynne RobinsonPSCF 63(1):62. CELD ID 24890.
Book review: Absence of Mind: The Dispelling of Inwardness from the Modern Myth of the Self by Marilynne Robinson
20. Auday, BC. 2011. Book review: Paul in Ecstasy: The Neurobiology of the Apostle's Life and Thought by Colleen ShantzPSCF 63(1):62-63. CELD ID 24891.
Book review: Paul in Ecstasy: The Neurobiology of the Apostle's Life and Thought by Colleen Shantz
21. Yong, A. 2011. Book review: How God Acts: Cration, Redemption, and Special Divine Action by Denis EdwardsPSCF 63(1):63-64. CELD ID 24892.
Book review: How God Acts: Cration, Redemption, and Special Divine Action by Denis Edwards
22. Schickel, JA. 2011. Book review: Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Intersubjectivity: A New Paradigm for Relgion and Science by Joseph A. BrackenPSCF 63(1):64-65. CELD ID 24893.
Book review: Subjectivity, Objectivity, and Intersubjectivity: A New Paradigm for Relgion and Science by Joseph A. Bracken
23. Haas, JW. 2011. Book review: Decoding the Language of God: Can a Scientist Really be a Believer? by George C. CunninghamPSCF 63(1):65-66. CELD ID 24894.
Book review: Decoding the Language of God: Can a Scientist Really be a Believer? by George C. Cunningham
24. Holland, JD. 2011. Book review: God's Brain by Lionel Tiger and Michael McGuirePSCF 63(1):66-67. CELD ID 24895.
Book review: God's Brain by Lionel Tiger and Michael McGuire
25. Murphy, GL. 2011. Book review: Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God, and The Drama of Life by John F. HaughtPSCF 63(1):67-68. CELD ID 24896.
Book review: Making Sense of Evolution: Darwin, God, and The Drama of Life by John F. Haught
26. Mann, RB. 2011. Book review: Religious Ideas for Secular Universities by C. John SommervillePSCF 63(1):68-69. CELD ID 24897.
Book review: Religious Ideas for Secular Universities by C. John Sommerville
27. Halsmer, DM. 2011. Book review: Questions of Truth: Fifty-One Responses to Questions about God, Science, and Belief by John PolkinghornePSCF 63(1):69. CELD ID 24898.
Book review: Questions of Truth: Fifty-One Responses to Questions about God, Science, and Belief by John Polkinghorne