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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 62(2)

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1. Stanford, MS. 2010.

Guest Editorial: Psychology, Neuroscience, and the American Scientific Affiliation
PSCF 62(2):73-74. CELD ID 24652.

2. Moes, P. 2010.

Minding Emotions: The Embodied Nature of Emotional Self-Regulation
PSCF 62(2):75-87. CELD ID 24653.

3. Seybold, KS. 2010.

Biology of Spirituality
PSCF 62(2):89-98. CELD ID 24654.

4. Moberg, DO. 2010.

Spirituality Research: Measuring the Immeasurable?
PSCF 62(2):99-114. CELD ID 24655.

5. Trenn, TJ. 2010.

Conscious Experience and Science: Signs of Transition
PSCF 62(2):115-121. CELD ID 24656.

6. Jones, DG. 2010.

Peering into People's Brains: Neuroscience's Intrusion into Our Inner Sanctum
PSCF 62(2):122-132. CELD ID 24657.

7. Lamoureux, DO. 2010.

The Erosion of Biblical Inerrancy, or Toward a More Biblical View of the Inerrant Word of God? Essay Review of The Erosion of Inerrancy in Evangelicalism: Responding to New Challenges to Biblical Authority by G.K. Beale
PSCF 62(2):133-138. CELD ID 24658.

8. Malony, HN. 2010.

Book review: Grace for the Afflicted: A Clinical and Biblical Perspective on Mental Illness by Matthew S. Stanford
PSCF 62(2):139. CELD ID 24659.

9. Struthers, WM. 2010.

Book review: Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion: Illusions, Delusions, and Realities about Human Nature by Malcolm Jeeves and Warren S. Brown
PSCF 62(2):139-140. CELD ID 24660.

10. Zweir, KJ. 2010.

Book review: Sacred Desire: Growing in Compassionate Living by Nancy K. Morrison and Sally K. Severino
PSCF 62(2):140-142. CELD ID 24661.

11. Auday, BC. 2010.

Book review: How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist by Andrew Newberg and Mark R. Waldman
PSCF 62(2):142. CELD ID 24662.

12. Parsons, L. 2010.

Letter to the editor: A tale of two randomnesses
PSCF 62(2):143. CELD ID 24663.

13. Guta, MP. 2010.

Letter to the editor: How far can science take us?
PSCF 62(2):143-144. CELD ID 24664.

14. Story, CM. 2010.

Letter to the editor: Story responds to Parsons and Guta
PSCF 62(2):144. CELD ID 24665.

15. Seely, P. 2010.

Letter to the editor: A good revelation about revelation
PSCF 62(2):144. CELD ID 24666.

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