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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 62(1)

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1. Leegwater, A. 2010.

Living as Part of the Story
PSCF 62(1):1-2. CELD ID 24634.

2. Rusthoven, JJ. 2010.

Understanding Medical Relationships through a Covenantal Ethical Perspective
PSCF 62(1):3-15. CELD ID 24635.

3. VandenBerg, ML. 2010.

What general revelation does (and does not) tell us
PSCF 62(1):16-24. CELD ID 24636.

4. Keas, MN. 2010.

Darwinism, Fundamentalism, and R.A. Torry
PSCF 62(1):25-51. CELD ID 24637.

5. Compton, JJ. 2010.

Arthur Holly Compton: The Adventures of a Citizen Scientist
PSCF 62(1):53-60. CELD ID 24638.

6. Curry, J. 2010.

Book review: The Nature of Being Human: From Environmentalism to Consciousness by Harold Fromm
PSCF 62(1):61-62. CELD ID 24639.

7. Boums, R. 2010.

Book review: Dominion over Wildlife? An Environmental Theology of Human-Wildlife Relations by Stephen M. Vantassel
PSCF 62(1):62. CELD ID 24640.

8. Sikkema, AE. 2010.

Book review: The Age of Entanglement: When Quantum Physics Was Reborn by Louisa Gilder
PSCF 62(1):62-63. CELD ID 24641.

9. Zwier, PJ. 2010.

Book review: Naming Infinity: A True Story of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity by Loren Graham and Jean-Michel Kantor
PSCF 62(1):63-64. CELD ID 24642.

10. Haarsma, L; Haarsma, D. 2010.

Book review: Creation or Evolution: Do We Have to Choose by Denis Alexander
PSCF 62(1):35-36. CELD ID 24643.

11. Bishop, RC. 2010.

Book review: Creating Scientific Concepts by Nancy J. Nersessian
PSCF 62(1):66-67. CELD ID 24644.

12. Bradley, J. 2010.

Book review: The Open Secret: A New Vision for Natural Theology by Alister E. McGrath
PSCF 62(1):67-68. CELD ID 24645.

13. Wharton, W. 2010.

Book review: Quantum Gods by Victor J. Stenger
PSCF 62(1):68. CELD ID 24646.

14. Tsui, T. 2010.

Book review: Nature's Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith by Daniel M. Harrell
PSCF 62(1):68-69. CELD ID 24647.

15. Kennett, RH. 2010.

Book review: Chance or Dance: An Evaluation of Design by Jimmy H. Davis and Harry L. Poe
PSCF 62(1):69-70. CELD ID 24648.

16. Yerxa, DA. 2010.

Book review: Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies by David Bentley Hart
PSCF 62(1):70-71. CELD ID 24649.

17. Anderson, C. 2010.

Book review: Sciences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities by Sandra Harding
PSCF 62(1):71-72. CELD ID 24650.

18. Peterson, J. 2010.

Book review: A Cord of Multiple Strands: An Evidence-Based Assessment of Christian Truth Claims by Kenell J. Touryan
PSCF 62(1):72. CELD ID 24651.

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