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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 61(1)

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1. Leegwater, A. 2009.

The two-book metaphor: what questions do we need to ask?
PSCF 61(1):1-2. CELD ID 22067.

2. Hall, JW. 2009.

Chance for a purpose
PSCF 61(1):3-11. CELD ID 22068.

3. Larson, RG. 2009.

Revisiting the God of the gaps
PSCF 61(1):13-22. CELD ID 22069.

4. Pitts, JB. 2009.

Nonexistence of Humphreys' "volume cooling" for terrestrial heat disposal by cosmic expansion
PSCF 61(1):23-28. CELD ID 22070.

5. Prevost, R. 2009.

Athens meets Jerusalem: revelation for philosophers
PSCF 61(1):29-38. CELD ID 22071.

6. Sollereder, B. 2009.

God and evolution: a review of four contemporary books
PSCF 61(1):40-48. CELD ID 22072.

7. Flietstra, RJ. 2009.

Book review: Christians, the Care of Creation, and Global Climate Change
PSCF 61(1):49. CELD ID 22073.

8. Peterson, JC. 2009.

Book review: Theology, Disability and the New Genetics: Why Science Needs the Church and Theology and Down Syndrome: Reimagining Disability in Late Modernity
PSCF 61(1):49-50. CELD ID 22074.

9. Petcher, DN. 2009.

Book review: Quantum Shift in the Global Brain: How the New Scientific Reality Can Change Us and Our World
PSCF 61(1):50-51. CELD ID 22075.

10. Auday, BC. 2009.

Book review: Consciousness, Self-Consciousness, and the Science of Being Human
PSCF 61(1):51. CELD ID 22076.

11. Blair, AL. 2009.

Book review: Science and Scientism in Nineteenth-Century Europe
PSCF 61(1):52-53. CELD ID 22077.

12. McCall, B. 2009.

Book review: The God Who Makes Things Happen
PSCF 61(1):53-54. CELD ID 22078.

13. Peterson, JC. 2009.

Book review: The Groaning of Creation: God, Evolution, and the Problem of Evil
PSCF 61(1):54. CELD ID 22079.

14. Deibler, T. 2009.

Book review: The Groaning of Creation: God, Evolution, and the Problem of Evil
PSCF 61(1):54-56. CELD ID 22080.

15. Hilton, K. 2009.

Book review: God after Darwin: A Theology for Evolution
PSCF 61(1):56-57. CELD ID 22081.

16. Downing, C. 2009.

Book review: Victorian Religion: Faith and Life in Britain
PSCF 61(1):57-58. CELD ID 22082.

17. Wharton, W. 2009.

Book review: Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, and Religion
PSCF 61(1):58-59. CELD ID 22083.

18. Yerxa, DA. 2009.

Book review: Adam's Ancestors: Race, Religion, and the Politics of Human Origins
PSCF 61(1):59-60. CELD ID 22084.

19. Ruse, M. 2009.

Book review: The Bible, Rocks and Time: The Geological Evidence for the Age of the Earth
PSCF 61(1):60. CELD ID 22085.

20. Leegwater, A. 2009.

Book review: Practical Mystic: Religion, Science, and A.S. Eddington
PSCF 61(1):60-61. CELD ID 22086.

21. DeWeerd, AJ. 2009.

Book review: Religion and the Physical Sciences
PSCF 61(1):61-62. CELD ID 22087.

22. Leegwater, A. 2009.

Book review: The Two Books: Historical Notes on Some Interactions between Natural Science and Theology
PSCF 61(1):62. CELD ID 22088.

23. Godfrey, TJ. 2009.

Facing abominable mysteries
PSCF 61(1):62-63. CELD ID 22089.

24. Duff, RJ. 2009.

Not all mysteries are equivalent
PSCF 61(1):63-64. CELD ID 22090.

25. Siemens, DF. 2009.

Does philosophy justify ID?
PSCF 61(1):64. CELD ID 22091.

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