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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 60(3)

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1. Isaac, R. 2008.

PSCF: a retro- and prospective
PSCF 60(3):145. CELD ID 21997.

2. Larsen, T. 2008.

"War is over, if you want it": beyond the conflict between faith and science
PSCF 60(3):147-155. CELD ID 21998.

3. Curry, J. 2008.

Christians and climate change: a social framework of analysis
PSCF 60(3):156-164. CELD ID 21999.

4. Duff, RJ. 2008.

Flood geology's abominable mystery
PSCF 60(3):166-177. CELD ID 22000.

5. Peck, E. 2008.

Faith in the halls of science: a conversation with Ian Hutchinson
PSCF 60(3):178-184. CELD ID 22001.

6. DeHaan, DO. 2008.

Book review: Ignoring the Apocalypse: Why Planning to Prevent Environmental Catastrophe Goes Astray
PSCF 60(3):185. CELD ID 22002.

7. Gushee, DP. 2008.

Book review: Imitating Jesus: An Inclusive Approach to New Testament Ethics
PSCF 60(3):185-186. CELD ID 22003.

8. Stearley, R. 2008.

Book review: The Age of Everything: How Science Explores the Past
PSCF 60(3):186-187. CELD ID 22004.

9. Pohl, JF. 2008.

Book review: Faith and Health: Religion, Science, and Public Policy
PSCF 60(3):187. CELD ID 22005.

10. Pohl, JF. 2008.

Book review: The Light: How Stress Poisons the Central Nervous System and Causes ADHD, Parkinson's Disease, Schizophrenia, Autoimmune Response and More
PSCF 60(3):187-188. CELD ID 22006.

11. Fleming, FF. 2008.

Book review: The Dialogue of Civilizations in the Birth of Modern Science
PSCF 60(3):88-89. CELD ID 22007.

12. Page, D. 2008.

Book review: Relics of Eden: The Powerful Evidence of Evolution in Human DNA
PSCF 60(3):189. CELD ID 22008.

13. Cheung, WW. 2008.

Book review: Science, Evolution, and Creationism
PSCF 60(3):189-190. CELD ID 22009.

14. Lechner, JH. 2008.

Book review: Random Designer: Created from Chaos to Connect with the Creator
PSCF 60(3):190-191. CELD ID 22010.

15. McCall, B. 2008.

Book review: A World of Difference: Putting Christian Truth Claims to the Worldview Test
PSCF 60(3):191. CELD ID 22011.

16. Malony, HN. 2008.

Book review: Did My Neurons Make Me Do It? Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free Will
PSCF 60(3):191-192. CELD ID 22012.

17. Haag, JW. 2008.

Book review: Evolution and Emergence: Systems, Organisms, Persons
PSCF 60(3):192-193. CELD ID 22013.

18. Murphy, GL. 2008.

Book review: Reconstructing a Christian Theology of Nature: Down to Earth
PSCF 60(3):193-194. CELD ID 22014.

19. Blair, AL. 2008.

Book review: Do You Believe? Conversations on God and Religion
PSCF 60(3):194-195. CELD ID 22015.

20. Strand, MA. 2008.

Book review: The Beginning of All Things: Science and Religion
PSCF 60(3):195. CELD ID 22016.

21. Yong, A. 2008.

Book review: The God of Nature: Incarnation and Contemporary Science
PSCF 60(3):195-196. CELD ID 22017.

22. Cheek, DW. 2008.

Book review: Religion and the Challenges of Science
PSCF 60(3):196. CELD ID 22018.

23. Dawson, W. 2008.

Book review: God's Mechanics: How Scientists and Engineers Make Sense of Religion
PSCF 60(3):197. CELD ID 22019.

24. Pinnock, CH. 2008.

Book review: God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response to Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens and The Dawkins Delusion? Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of Divine
PSCF 60(3):197-198. CELD ID 22020.

25. Dawson, W. 2008.

Book review: The God Theory: Universes, Zero-Point Fields, and What's behind It All
PSCF 60(3):198. CELD ID 22021.

26. Blair, AL. 2008.

Book review: Liberal Protestantism and Science
PSCF 60(3):198-199. CELD ID 22022.

27. Yamauchi, EM. 2008.

Book review: The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt: Sacred Science and the Mystery of Consciousness
PSCF 60(3):199-200. CELD ID 22023.

28. Topp, J. 2008.

Book review: A Scientific Search for Religious Truth
PSCF 60(3):200. CELD ID 22024.

29. Cook, H. 2008.

Book review: Evolution for Everyone: How Darwin's Theory Can Change the Way We Think about Our Lives
PSCF 60(3):200-201. CELD ID 22025.

30. Holland, JD. 2008.

Book review: Unexpected Grace: Stories of Faith, Science, and Altruism
PSCF 60(3):201-202. CELD ID 22026.

31. Topp, J. 2008.

Book review: Evolution and Religious Creation Myths: How Scientists Respond
PSCF 60(3):202-203. CELD ID 22027.

32. Bradley, J. 2008.

Book review: Creative Tension: Essays on Religion and Science
PSCF 60(3):203-204. CELD ID 22028.

33. Malony, HN. 2008.

Book review: Explorations in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Religion
PSCF 60(3):204-205. CELD ID 22029.

34. Cheek, DW. 2008.

Book review: Ex-gays? A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation
PSCF 60(3):205. CELD ID 22030.

35. Cheek, DW. 2008.

Book review: The Reception of Jacques Ellul's Critique of Technology: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings on His Life and Thought
PSCF 60(3):205-206. CELD ID 22031.

36. Hilton, K. 2008.

Book review: Technology and Spirituality: How the Information Revolution Affects Our Spiritual Lives
PSCF 60(3):206. CELD ID 22032.

37. Rust, P. 2008.

First man versus Adam in Genesis
PSCF 60(3):206-207. CELD ID 22033.

38. Yang, PS. 2008.

Does the Bible really "declare" the earth young?
PSCF 60(3):207. CELD ID 22034.

39. Alexanian, M. 2008.

Can science make the "breath" of God part of its subject matter?
PSCF 60(3):207-208. CELD ID 22035.

40. Siemens, DF. 2008.

AI, Scripture, and hardware
PSCF 60(3):208. CELD ID 22036.

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