1. Miller, RJ. 2007. Transitions: a way of lifePSCF 59(4):249. CELD ID 20913.
Transitions: a way of life
2. Ackerman, T. 2007. Global Warming: Scientific Basis and Christian ResponsesPSCF 59(4):250-264. CELD ID 20914.
Global Warming: Scientific Basis and Christian Responses
3. Swartzendruber, L. 2007. Global Warming: An anabaptist responds in sermonPSCF 59(4):265-267. CELD ID 20915.
Global Warming: An anabaptist responds in sermon
4. Cordry, SM. 2007. Six easy pieces: one pedagogical approach to integrating science/faith/origins into college-level introductory physics coursesPSCF 59(4):268-274. CELD ID 20916.
Six easy pieces: one pedagogical approach to integrating science/faith/origins into college-level introductory physics courses
5. Meehan, A. 2007. Paradise regained: Teaching science from a Christian standpoint in a postmodern agePSCF 59(4):275-282. CELD ID 20917.
Paradise regained: Teaching science from a Christian standpoint in a postmodern age
6. Boyd, CA. 2007. Using Galileo to teach Darwin: A developmental and historical approachPSCF 59(4):283-288. CELD ID 20918.
Using Galileo to teach Darwin: A developmental and historical approach
7. Moshier, SO; Arnold, D; Funck, LL; Lewis, RJ; Smith, AJ; Walton, JH; Wharton, WR. 2007. Theories of Origins: a multi- and interdisciplinary course for undergraduates at Wheaton CollegePSCF 59(4):289-296. CELD ID 20919.
Theories of Origins: a multi- and interdisciplinary course for undergraduates at Wheaton College
8. Bergman, J. 2007. The dangers of neutrality in the origins debatePSCF 59(4):297-302. CELD ID 20920.
The dangers of neutrality in the origins debate
9. Venema, DR. 2007. Through the eye of a needle: the science, art, and stewardship of pinhole photographyPSCF 59(4):303. CELD ID 20921.
Through the eye of a needle: the science, art, and stewardship of pinhole photography
10. Holland, JD. 2007. Book review: Theology That Matters: Ecology, Economy, and God edited by Darby Kathleen RayPSCF 59(4):305. CELD ID 20922.
Book review: Theology That Matters: Ecology, Economy, and God edited by Darby Kathleen Ray
11. Chaffey, CE. 2007. Book review: Religion and the New Ecology: Environmental Responsibility in a World in Flux edited by David M. Lodge and Christopher HamlinPSCF 59(4):305-306. CELD ID 20923.
Book review: Religion and the New Ecology: Environmental Responsibility in a World in Flux edited by David M. Lodge and Christopher Hamlin
12. Morton, GR. 2007. Book review: Cosmic Impressions by Walter ThirringPSCF 59(4):306-307. CELD ID 20924.
Book review: Cosmic Impressions by Walter Thirring
13. Haas, JW. 2007. Book review: John Calvin and the Natural World by Davis A. YoungPSCF 59(4):307-308. CELD ID 20925.
Book review: John Calvin and the Natural World by Davis A. Young
14. Yerxa, DA. 2007. Book review: The Physics of Christianity by Frank J. TiplerPSCF 59(4):308. CELD ID 20926.
Book review: The Physics of Christianity by Frank J. Tipler
15. Ruble, R. 2007. Book review: The Big Tree at George and Charlotte's House by Tomm StanleyPSCF 59(4):308-309. CELD ID 20927.
Book review: The Big Tree at George and Charlotte's House by Tomm Stanley
16. Robey, T. 2007. Book review: The Top 10 Myths about Evolution by Cameron M. Smith and Charles SullivanPSCF 59(4):309. CELD ID 20928.
Book review: The Top 10 Myths about Evolution by Cameron M. Smith and Charles Sullivan
17. Cheek, DW. 2007. Book review: Creation, Evolution and Meaning by Robin AttfieldPSCF 59(4):309-310. CELD ID 20929.
Book review: Creation, Evolution and Meaning by Robin Attfield
18. Yong, A. 2007. Book review: Doubting Darwin? Creationist Designs on Evolution by Sahotra SarkarPSCF 59(4):310-311. CELD ID 20930.
Book review: Doubting Darwin? Creationist Designs on Evolution by Sahotra Sarkar
19. Morton, GR. 2007. Book review: In Search of the Genesis World by Erich A. Von Von FangePSCF 59(4):310. CELD ID 20931.
Book review: In Search of the Genesis World by Erich A. Von Von Fange
20. Malony, HN. 2007. Book review: The Scopes "Monkey Trial" by Anne Janette JohnsonPSCF 59(4):311-312. CELD ID 20932.
Book review: The Scopes "Monkey Trial" by Anne Janette Johnson
21. Burgeson, JW. 2007. Book review: One World: The Interaction of Science and Theology by John C. PolkinghornePSCF 59(4):312. CELD ID 20933.
Book review: One World: The Interaction of Science and Theology by John C. Polkinghorne
22. Tyson, B. 2007. Book review: Science, Religion and the Meaning of Life by Mark VernonPSCF 59(4):312-313. CELD ID 20934.
Book review: Science, Religion and the Meaning of Life by Mark Vernon
23. Dawson, W. 2007. Book review: God, the Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows that God Does Not Exist by Victor J. StengerPSCF 59(4):313. CELD ID 20935.
Book review: God, the Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows that God Does Not Exist by Victor J. Stenger
24. Cheek, DW. 2007. Book review: How Should We Talk About Religion? Perspectives, Contexts, Particularities edited by James Boyd WhitePSCF 59(4):313. CELD ID 20936.
Book review: How Should We Talk About Religion? Perspectives, Contexts, Particularities edited by James Boyd White
25. Ruble, R. 2007. Book review: The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World by Stephen J. NicholsPSCF 59(4):313-314. CELD ID 20937.
Book review: The Reformation: How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World by Stephen J. Nichols
26. Flint, W. 2007. Book review: The Protestant Experience in America by Amanda PorterfieldPSCF 59(4):314-315. CELD ID 20938.
Book review: The Protestant Experience in America by Amanda Porterfield
27. Cheek, DW. 2007. Book review: God in the Classroom: Religion and America's Public Schools by R. Murray ThomasPSCF 59(4):315. CELD ID 20939.
Book review: God in the Classroom: Religion and America's Public Schools by R. Murray Thomas
28. Murphy, GL. 2007. Book review: Here, Eyeball This! by David HeddlePSCF 59(4):315. CELD ID 20940.
Book review: Here, Eyeball This! by David Heddle
29. Seybold, K. 2007. Book review: Something There: The Biology of the Human Spirit by David HayPSCF 59(4):315-316. CELD ID 20941.
Book review: Something There: The Biology of the Human Spirit by David Hay
30. Malony, HN. 2007. Book review: Freud's Wizard: Ernest Jones and the Transformation of Psychoanalysis by Brenda MaddoxPSCF 59(4):316-317. CELD ID 20942.
Book review: Freud's Wizard: Ernest Jones and the Transformation of Psychoanalysis by Brenda Maddox
31. Jones, DG. 2007. Letter: Coping with bioethical dilemmas in the Christian communityPSCF 59(4):317-318. CELD ID 20943.
Letter: Coping with bioethical dilemmas in the Christian community
32. Schneider, RC. 2007. Letter: Seeking the Emergence of Created Man and WomanPSCF 59(4):318. CELD ID 20944.
Letter: Seeking the Emergence of Created Man and Woman
33. McGrath, G. 2007. Letter: The Gap in CreationPSCF 59(4):318-319. CELD ID 20945.
Letter: The Gap in Creation