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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 59(3)

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1. Miller, R. 2007.

The elusive virtue, Gelassenheit, and feet washing
PSCF 59(3):169-170. CELD ID 21876.

2. Kaiser, CB. 2007.

Science-fostering belief - then and now
PSCF 59(3):171-181. CELD ID 21877.

3. Rust, P. 2007.

Early humans, Adam, and inspiration
PSCF 59(3):182-193. CELD ID 21878.

4. Siemens, DF. 2007.

Extended Humpty Dumpty semantics and Genesis 1
PSCF 59(3):194-200. CELD ID 21879.

5. Funk, K. 2007.

Thinking critically and Christianly about technology
PSCF 59(3):201-211. CELD ID 21880.

6. Wedemeyer, DM. 2007.

I think he made zebras by hand
PSCF 59(3):212. CELD ID 21881.

7. Poe, HL; Mytyk, CR. 2007.

From scientific method to methodological naturalism: the evolution of an idea
PSCF 59(3):213-218. CELD ID 21882.

8. Buratovich, M. 2007.

The origin of eukaryotic cells
PSCF 59(3):219-223. CELD ID 21883.

9. Korstad, J. 2007.

Stewardship of an aquatic habitat on the campus of Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma
PSCF 59(3):224-225. CELD ID 21884.

10. Rogland, R. 2007.

Residual radiocarbon in an old-earth scenario
PSCF 59(3):226-228. CELD ID 21885.

11. Koonz, M. 2007.

Book Review: God for the 21st Century
PSCF 59(3):229. CELD ID 21886.

12. Bruggink, PR. 2007.

Book Review: Jacob's Mirror: A Reconciliation of Science and Religion
PSCF 59(3):229-230. CELD ID 21887.

13. Barden, CJ. 2007.

Book Review: Eden's Garden: Rethinking Sin and Evil in an Era of Scientific Promise
PSCF 59(3):230-231. CELD ID 21888.

14. Yerxa, DA. 2007.

Book Review: Mysteries of the Middle Ages: The Rise of Feminism, Science, and the Arts from the Cults of Catholic Europe
PSCF 59(3):231. CELD ID 21889.

15. Cheek, DW. 2007.

Book Review: Oracles of Science: Celebrity Scientists Versus God and Religion
PSCF 59(3):231-232. CELD ID 21890.

16. Fleming, FF. 2007.

Book Review: A Meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature
PSCF 59(3):232. CELD ID 21891.

17. Cheek, DW. 2007.

Book Review: Evolution: A Scientific American Reader
PSCF 59(3):232-233. CELD ID 21892.

18. Koonz, M. 2007.

Book Review: Darwin's Nemesis: Phillip Johnson and the Intelligent Design Movement
PSCF 59(3):233-234. CELD ID 21893.

19. Cordry, SM. 2007.

Book Review: Understanding Genesis: Contemporary Adventist Perspectives
PSCF 59(3):234. CELD ID 21894.

20. Nield, D. 2007.

Book Review: Cosmic Jackpot: Why Our Universe Is Just Right for Life
PSCF 59(3):234-235. CELD ID 21895.

21. Nield, D. 2007.

Book Review: Living with Darwin: Evolution, Design, and the Future of Faith
PSCF 59(3):235. CELD ID 21896.

22. Behnke, J. 2007.

Book Review: The Order of Things: Explorations in Scientific Theology
PSCF 59(3):236. CELD ID 21897.

23. Woolley, T. 2007.

Book Review: Uncertainty: Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, and the Struggle for the Soul of Science
PSCF 59(3):236-237. CELD ID 21898.

24. Haas, JW. 2007.

Book Review: Panentheism: The Other God of the Philosophers - From Plato to the Present
PSCF 59(3):237-238. CELD ID 21899.

25. Opderbeck, DW. 2007.

Book Review: The Passionate Intellect: Incarnational Humanism and the Future of University Education
PSCF 59(3):238. CELD ID 21900.

26. Pearson, TD. 2007.

Book Review: The Evolution of Rationality: Interdisciplinary Essays in Honor of J. Wentzel Van Huyssteen
PSCF 59(3):239. CELD ID 21901.

27. Bishop, S. 2007.

Book Review: Escape from Reason: A Penetrating Analysis of Trends in Modern Thought
PSCF 59(3):239-240. CELD ID 21902.

28. Harvey, AH. 2007.

Book Review: Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the Faith and Threatens America
PSCF 59(3):240. CELD ID 21903.

29. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book Review: The Night Is Far Spent
PSCF 59(3):241. CELD ID 21904.

30. Bowman, D. 2007.

Book Review: Religion in Schools: Controversies around the World
PSCF 59(3):241-242. CELD ID 21905.

31. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book Review: The Well and the Shallows
PSCF 59(3):242. CELD ID 21906.

32. Morledge, C. 2007.

Book Review: The Age of Reason
PSCF 59(3):242-243. CELD ID 21907.

33. Cutforth-Anderson, L. 2007.

Book Review: Paul Meets Muhammad: A Christian-Muslim Debate on the Resurrection
PSCF 59(3):243. CELD ID 21908.

34. Holland, JD. 2007.

Book Review: Doubting: Growing through the Uncertainties of Faith
PSCF 59(3):243-244. CELD ID 21909.

35. Cheek, DW. 2007.

Book Review: Where God and Science Meet: How Brain and Evolutionary Studies Alter Our Understanding of Religion
PSCF 59(3):244. CELD ID 21910.

36. Cheek, DW. 2007.

Book Review: The Marketplace of Christianity
PSCF 59(3):244-245. CELD ID 21911.

37. Lancaster, G. 2007.

Book Review: Why This New Race: Ethnic Reasoning in Early Christianity
PSCF 59(3):245-246. CELD ID 21912.

38. Young, M. 2007.

Book Review: Dark Ages: The Case for a Science of Human Behavior
PSCF 59(3):246. CELD ID 21913.

39. Campbell, P. 2007.

Amplification on two evolutionary claims: a response to Pattle Pun
PSCF 59(3):246-247. CELD ID 21914.

40. Hafner, FH. 2007.

What the "big bang" really was!
PSCF 59(3):247. CELD ID 21915.

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