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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 59(1)

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1. Miller, RJ. 2007.

Do we debate or dialogue issues of science and faith?
PSCF 59(1):1. CELD ID 20739.

2. Johnson, LT. 2007.

PSCF 59(1):3-9. CELD ID 20740.

3. Lebacqz, K. 2007.

Pandemic justice
PSCF 59(1):10-18. CELD ID 20741.

4. Deane-Drummond, C. 2007.

A recovery of wisdom as virtue for an ethics of genetics
PSCF 59(1):19-27. CELD ID 20742.

5. Young, DA. 2007.

How old is it? How do we know? A review of dating methods - part two: radiometric dating: mineral, isochron and concordia methods
PSCF 59(1):28-36. CELD ID 20743.

6. Seely, P. 2007.

Concordism and a biblical alternative: an examination of Hugh Ross's perspective
PSCF 59(1):37-45. CELD ID 20744.

7. Ross, H. 2007.

Additional explanations on concordism: A response to Paul Seely's critique
PSCF 59(1):46-50. CELD ID 20745.

8. Seely, P. 2007.

Reading modern science into scripture
PSCF 59(1):51-54. CELD ID 20746.

9. Haarsma, L. 2007.

Is Intelligent Design "Scientific"?
PSCF 59(1):55-62. CELD ID 20747.

10. Behe, MJ. 2007.

The positive side of intelligent design: a response to Loren Haarsma
PSCF 59(1):63. CELD ID 20748.

11. Harsma, L. 2007.

The filter aspect of intelligent design: a reply to Michael J. Behe
PSCF 59(1):64. CELD ID 20749.

12. Bloom, JA. 2007.

Intelligent design and evolution: do we know yet?
PSCF 59(1):65. CELD ID 20750.

13. Poe, HL. 2007.

Sand castles; or, ode to Charlie
PSCF 59(1):66. CELD ID 20751.

14. Poe, HL. 2007.

The arrow of time
PSCF 59(1):67. CELD ID 20752.

15. Arveson, P. 2007.

Salvaged stone
PSCF 59(1):68. CELD ID 20753.

16. Whitby, L. 2007.

Hives save lives
PSCF 59(1):69-70. CELD ID 20754.

17. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book review: Jesus and Archaeology
PSCF 59(1):71. CELD ID 20755.

18. Harvey, AH. 2007.

Book review: Serve God, Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action
PSCF 59(1):71-72. CELD ID 20756.

19. Holland, JD. 2007.

Book review: Dancing at the Dead Sea: Tracking the World's Environmental Hot Spots
PSCF 59(1):72. CELD ID 20757.

20. Nield, D. 2007.

Book review: Environmental Stewardship: Critical Perspectives - Past and Present
PSCF 59(1):72-73. CELD ID 20758.

21. Mickleson, K. 2007.

Book review: Science, Soul, and the Spirit of Nature: Leading Thinkers on the Restoration of Man and Creation
PSCF 59(1):73-74. CELD ID 20759.

22. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book review: Living the Good Life on God's Good Earth
PSCF 59(1):74. CELD ID 20760.

23. Osepchuk, JM. 2007.

Book review: Quarks, Chaos and Christianity
PSCF 59(1):74. CELD ID 20761.

24. Burgeson, JW. 2007.

Book review: Wonder and Wisdom: Conversations in Science, Spirituality, and Theology
PSCF 59(1):75. CELD ID 20762.

25. Morton, GR. 2007.

Book review: Worlds of Their Own: Insights into PseudoScience from Creationism to the End Times
PSCF 59(1):75-76. CELD ID 20763.

26. Touryan, KJ. 2007.

Book review: Creation as Science
PSCF 59(1):76. CELD ID 20764.

27. Morrison, T. 2007.

Book review: Perspectives on an Evolving Creation
PSCF 59(1):76-77. CELD ID 20765.

28. Morton, GR. 2007.

Book review: A Biblical Case for an Old Earth
PSCF 59(1):77-78. CELD ID 20766.

29. Herren, F. 2007.

Book review: Original Selfishness: Original Sin and Evil in the Light of Evolution
PSCF 59(1):78-79. CELD ID 20767.

30. Haas, JW. 2007.

Book review: The Counter-Creationism Handbook
PSCF 59(1):79. CELD ID 20768.

31. Holland, JD. 2007.

Book review: Creation Set Free: The Spirit as Liberator of Nature
PSCF 59(1):79-80. CELD ID 20769.

32. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book review: Christianity and the Secular
PSCF 59(1):80-81. CELD ID 20770.

33. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book review: The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation
PSCF 59(1):81. CELD ID 20771.

34. Drozdek, A. 2007.

Book review: God from the Machine: Artificial Intelligence Models of Religious Cognition
PSCF 59(1):81-82. CELD ID 20772.

35. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book review: Stumbling on Happiness
PSCF 59(1):82-83. CELD ID 20773.

36. Ruble, R. 2007.

Book review: Ending Poverty: A 20/20 Vision
PSCF 59(1):83. CELD ID 20774.

37. Burgeson, JW. 2007.

Book review: American Theocracy: The Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil and Borrowed Money in the 21st Century
PSCF 59(1):83-84. CELD ID 20775.

38. Mino, J. 2007.

Author Corrects the "Science or Sience" Article
PSCF 59(1):84. CELD ID 20776.

39. Woodburn, JH. 2007.

Life and energy are siblings entities
PSCF 59(1):84-85. CELD ID 20777.

40. Alexanian, M. 2007.

Theistic science: the metaphysics of science
PSCF 59(1):85-86. CELD ID 20778.

41. Clouser, R. 2007.

Clouser's Response to Alexanian
PSCF 59(1):86. CELD ID 20779.

42. McCallum, JB. 2007.

Are the products of ANT and SCNT equivalent? A response to Peterson
PSCF 59(1):86-87. CELD ID 20780.

43. Peterson, JC. 2007.

Peterson's Response to McCallum
PSCF 59(1):87. CELD ID 20781.

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