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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 57(4)

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1. Hearn, WR. 2005.

F. Alton Everest (1909-2005): Founder and first president of ASA
PSCF 57(4):265-266. CELD ID 20142.

2. Wharton, WR. 2005.

The importance of causality in quantum mechanics
PSCF 57(4):268-278. CELD ID 20143.

3. Carter, BM. 2005.

The limitations of mathematics in assessing causality
PSCF 57(4):279-283. CELD ID 20144.

4. Hendrickson, KE. 2005.

Historical method and the intelligent design movement part I: intelligent design movement as a foray in secularization theory
PSCF 57(4):284-300. CELD ID 20145.

5. Hendrickson, KE. 2005.

Historical method and the intelligent design movement part II: a historical critique of a historical critique
PSCF 57(4):292-301. CELD ID 20146.

6. Mann, RB. 2005.

Inconstant multiverse
PSCF 57(4):302-310. CELD ID 20147.

7. Rusthoven, JJ. 2005.

Current concepts of capacity and autonomy in medical decision-making: a critique from a Christian's perspective
PSCF 57(4):311-317. CELD ID 20148.

8. Bontrager, KK. 2005.

The history of the universe in a nutshell: reflections on 2 Peter 3
PSCF 57(4):318-324. CELD ID 20149.

9. Schaefer, HF. 2005.

Book review: Who Was Adam?
PSCF 57(4):325. CELD ID 20150.

10. Rogland, R. 2005.

Book review: Bones of Contention: A Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils
PSCF 57(4):325-326. CELD ID 20151.

11. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: The Splendor of Creation: A Biblical Ecology
PSCF 57(4):326. CELD ID 20152.

12. Burgeson, JW. 2005.

Book review: The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead
PSCF 57(4):326-327. CELD ID 20153.

13. Peterson, JC. 2005.

Book review: Evolution and Ethics: Human Morality in Biological & Religious Perspective
PSCF 57(4):327. CELD ID 20154.

14. Rogland, R. 2005.

Book review: Fifty Years in Science and Religion: Ian G. Barbour and His Legacy
PSCF 57(4):327-328. CELD ID 20155.

15. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: Two Revelations: A High View of Science and Scripture
PSCF 57(4):328-329. CELD ID 20156.

16. Cheek, D. 2005.

Book review: Spiritual Information: 100 Perspectives on Science and Religion
PSCF 57(4):329. CELD ID 20157.

17. Freeman, LM. 2005.

Book review: Coming to Peace with Science: Bridging the Worlds between Faith and Biology
PSCF 57(4):329-330. CELD ID 20158.

18. Holland, JD. 2005.

Book review: How to Relate Science and Religion: A Multidimensional Model
PSCF 57(4):330-331. CELD ID 20159.

19. Owens, S. 2005.

Book review: How to Relate Science and Religion: A Multidimensional Model
PSCF 57(4):331-332. CELD ID 20160.

20. Burgeson, JW. 2005.

Book review: A Short History of Progress
PSCF 57(4):332. CELD ID 20161.

21. Cheek, D. 2005.

Book review: The Grand Contraption: The World as Myth, Number, and Chance
PSCF 57(4):332-333. CELD ID 20162.

22. Holland, JD. 2005.

Book review: On Human Nature
PSCF 57(4):333-334. CELD ID 20163.

23. Burgeson, JW. 2005.

Book review: Evolution vs Creationism: An Introduction
PSCF 57(4):334. CELD ID 20164.

24. Mickleson, K. 2005.

Book review: Evolution: The Disguised Friend of Faith? Selected Essays
PSCF 57(4):334-335. CELD ID 20165.

25. Fleming, FF. 2005.

Book review: God, the Multiverse, and Everything
PSCF 57(4):335. CELD ID 20166.

26. Rogland, R. 2005.

Book review: By Design or by Chance?
PSCF 57(4):336. CELD ID 20167.

27. Burgeson, JW. 2005.

Book review: The Evolution-Creation Struggle
PSCF 57(4):336-337. CELD ID 20168.

28. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: Creation
PSCF 57(4):337. CELD ID 20169.

29. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God
PSCF 57(4):337-338. CELD ID 20170.

30. Drozdek, A. 2005.

Book review: The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth
PSCF 57(4):338. CELD ID 20171.

31. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: The Uttermost Part of the Earth: A Guide to Places in the Bible
PSCF 57(4):338. CELD ID 20172.

32. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: The Women Who Danced by the Sea: Finding Ourselves in the Stories of Our Biblical Foremothers
PSCF 57(4):338-339. CELD ID 20173.

33. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: 444 Surprising Quotes about the Bible
PSCF 57(4):339. CELD ID 20174.

34. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: The Empty Tomb: Jesus Beyond the Grave
PSCF 57(4):339-340. CELD ID 20175.

35. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation
PSCF 57(4):340. CELD ID 20176.

36. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: What has Christianity Ever Done for Us? How It Shaped the Modern World
PSCF 57(4):340. CELD ID 20177.

37. Cheek, D. 2005.

Book review: Encyclopedia of Religion
PSCF 57(4):341. CELD ID 20178.

38. Burgeson, JW. 2005.

Book review: The Anonymous God: The Church Confronts Civil Religion and American Society
PSCF 57(4):341-342. CELD ID 20179.

39. Goetz, JE. 2005.

Serial endosymbiosis theory and the hierarchy of rps genes
PSCF 57(4):342. CELD ID 20180.

40. Eshelbrenner, D. 2005.

PSCF 57(4):342-343. CELD ID 20181.

41. Siemens, DF. 2005.

Did Isaac oversimplify his categories?
PSCF 57(4):343. CELD ID 20182.

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