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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 57(3)

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1. Miller, R. 2005.

Creative barn building
PSCF 57(3):169. CELD ID 20111.

2. Jeeves, M. 2005.

Neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and the image of God
PSCF 57(3):170-186. CELD ID 20112.

3. Siemens, DF. 2005.

Neuroscience, theology, and unintended consequences
PSCF 57(3):187-190. CELD ID 20113.

4. Rust, P. 2005.

Dimensions of the human being and of divine action
PSCF 57(3):191-201. CELD ID 20114.

5. Jones, DG. 2005.

Genetic prospects: finding a balance between choice and acceptance
PSCF 57(3):202-210. CELD ID 20115.

6. Bouma, H. 2005.

Challenges & lessons from the Terri Schiavo case
PSCF 57(3):212-220. CELD ID 20116.

7. Bergman, J. 2005.

The history of the dodo bird and the cause of its extinction
PSCF 57(3):221-229. CELD ID 20117.

8. Isaac, R. 2005.

From gaps to God
PSCF 57(3):230-233. CELD ID 20118.

9. Tanzella-Nitti, G. 2005.

The two books prior to the scientific revolution
PSCF 57(3):235-248. CELD ID 20119.

10. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature
PSCF 57(3):249. CELD ID 20120.

11. Holland, JD. 2005.

Book review: The Case for a Creator: A Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God
PSCF 57(3):249-250. CELD ID 20121.

12. Lechner, JH. 2005.

Book review: Coming to Peace with Science
PSCF 57(3):250-251. CELD ID 20122.

13. Strand, MA. 2005.

Book review: Science and the Renewal of Belief
PSCF 57(3):251. CELD ID 20123.

14. Alexanian, M. 2005.

Book review: A Sense of the Mysterious: Science and the Human Spirit
PSCF 57(3):251-252. CELD ID 20124.

15. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: Holy Cow: Does God Care What We Eat?
PSCF 57(3):252-253. CELD ID 20125.

16. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: A Short History of Nearly Everything
PSCF 57(3):253. CELD ID 20126.

17. Burgeson, JW. 2005.

Book review: Lightning Man: The Accursed Life of Samuel F. B. Morse
PSCF 57(3):253-254. CELD ID 20127.

18. Rogland, R. 2005.

Book review: Catholic Physics: Jesuit Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Germany
PSCF 57(3):254-255. CELD ID 20128.

19. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: Inside the Mind of God: Images and Words of Inner Space
PSCF 57(3):255. CELD ID 20129.

20. Murphy, GL. 2005.

Book review: By Design or by Chance?
PSCF 57(3):255-256. CELD ID 20130.

21. Murphy, GL. 2005.

Book review: Evolution from Creation to New Creation: Conflict, Conversation, and Convergence
PSCF 57(3):256-257. CELD ID 20131.

22. Vincent, MA. 2005.

Book review: God and Evolution: A Faith-based Understanding
PSCF 57(3):257. CELD ID 20132.

23. Fleming, FF. 2005.

Book review: The Science of God: An Introduction to Scientific Theology
PSCF 57(3):257-258. CELD ID 20133.

24. Mickleson, K. 2005.

Book review: The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason
PSCF 57(3):258-259. CELD ID 20134.

25. Karkalits, OC. 2005.

Book review: Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept
PSCF 57(3):259. CELD ID 20135.

26. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: Can a Smart Person Believe in God?
PSCF 57(3):259-260. CELD ID 20136.

27. Pedlar, TK. 2005.

Book review: Human Nature and the Freedom of Public Religious Expression
PSCF 57(3):260. CELD ID 20137.

28. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: A Brief History of Death
PSCF 57(3):260-262. CELD ID 20138.

29. Rogland, R. 2005.

Book review: Augustine to Freud: What Theologians Tell Us about Human Nature (And Why It Matters)
PSCF 57(3):262. CELD ID 20139.

30. Ruble, R. 2005.

Book review: Kindness in a Cruel World
PSCF 57(3):262-263. CELD ID 20140.

31. Siemens, DF. 2005.

Why tie ID to endosymbiosis?
PSCF 57(3):263. CELD ID 20141.

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