1. Miller, RJ. 2005. "When sickness comes ... and goes"PSCF 57(2):81. CELD ID 20066.
"When sickness comes ... and goes"
2. Phillips, PG. 2005. The thrice-supported big bangPSCF 57(2):82-96. CELD ID 20067.
The thrice-supported big bang
3. Buratovich, M. 2005. The serial endosymbiosis theory: cellular origins and intelligent designPSCF 57(2):98-113. CELD ID 20068.
The serial endosymbiosis theory: cellular origins and intelligent design
4. Seybold, KS. 2005. The untidiness of integration: John Stapylton HabgoodPSCF 57(2):114-119. CELD ID 20069.
The untidiness of integration: John Stapylton Habgood
5. Carter, BM. 2005. Richard Dawkins and the infected mindPSCF 57(2):120-125. CELD ID 20070.
Richard Dawkins and the infected mind
6. Woodburn, JH. 2005. Life, the ultimate challengePSCF 57(2):126-127. CELD ID 20071.
Life, the ultimate challenge
7. Blodgett, A. 2005. Results of a survey of archaeologists on the biblical FloodPSCF 57(2):128-129. CELD ID 20072.
Results of a survey of archaeologists on the biblical Flood
8. Morton, G. 2005. The world's oil supply revisitedPSCF 57(2):129-131. CELD ID 20073.
The world's oil supply revisited
9. Frair, W. 2005. Challenge of the tangles: re-evaluating concepts of life's originsPSCF 57(2):131-133. CELD ID 20074.
Challenge of the tangles: re-evaluating concepts of life's origins
10. Brown, AJ. 2005. The relevance of Augustine's view of creation re-evaluatedPSCF 57(2):134-145. CELD ID 20075.
The relevance of Augustine's view of creation re-evaluated
11. Condron, D. 2005. Book review: The Cave of John the Baptist: The Stunning Archaeological Discovery That Has Redefined Christian HistoryPSCF 57(2):147. CELD ID 20076.
Book review: The Cave of John the Baptist: The Stunning Archaeological Discovery That Has Redefined Christian History
12. Mickleson, K. 2005. Book review: The Image of God and the Biology of Adam: A New Look at the Theology and Natural History of Our BeginningsPSCF 57(2):147. CELD ID 20077.
Book review: The Image of God and the Biology of Adam: A New Look at the Theology and Natural History of Our Beginnings
13. Condron, D. 2005. Book review: The Cosmos as the Primary Sacrament: The Horizon for an Ecological Sacramental TheologyPSCF 57(2):147-148. CELD ID 20078.
Book review: The Cosmos as the Primary Sacrament: The Horizon for an Ecological Sacramental Theology
14. Koons, CB. 2005. Book review: Gaia's Gift: Earth, Ourselves, and God After CopernicusPSCF 57(2):148-149. CELD ID 20079.
Book review: Gaia's Gift: Earth, Ourselves, and God After Copernicus
15. Malony, HN. 2005. Book review: For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation CarePSCF 57(2):149. CELD ID 20080.
Book review: For the Beauty of the Earth: A Christian Vision for Creation Care
16. Malony, HN. 2005. Book review: Human Dignity in the Biotech CenturyPSCF 57(2):150. CELD ID 20081.
Book review: Human Dignity in the Biotech Century
17. Gruenwald, O. 2005. Book review: Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?PSCF 57(2):150-151. CELD ID 20082.
Book review: Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?
18. Fleming, FF. 2005. Book review: The Sacred Cosmos: Christian Faith and the Challenge of NaturalismPSCF 57(2):151. CELD ID 20083.
Book review: The Sacred Cosmos: Christian Faith and the Challenge of Naturalism
19. Hatkoff, S. 2005. Book review: God and Cosmos: A Christian View of Time, Space and the UniversePSCF 57(2):151-152. CELD ID 20084.
Book review: God and Cosmos: A Christian View of Time, Space and the Universe
20. Ruble, R. 2005. Book review: Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of LifePSCF 57(2):152-153. CELD ID 20085.
Book review: Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life
21. Burgeson, JW. 2005. Book review: Signor Marconi's Magic BoxPSCF 57(2):153. CELD ID 20086.
Book review: Signor Marconi's Magic Box
22. Ruble, R. 2005. Book review: Reflections on the Nature of GodPSCF 57(2):153. CELD ID 20087.
Book review: Reflections on the Nature of God
23. Karkalits, OC. 2005. Book review: Dismantling Evolution: Building the Case for Intelligent DesignPSCF 57(2):153-154. CELD ID 20088.
Book review: Dismantling Evolution: Building the Case for Intelligent Design
24. Malony, HN. 2005. Book review: In Whom We Live and Have Our Being: Panentheistic Reflections on God's Presence in a Scientific WorldPSCF 57(2):154. CELD ID 20089.
Book review: In Whom We Live and Have Our Being: Panentheistic Reflections on God's Presence in a Scientific World
25. Mickleson, KNP. 2005. Book review: Honest to Genesis: A Biblical and Scientific Challenge to CreationismPSCF 57(2):155. CELD ID 20090.
Book review: Honest to Genesis: A Biblical and Scientific Challenge to Creationism
26. Bartholomew, T. 2005. Book review: Honest to Genesis: A Biblical and Scientific Challenge to CreationismPSCF 57(2):155-156. CELD ID 20091.
27. Burgeson, JW. 2005. Book review: The Cosmic BlueprintPSCF 57(2):156-157. CELD ID 20092.
Book review: The Cosmic Blueprint
28. Harvey, AH. 2005. Book review: Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent DesignPSCF 57(2):157. CELD ID 20093.
Book review: Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design
29. Copan, P. 2005. Book review: Does God Exist? The Craig-Flew DebatePSCF 57(2):157-158. CELD ID 20094.
Book review: Does God Exist? The Craig-Flew Debate
30. Ruble, R. 2005. Book review: Christian Faith and the Problem of EvilPSCF 57(2):158-159. CELD ID 20095.
Book review: Christian Faith and the Problem of Evil
31. Haas, JW. 2005. Book review: The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview CatalogPSCF 57(2):159. CELD ID 20096.
Book review: The Universe Next Door: A Basic Worldview Catalog
32. Libbus, I. 2005. Book review: I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an AtheistPSCF 57(2):159-160. CELD ID 20097.
Book review: I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist
33. Haas, JW. 2005. Book review: Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible's Accuracy, Authority, and AuthenticityPSCF 57(2):160. CELD ID 20098.
Book review: Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible's Accuracy, Authority, and Authenticity
34. Ruble, R. 2005. Book review: The Resurrection of Christ: A Historical InquiryPSCF 57(2):161. CELD ID 20099.
Book review: The Resurrection of Christ: A Historical Inquiry
35. Malony, HN. 2005. Book review: Educating for Shalom: Essays on Christian Higher EducationPSCF 57(2):161-162. CELD ID 20100.
Book review: Educating for Shalom: Essays on Christian Higher Education
36. Haas, JW. 2005. Book review: The Cultures of Creationism: Anti-Evolutionism in English-Speaking CountriesPSCF 57(2):162-163. CELD ID 20101.
Book review: The Cultures of Creationism: Anti-Evolutionism in English-Speaking Countries
37. Hatkoff, S. 2005. Book review: Love That Works: The Art and Science of GivingPSCF 57(2):163. CELD ID 20102.
Book review: Love That Works: The Art and Science of Giving
38. Ruble, R. 2005. Book review: Psychology and the Bible: A New Way to Read the ScripturesPSCF 57(2):163-164. CELD ID 20103.
Book review: Psychology and the Bible: A New Way to Read the Scriptures
39. Malony, HN. 2005. Book review: Religious Thought and the Modern PsychologiesPSCF 57(2):164. CELD ID 20104.
Book review: Religious Thought and the Modern Psychologies
40. Condron, DM. 2005. Book review: The Song Sparrow and the Child: Claims of Science and HumanityPSCF 57(2):164-165. CELD ID 20105.
Book review: The Song Sparrow and the Child: Claims of Science and Humanity
41. Shane, V. 2005. Energy conservation: reflections on the Pitts/Gentry dialoguePSCF 57(2):165-166. CELD ID 20106.
Energy conservation: reflections on the Pitts/Gentry dialogue
42. Trenn, TJ. 2005. Three dialogues: a gentle connecting rejoinderPSCF 57(2):166. CELD ID 20107.
Three dialogues: a gentle connecting rejoinder
43. Goetz, JE. 2005. Natural history in seventy words: a contribution to the cosmology dialoguePSCF 57(2):166. CELD ID 20108.
Natural history in seventy words: a contribution to the cosmology dialogue
44. Malony, HN. 2005. Copernicus clarifiedPSCF 57(2):167. CELD ID 20109.
Copernicus clarified
45. Siemens, DF. 2005. Is Carter's critique relevant?PSCF 57(2):167. CELD ID 20110.
Is Carter's critique relevant?