1. Touryan, KJ. 2004. ASA in the 21st Century: Expanding our Vision for Serving God, the Church, and Society Through Science and TechnologyPSCF 56(2):82-88. CELD ID 18880.
ASA in the 21st Century: Expanding our Vision for Serving God, the Church, and Society Through Science and Technology
2. Miller, RJ. 2004. "What do you have there in your hand?"PSCF 56(2):81. CELD ID 18881.
"What do you have there in your hand?"
3. Bate, GL. 2004. A Conceptual Key for Deeper Insight into Continuous Causation of the Reality Flow of the UniversePSCF 56(2):89-101. CELD ID 18882.
A Conceptual Key for Deeper Insight into Continuous Causation of the Reality Flow of the Universe
4. Williams, B; Dickerson, MS. 2004. A Mathematical Analogue for a Model of the TrinityPSCF 56(2):102-110. CELD ID 18883.
A Mathematical Analogue for a Model of the Trinity
5. Kvasz, L. 2004. In Invisible Link between Mathematics and TheologyPSCF 56(2):111-116. CELD ID 18884.
In Invisible Link between Mathematics and Theology
6. Snoke, D. 2004. Why Were Dangerous Animals Creation?PSCF 56(2):117-125. CELD ID 18885.
Why Were Dangerous Animals Creation?
7. Kiss, I. 2004. Venn's Diagram in Mathematics and Its Application to Theological EthicsPSCF 56(2):126-130. CELD ID 18886.
Venn's Diagram in Mathematics and Its Application to Theological Ethics
8. Ritterbush, L. 2004. A History of Trilobites as "Living Fossils"PSCF 56(2):131-134. CELD ID 18887.
A History of Trilobites as "Living Fossils"
9. Fischer, D. 2004. Is Adam for real?PSCF 56(2):135-136. CELD ID 18888.
Is Adam for real?
10. Morton, GR. 2004. Book review: The Real Eve by Stephen OppenheimerPSCF 56(2):137. CELD ID 18889.
Book review: The Real Eve by Stephen Oppenheimer
11. Morton, GR. 2004. Book review: Adam, Eve, and the Genome edited by Susan Brooks ThistlethwaitePSCF 56(2):137-138. CELD ID 18890.
Book review: Adam, Eve, and the Genome edited by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite
12. Holland, JD. 2004. Book review: Can We Be Good without God?: Biology, Behavior, and the Need to Believe by Robert BruckmanPSCF 56(2):138-139. CELD ID 18891.
Book review: Can We Be Good without God?: Biology, Behavior, and the Need to Believe by Robert Bruckman
13. Fleming, FF. 2004. Book review: The Miracles of Exodus: A Scientist's Discovery of the Extraordinary Natural Causes of the Biblical Stories by Colin J. HumphreysPSCF 56(2):139-140. CELD ID 18892.
Book review: The Miracles of Exodus: A Scientist's Discovery of the Extraordinary Natural Causes of the Biblical Stories by Colin J. Humphreys
14. Cheek, DW. 2004. Book review: Re-ordering Nature: Theology, Society, and the New Genetics edited by Celia Deane-Drummond, Bronislaw Szerszynski, and Robin Grove-WhitePSCF 56(2):140. CELD ID 18893.
Book review: Re-ordering Nature: Theology, Society, and the New Genetics edited by Celia Deane-Drummond, Bronislaw Szerszynski, and Robin Grove-White
15. Burgeson, JW. 2004. Book review: Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About: Interactions between faith and computer science by Donald E. KnuthPSCF 56(2):140-141. CELD ID 18894.
Book review: Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About: Interactions between faith and computer science by Donald E. Knuth
16. Fisher, D. 2004. Book review: Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? by Henry F. Schaefer IIIPSCF 56(2):140. CELD ID 18895.
Book review: Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? by Henry F. Schaefer III
17. Fleming, FF. 2004. Book review: Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? by Henry F. Schaefer IIIPSCF 56(2):141. CELD ID 18896.
18. Yerxa, DA. 2004. Book review: Light from the East: Theology, Science, and the Eastern Orthodox Tradition by Elexei V. NesterukPSCF 56(2):142. CELD ID 18897.
Book review: Light from the East: Theology, Science, and the Eastern Orthodox Tradition by Elexei V. Nesteruk
19. Barnard, DT. 2004. Book review: Technology and Human Becoming by Philip HefnerPSCF 56(2):142. CELD ID 18898.
Book review: Technology and Human Becoming by Philip Hefner
20. Murphy, GL. 2004. Book review: God in the Equation: How Einstein Became the Prophet of the New Religious Era by Corey S. Powell.PSCF 56(2):143. CELD ID 18899.
Book review: God in the Equation: How Einstein Became the Prophet of the New Religious Era by Corey S. Powell.
21. Rogland, R. 2004. Book review: Understanding the Pattern of Life: Origin and Organization of the Species by Todd Charles WoodPSCF 56(2):143-144. CELD ID 18900.
Book review: Understanding the Pattern of Life: Origin and Organization of the Species by Todd Charles Wood
22. Rogland, R. 2004. Book review: God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science edited by Neil A. MansonPSCF 56(2):144-145. CELD ID 18901.
Book review: God and Design: The Teleological Argument and Modern Science edited by Neil A. Manson
23. Delamarter, S. 2004. Book review: Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe by Simon Conway MorrisPSCF 56(2):145. CELD ID 18902.
Book review: Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe by Simon Conway Morris
24. Harvey, AH. 2004. Book review: The Cosmos in the Light of the Cross by George L. MurphyPSCF 56(2):145-146. CELD ID 18903.
Book review: The Cosmos in the Light of the Cross by George L. Murphy
25. Karkalits, OC. 2004. Book review: The Advancement: Keeping Faith in an Evolutionary Age by L. Russ BushPSCF 56(2):146-147. CELD ID 18904.
Book review: The Advancement: Keeping Faith in an Evolutionary Age by L. Russ Bush
26. Burgeson, JW. 2004. Book review: Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society by David Sloan WilsonPSCF 56(2):147. CELD ID 18905.
Book review: Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society by David Sloan Wilson
27. Ruble, R. 2004. Book review: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion edited by Michael L. Peterson and Raymond J. VanarragonPSCF 56(2):147-148. CELD ID 18906.
Book review: Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion edited by Michael L. Peterson and Raymond J. Vanarragon
28. Ruble, R. 2004. Book review: A Philosophical Scientific and Theological Defense for the Notion that a God Exists by Hal FlemingsPSCF 56(2):148. CELD ID 18907.
Book review: A Philosophical Scientific and Theological Defense for the Notion that a God Exists by Hal Flemings
29. Ruble, R. 2004. Book review: Doubt: A History by Jennifer Michael HechtPSCF 56(2):148-149. CELD ID 18908.
Book review: Doubt: A History by Jennifer Michael Hecht
30. Ruble, R. 2004. Book review: Luther: Biography of a Reformer by Frederick Nohl.PSCF 56(2):149. CELD ID 18909.
Book review: Luther: Biography of a Reformer by Frederick Nohl.
31. Ruble, R. 2004. Book review: Celebrating Biblical Feasts by Martha ZimmermanPSCF 56(2):149-150. CELD ID 18910.
Book review: Celebrating Biblical Feasts by Martha Zimmerman
32. Burgenson, JW. 2004. Book review: The Fracture of Good Order: Christian Antiliberalism and the Challenge to American Politics by Jason C. BivinsPSCF 56(2):150. CELD ID 18911.
Book review: The Fracture of Good Order: Christian Antiliberalism and the Challenge to American Politics by Jason C. Bivins
33. Ruble, R. 2004. Book review: The Beethoven Factor: The New Positive Psychology of Hardiness, Happiness, Healing and Hope by Paul PearsallPSCF 56(2):150-151. CELD ID 18912.
Book review: The Beethoven Factor: The New Positive Psychology of Hardiness, Happiness, Healing and Hope by Paul Pearsall
34. Mickleson, K. 2004. Book review: The Bone Museum by Wayne GradyPSCF 56(2):151. CELD ID 18913.
Book review: The Bone Museum by Wayne Grady
35. Ruble, R. 2004. Book review: Unlimited Love: Altruism, Compassion, and Service by Stephen G. PostPSCF 56(2):151-152. CELD ID 18914.
Book review: Unlimited Love: Altruism, Compassion, and Service by Stephen G. Post
36. Johnson, R. 2004. Letter: Patriarchal Ages in GenesisPSCF 56(2):152-153. CELD ID 18915.
Letter: Patriarchal Ages in Genesis
37. Blodgett, A. 2004. Letter: Interpreting Numbers in GenesisPSCF 56(2):153. CELD ID 18916.
Letter: Interpreting Numbers in Genesis
38. Gilbert, WH. 2004. Letter: "Genesis Age Gaps?"PSCF 56(2):153-154. CELD ID 18917.
Letter: "Genesis Age Gaps?"
39. West, EH. 2004. Letter: Apparent AgePSCF 56(2):154-155. CELD ID 18918.
Letter: Apparent Age
40. Nelson, PG. 2004. Letter: Mature CreationPSCF 56(2):155-156. CELD ID 18919.
Letter: Mature Creation
41. Eshelbrenner, D. 2004. Letter: Ultimate Proof or Ultimate Flood? Response to Paul SeelyPSCF 56(2):156-157. CELD ID 18920.
Letter: Ultimate Proof or Ultimate Flood? Response to Paul Seely
42. Nelson, FP. 2004. Letter: On Del Ratzsch's articlePSCF 56(2):157. CELD ID 18921.
Letter: On Del Ratzsch's article
43. Carter, BM. 2004. Heraclitus Talks with Chauncey WrightPSCF 56(2):158. CELD ID 18922.
Heraclitus Talks with Chauncey Wright
44. Gamson, LP. 2004. Theistic ExistentialismPSCF 56(2):159. CELD ID 18923.
Theistic Existentialism