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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 56(1)

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1. Miller, RJ. 2004.

When the Paradigm Shifts...
PSCF 56(1):1. CELD ID 18797.

2. Lamoureux, DO. 2004.

Theological Insights from Charles Darwin
PSCF 56(1):2-12. CELD ID 18798.

3. Ratzsch, D. 2004.

Design: What Scientific Difference Could It Make?
PSCF 56(1):14-25. CELD ID 18799.

4. Thorson, WR. 2004.

Naturalism and Design in Biology: Is 'Intelligent Dialogue'
PSCF 56(1):26-36. CELD ID 18800.

5. Boomsma, RA. 2004.

Embryonic Stem Cells and a Reformed Christian World View
PSCF 56(1):38-48. CELD ID 18801.

6. Wilcox, DL. 2004.

Establishing Adam: Recent Evidences for a Late-Date Adam (AMH@100,000 BP)
PSCF 56(1):49-54. CELD ID 18802.

7. Wollert, DA. 2004.

Complexity Theory as Model and Metaphor for the Church
PSCF 56(1):55-59. CELD ID 18803.

8. Haas, JW. 2004.

Book review: Encyclopedia of Science and Religion edited by Wentzel Van Huyssteen
PSCF 56(1):62. CELD ID 18804.

9. Fleming, FF. 2004.

Book review: Science and Religion: A Historical Introduction edited by G.B. Ferngren
PSCF 56(1):62-63. CELD ID 18805.

10. Drozdek, A. 2004.

Book review: Minding God: Theology and the Cognitive Sciences by Gregory R. Peterson
PSCF 56(1):63. CELD ID 18806.

11. Holland, JD. 2004.

Book review: The Symphony of Creation: Science and Faith in Harmony by Steven E. Stoller
PSCF 56(1):63-64. CELD ID 18807.

12. De Boer, G. 2004.

Book review: Has Science Found God? by Victor J. Stenger
PSCF 56(1):64, 66. CELD ID 18808.

13. Groothuis, D. 2004.

Book review: Doubts about Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design by Thomas Woodward
PSCF 56(1):66. CELD ID 18809.

14. Malony, HN. 2004.

Book review: Galileo's Mistake: A New Look at the Epic Confrontation between Galileo and the Church by Wade Rowland
PSCF 56(1):66-67. CELD ID 18810.

15. Haas Jr, JW. 2004.

Book review: The Calvinist Copernicans: The Reception of the New Astronomy in the Dutch Republic, 1575-1750 by Rienk Vermij
PSCF 56(1):67-68. CELD ID 18811.

16. Borgeson, J. 2004.

Book review: Creation: From Nothing Until Now by W.B. Drees
PSCF 56(1):69. CELD ID 18812.

17. Simon, D. 2004.

Book review: Perfect Planet, Clever Species: How Unique Are We?
PSCF 56(1):68. CELD ID 18813.

18. Karkalits, OC. 2004.

Book review: Faith, Form and time: What the Bible Teachers and Science Confirms About Creation and the Age of the Universe by Kurt P. Wise
PSCF 56(1):69-70. CELD ID 18814.

19. Haas, JW. 2004.

Book review: Darwin's Proof: The Triumph of Religion over Science by Cornelius G. Hunter
PSCF 56(1):70. CELD ID 18815.

20. Kinnes, SS. 2004.

Book review: God's Book of Works: The Nature and Theology of Nature by R.J. Berry
PSCF 56(1):70-71. CELD ID 18816.

21. LaBar, M. 2004.

Book review: Power Failure: Christianity in the Culture of Technology by Albert Borgmann
PSCF 56(1):71-72. CELD ID 18817.

22. Ruble, R. 2004.

Book review: The Resurrection of the Son of God by N.T. Wright
PSCF 56(1):72. CELD ID 18818.

23. Barnard, DT. 2004.

Book review: One True God: Historical Consequences of Monothesism by Rodney Stark
PSCF 56(1):72-73. CELD ID 18819.

24. Ezard, B. 2004.

Book review: The Imagined World Made Real: Towards a Natural Science of Culture by Henry Plotkin
PSCF 56(1):73. CELD ID 18820.

25. Touryan, KJ. 2004.

Book review: The Nature and Limits of Human Understanding: The 2001 Gifford Lectures at the University of Glasgow edited by Anthony J. Sanford
PSCF 56(1):73-74. CELD ID 18821.

26. Nelson, PG. 2004.

Letter: The Flood
PSCF 56(1):74. CELD ID 18822.

27. Blank, HF. 2004.

Letter: On the Structure of Genesis
PSCF 56(1):74-75. CELD ID 18823.

28. Labar, M. 2004.

Letter: Numbers in Genesis
PSCF 56(1):75. CELD ID 18824.

29. Seely, PH. 2004.

Concordism’s Illusion That It Is Upholding the Historicity of Genesis 1-11
PSCF 56(1):75-76. CELD ID 18825.

30. Godfrey, TJ. 2004.

Do Ice Cores Disprove Aardsma’s Flood Theory?
PSCF 56(1):76-77. CELD ID 18826.

31. Poe, HL. 2004.

Beginning, etc.
PSCF 56(1):78. CELD ID 18827.

32. Siemens, EF. 2004.

The Ultimate Wonder
PSCF 56(1):79. CELD ID 18828.

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