1. Miller, RJ. 2003. The "New Song" SymphonyPSCF 55(3):141. CELD ID 17189.
The "New Song" Symphony
2. Collins, FS. 2003. Faith and the Human GenomePSCF 55(3):142-153. CELD ID 17190.
Faith and the Human Genome
3. Townes, C. 2003. The convergence of science and religionPSCF 55(3):154-158. CELD ID 17191.
The convergence of science and religion
4. Carter, BM. 2003. Mathematics and MetaphysicsPSCF 55(3):159-165. CELD ID 17192.
Mathematics and Metaphysics
5. Bovell, CR. 2003. Pairing and Plusing the Godhead: An Algebraic AnalogyPSCF 55(3):166-174. CELD ID 17193.
Pairing and Plusing the Godhead: An Algebraic Analogy
6. Morton, GR; Simons, G. 2003. Random Worms: Evidence of Ransom and nonrandom processes in the Chromosomal Structure of Archaea, Bacteria and EukaryotesPSCF 55(3):175-184. CELD ID 17194.
Random Worms: Evidence of Ransom and nonrandom processes in the Chromosomal Structure of Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes
7. Lin, J; Veltkamp, P; DeJong, R; Hall, S; Miller, RD; Munro, D. 2003. Challenges and opportunities for Christians in Science at the Beginning of their careersPSCF 55(3):185-188. CELD ID 17195.
Challenges and opportunities for Christians in Science at the Beginning of their careers
8. Rogland, R. 2003. Book review: Extinct Humans by Ian Tattersall and Jeffrey SchwartzPSCF 55(3):189. CELD ID 17196.
Book review: Extinct Humans by Ian Tattersall and Jeffrey Schwartz
9. De Boer, G. 2003. Book review: Cutting-edge Bioethics edited by John F. Kilner, C. Christopher Hook, and Diann B. UustalPSCF 55(3):189-190. CELD ID 17197.
Book review: Cutting-edge Bioethics edited by John F. Kilner, C. Christopher Hook, and Diann B. Uustal
10. Simon, D. 2003. Book review: At the Beginning of Life: Dilemmas in Theological Bioethics by Edwin C. HuiPSCF 55(3):190. CELD ID 17198.
Book review: At the Beginning of Life: Dilemmas in Theological Bioethics by Edwin C. Hui
11. Kinnes, SS. 2003. Book review: Bioethics from a faith perspective by Jack HanfordPSCF 55(3):190-191. CELD ID 17199.
Book review: Bioethics from a faith perspective by Jack Hanford
12. Yerxa, DA. 2003. Book review: Faith in Science: Scientists Search for Truth edited by W. Mark Richardson and Gordy SlackPSCF 55(3):191-192. CELD ID 17200.
Book review: Faith in Science: Scientists Search for Truth edited by W. Mark Richardson and Gordy Slack
13. Fisher, D. 2003. Book review: Biology through the eyes of faith by Richard T. WrightPSCF 55(3):192. CELD ID 17201.
Book review: Biology through the eyes of faith by Richard T. Wright
14. Ezard, B. 2003. Book review: The Good in Nature and Humanity: Connecting Science, Religion, and Spirituality with the Natural World edited by Stephen R. Kellert and Timothy J. FarnhamPSCF 55(3):193. CELD ID 17202.
Book review: The Good in Nature and Humanity: Connecting Science, Religion, and Spirituality with the Natural World edited by Stephen R. Kellert and Timothy J. Farnham
15. De Boer, G. 2003. Book review: Nature, human nature and God by Ian G. BarbourPSCF 55(3):193-194. CELD ID 17203.
Book review: Nature, human nature and God by Ian G. Barbour
16. Barnard, DT. 2003. Book review: A Scientific Theology: Reality by Alister E. McGrathPSCF 55(3):194. CELD ID 17204.
Book review: A Scientific Theology: Reality by Alister E. McGrath
17. Morton, GR. 2003. Book review: Evolutionary theory and Victorian culture by Martin FichmanPSCF 55(3):194-195. CELD ID 17205.
Book review: Evolutionary theory and Victorian culture by Martin Fichman
18. de Koning, J. 2003. Book review: Worldview: The History of a Concept by David K. NauglePSCF 55(3):195. CELD ID 17206.
Book review: Worldview: The History of a Concept by David K. Naugle
19. Ruble, R. 2003. Book review: Death and Denial: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Legacy of Ernest Becker edited by Daniel LiechtyPSCF 55(3):195-196. CELD ID 17207.
Book review: Death and Denial: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Legacy of Ernest Becker edited by Daniel Liechty
20. Rogland, R. 2003. Book review: The man who found time by Jack RepcheckPSCF 55(3):196. CELD ID 17208.
Book review: The man who found time by Jack Repcheck
21. Feucht, DL. 2003. Book review: Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics by Amir D. AczelPSCF 55(3):196-197. CELD ID 17209.
Book review: Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics by Amir D. Aczel
22. Morton, GR. 2003. Book review: Tree of Origin edited by Frans B.M. de WaalPSCF 55(3):197-198. CELD ID 17210.
Book review: Tree of Origin edited by Frans B.M. de Waal
23. Burgeson, J. 2003. Book review: Affluenza: The All-consuming epidemic by John DeGraafPSCF 55(3):198. CELD ID 17211.
Book review: Affluenza: The All-consuming epidemic by John DeGraaf
24. Becker, D. 2003. Book review: Corpse: Nature, Forensics and the struggle to pinpoint the time of death by Jessica Snyder SachsPSCF 55(3):198-199. CELD ID 17212.
Book review: Corpse: Nature, Forensics and the struggle to pinpoint the time of death by Jessica Snyder Sachs
25. Chhek, DW. 2003. Book review: When worlds converge: What science and religion tell us about the story of the universe and our place edited by Clifford N. Matthews, Evelyn Tucker, and Philip HefnerPSCF 55(3):199. CELD ID 17213.
Book review: When worlds converge: What science and religion tell us about the story of the universe and our place edited by Clifford N. Matthews, Evelyn Tucker, and Philip Hefner
26. Harvey, AH. 2003. Book review: The Message of Creation by David WilkinsonPSCF 55(3):199-200. CELD ID 17214.
Book review: The Message of Creation by David Wilkinson
27. Rogland, R. 2003. Book review: Design and Disorder: Perspectives from Science and Theology edited by Niels Henrick Gregersen and Ulf GormanPSCF 55(3):200-201. CELD ID 17215.
Book review: Design and Disorder: Perspectives from Science and Theology edited by Niels Henrick Gregersen and Ulf Gorman
28. Rolwing, RJ. 2003. Book review: Science and God: Our Amazing Physical and Economic Universe-Accidental or God Created? by M.L and John G. GreenhutPSCF 55(3):201. CELD ID 17216.
Book review: Science and God: Our Amazing Physical and Economic Universe-Accidental or God Created? by M.L and John G. Greenhut
29. Cheek, DW. 2003. Book review: Creation by Hans SchwarzPSCF 55(3):201-202. CELD ID 17217.
Book review: Creation by Hans Schwarz
30. De Boer, G. 2003. Book review: How Life Began: Answers to my evolutionist friends by Thomas F. HeinzePSCF 55(3):202. CELD ID 17218.
Book review: How Life Began: Answers to my evolutionist friends by Thomas F. Heinze
31. LaBar, M. 2003. Book review: Pandemonium Tremedum: Chaos and mystery in the life of God by James M. HuchingsonPSCF 55(3):202-203. CELD ID 17219.
Book review: Pandemonium Tremedum: Chaos and mystery in the life of God by James M. Huchingson
32. Haas, JW. 2003. Book review: Hearing Things: The mystics ear and the voices of reason by Leigh Eric SchmidtPSCF 55(3):203-204. CELD ID 17220.
Book review: Hearing Things: The mystics ear and the voices of reason by Leigh Eric Schmidt
33. Ruble, R. 2003. Book review: What is religion? by Robert CrawfordPSCF 55(3):204. CELD ID 17221.
Book review: What is religion? by Robert Crawford
34. Moberg, DO. 2003. Book review: Spiritual, but not religious: understanding unchurched America by Robert C. FullerPSCF 55(3):204-205. CELD ID 17222.
Book review: Spiritual, but not religious: understanding unchurched America by Robert C. Fuller
35. Ruble, R. 2003. Book review: The varieties of religious experience: A study in human nature by William JamesPSCF 55(3):205. CELD ID 17223.
Book review: The varieties of religious experience: A study in human nature by William James
36. Moberg, DO. 2003. Book review: The spiritual dimension of ageing by Elizabeth MacKinlayPSCF 55(3):205-206. CELD ID 17224.
Book review: The spiritual dimension of ageing by Elizabeth MacKinlay
37. Feucht, DL. 2003. Book review: The economic laws of scientific research by Terence KealeyPSCF 55(3):206. CELD ID 17225.
Book review: The economic laws of scientific research by Terence Kealey
38. Burgeson, J. 2003. Book review: Going public: Christian responsibility in a divided America by Lawrence E. AdamsPSCF 55(3):206-207. CELD ID 17226.
Book review: Going public: Christian responsibility in a divided America by Lawrence E. Adams
39. Burgeson, J. 2003. Book review: The American Spiritual Culture: and the Invention of Jazz, Football, and the Movies by William DeanPSCF 55(3):207. CELD ID 17227.
Book review: The American Spiritual Culture: and the Invention of Jazz, Football, and the Movies by William Dean
40. Corey, MA. 2003. Letters: An Author Responds to a Negative Book ReviewPSCF 55(3):207-208. CELD ID 17228.
Letters: An Author Responds to a Negative Book Review
41. Burgeson, J. 2003. Letter: The Reviewer responds to AuthorPSCF 55(3):209. CELD ID 17229.
Letter: The Reviewer responds to Author
42. Hill, CA. 2003. Letter: Beyond the hills of SeelyPSCF 55(3):209-210. CELD ID 17230.
Letter: Beyond the hills of Seely
43. Chen, TT. 2003. Letter: "Subtle Energy" may not be demonicPSCF 55(3):210. CELD ID 17231.
Letter: "Subtle Energy" may not be demonic