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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 54(2)

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1. Miller, RJ. 2002.

Lambing ethics
PSCF 54(2):79. CELD ID 16743.

2. Swearengen, J; Woodhouse, E. 2002.

Overconsumption: an ethical dilemma for Christian engineers
PSCF 54(2):80-92. CELD ID 16744.

3. Jones, DG. 2002.

Biomedical manipulation: arguing the case for a cautiously optimistic stance
PSCF 54(2):93-102. CELD ID 16745.

4. Hall, S. 2002.

Toward a theology of sustainable agriculture
PSCF 54(2):103-107. CELD ID 16746.

5. Hostetler, J. 2002.

Humor, spirituality, and well-being
PSCF 54(2):108-113. CELD ID 16747.

6. Carter, BM. 2002.

The problem of epistemology and cosmic models
PSCF 54(2):114-118. CELD ID 16748.

7. Miller, K. 2002.

The similarity of theory testing in the historical and "hard" sciences
PSCF 54(2):119-122. CELD ID 16749.

8. Carson, JP. 2002.

Should ASA defend and advance professional ethics in science and technology professions?
PSCF 54(2):124-126. CELD ID 16750.

9. Van Ostenburg, DO. 2002.

Intelligent design and metaphysics
PSCF 54(2):126. CELD ID 16751.

10. Holland, JD. 2002.

Book review: God's Covenant with Animals
PSCF 54(2):127. CELD ID 16752.

11. Berger, DJ. 2002.

Book review: Can a Darwinian be a Christian?
PSCF 54(2):127-128. CELD ID 16753.

12. Burgeson, JW. 2002.

Book review: When Science Meets Religion
PSCF 54(2):128-129. CELD ID 16754.

13. Fleming, FF. 2002.

Book review: Godfaring
PSCF 54(2):129. CELD ID 16755.

14. Moberg, DO. 2002.

Book review: The Healing Connection
PSCF 54(2):129-130. CELD ID 16756.

15. De Boer, G. 2002.

Book review: Who is God?
PSCF 54(2):130-131. CELD ID 16757.

16. De Boer, G. 2002.

Book review: Can Science be Faith-Promoting?
PSCF 54(2):131. CELD ID 16758.

17. Musselman, LJ. 2002.

Book review: Creation and the Environment
PSCF 54(2):131-132. CELD ID 16759.

18. Morton, GR. 2002.

Book review: God's Funeral
PSCF 54(2):132-133. CELD ID 16760.

19. Haas, JW. 2002.

Book review: The Science of Man in Ancient Greece
PSCF 54(2):133. CELD ID 16761.

20. Schneider, RJ. 2002.

Book review: Evolution's Workshop
PSCF 54(2):133-134. CELD ID 16762.

21. Caraccilo, DJ. 2002.

Book review: The Pursuit of Destiny
PSCF 54(2):134. CELD ID 16763.

22. De Boer, G. 2002.

Book review: Travels to the Nanoworld
PSCF 54(2):134-135. CELD ID 16764.

23. Moberg, DO. 2002.

Book review: The Quest for Immortality
PSCF 54(2):135. CELD ID 16765.

24. Ruble, SB. 2002.

Book review: Pain
PSCF 54(2):135-136. CELD ID 16766.

25. Morton, GR. 2002.

Book review: The Case Against Evolution
PSCF 54(2):136. CELD ID 16767.

26. Morton, GR. 2002.

Book review: The Dragon Seekers
PSCF 54(2):137. CELD ID 16768.

27. Morton, GR. 2002.

Book review: The Spark of Life
PSCF 54(2):137-138. CELD ID 16769.

28. Yerxa, DA. 2002.

Book review: The Evolutionists
PSCF 54(2):138-139. CELD ID 16770.

29. Morton, GR. 2002.

Book review: Modern Cosmology and Philosophy
PSCF 54(2):139. CELD ID 16771.

30. Taylor, CPS. 2002.

Book review: Signs of Intelligence
PSCF 54(2):139-140. CELD ID 16772.

31. Yerxa, DA. 2002.

Book review: How Blind is the Watchmaker?
PSCF 54(2):140-141. CELD ID 16773.

32. Dearnaley, G. 2002.

Book review: God and Time
PSCF 54(2):141. CELD ID 16774.

33. de Koning, J. 2002.

Book review: Realism Regained
PSCF 54(2):141-142. CELD ID 16775.

34. Ruble, R. 2002.

Book review: My Cosmic Pessimism
PSCF 54(2):142. CELD ID 16776.

35. Hairfield, E. 2002.

Book review: Can God be Trusted?
PSCF 54(2):142. CELD ID 16777.

36. Yerxa, DA. 2002.

Book review: The Life of Prayer in a World of Science
PSCF 54(2):142-143. CELD ID 16778.

37. Ruble, R. 2002.

Book review: The Face of Truth
PSCF 54(2):143-144. CELD ID 16779.

38. Ruble, R. 2002.

Book review: Words of Gratitude for Mind, Body, and Soul
PSCF 54(2):144. CELD ID 16780.

39. Ruble, R. 2002.

Book review: Can Archaeology Prove the Old Testament?
PSCF 54(2):144. CELD ID 16781.

40. Pals-Rylaarsdam, R. 2002.

Book review: Why God Won't Go Away
PSCF 54(2):145. CELD ID 16782.

41. Ruble, R. 2002.

Book review: Aging and Spirituality
PSCF 54(2):145-146. CELD ID 16783.

42. Dawson, S. 2002.

Is theism a theory? a response to Snoke
PSCF 54(2):146-147. CELD ID 16784.

43. Hammond, P. 2002.

Choice of research topic
PSCF 54(2):147. CELD ID 16785.

44. Nelson, FP. 2002.

A reply to the dialogues
PSCF 54(2):147-148. CELD ID 16786.

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