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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 54(1)

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1. Miller, RJ. 2002.

Prick of the goad
PSCF 54(1):1. CELD ID 16323.

2. Thorson, WR. 2002.

Legitimacy and scope of 'naturalism' in science: part I: theological basis for a 'naturalistic' science
PSCF 54(1):2-11. CELD ID 16324.

3. Thorson, WR. 2002.

Legitimacy and scope of 'naturalism' in science: part II: scope for new scientific paradigms
PSCF 54(1):12-21. CELD ID 16325.

4. Dembski, WA. 2002.

Can functional logic take the place of intelligent design?
PSCF 54(1):22-23. CELD ID 16326.

5. Drees, WB. 2002.

Can we reclaim one of the "stolen words"?
PSCF 54(1):24-25. CELD ID 16327.

6. Hawk, W. 2002.

Is God transcendent or immanent in creation?
PSCF 54(1):26-27. CELD ID 16328.

7. Haarsma, L. 2002.

Can many world views agree on science?
PSCF 54(1):28-29. CELD ID 16329.

8. Crouch, CH. 2002.

Is scientism the predominant religion of scientists?
PSCF 54(1):30-31. CELD ID 16330.

9. Finger, T. 2002.

Is the boundary between science and theology distinct?
PSCF 54(1):32-33. CELD ID 16331.

10. Bowman, R. 2002.

Can we trust the logic of function?
PSCF 54(1):34. CELD ID 16332.

11. Miller, EB. 2002.

Does design tip the scales?
PSCF 54(1):35-36. CELD ID 16333.

12. Vibert, P. 2002.

What is the logic of functional organization?
PSCF 54(1):36. CELD ID 16334.

13. Mills, GC. 2002.

Are the standards of evidence realistic?
PSCF 54(1):37-38. CELD ID 16335.

14. Trenn, T. 2002.

What is the deep structure of "naturalism"?
PSCF 54(1):39-40. CELD ID 16336.

15. Sire, JW. 2002.

Method or metaphysics?
PSCF 54(1):40-41. CELD ID 16337.

16. Thorson, WR. 2002.

Thorson replies...
PSCF 54(1):42-46. CELD ID 16338.

17. Yerxa, DA. 2002.

Phillip Johnson and the origins of the intelligent design movement, 1977-1991
PSCF 54(1):47-52. CELD ID 16339.

18. Holland, JD. 2002.

Book review: Saving the Planet: The American Response to the Environment in the Twentieth Century
PSCF 54(1):55. CELD ID 16340.

19. Holland, JD. 2002.

Book review: Releasing Heaven on Earth: God's Principles for Restoring the Land
PSCF 54(1):55-56. CELD ID 16341.

20. Batzer, S. 2002.

Book review: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Saving the Environment
PSCF 54(1):56-57. CELD ID 16342.

21. De Boer, G. 2002.

Book review: Stages of Thought: The Co-Evolution of Religious Thought and Science
PSCF 54(1):57. CELD ID 16343.

22. Barnard, DT. 2002.

Book review: The Savior of Science
PSCF 54(1):57-58. CELD ID 16344.

23. Cheek, DW. 2002.

Book review: Science and Technology Encyclopedia
PSCF 54(1):58. CELD ID 16345.

24. Rogland, R. 2002.

Book review: The Cichlid Fishes: Nature's Grand Experiment
PSCF 54(1):48-49. CELD ID 16346.

25. Fagg, L. 2002.

Book review: The Birth of Time: How Astronomers Measured the Age of the Universe
PSCF 54(1):59-60. CELD ID 16347.

26. Yerxa, DA. 2002.

Book review: Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe: The Proceedings of the Wethersfield Institute
PSCF 54(1):60. CELD ID 16348.

27. Haas, JW. 2002.

Book review: Dear Mr. Darwin: Letters on the Evolution of Life and Human Nature
PSCF 54(1):61. CELD ID 16349.

28. Simon, D. 2002.

Book review: God and the Universe
PSCF 54(1):61. CELD ID 16350.

29. Musselman, LJ. 2002.

Book review: Seeker Churches: Promoting Traditional Religion in a Non-Traditional Way
PSCF 54(1):61-62. CELD ID 16351.

30. Barnard, DT. 2002.

Book review: The C. S. Lewis Encyclopedia: A Complete Guide to his Life, Thought, and Writings
PSCF 54(1):62. CELD ID 16352.

31. Ruble, R. 2002.

Book review: The Evangelist: The Worldwide Impact of Billy Graham
PSCF 54(1):62-63. CELD ID 16353.

32. Ruble, R. 2002.

Book review: Odd Gods: New Religions and the Cult Controversy
PSCF 54(1):63. CELD ID 16354.

33. Mann, R. 2002.

Inversion and resolution
PSCF 54(1):63-64. CELD ID 16355.

34. Landers, RE. 2002.

More dialogue desired on origins models
PSCF 54(1):64. CELD ID 16356.

35. Hill, AR. 2002.

Response to Allan Harvey, "On Natural Explanations"
PSCF 54(1):64-65. CELD ID 16357.

36. Alaxanian, M. 2002.

Humans and consciousness
PSCF 54(1):65. CELD ID 16358.

37. Taylor, CPS. 2002.

"AGOG versus GOG"
PSCF 54(1):65-66. CELD ID 16359.

38. Murphy, GL. 2002.

Abandon GOG arguments
PSCF 54(1):66-67. CELD ID 16360.

39. Van Till, HJ. 2002.

Does God choose among hidden options? A response to Peter Rust
PSCF 54(1):67-70. CELD ID 16361.

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