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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 53(1)

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1. Murphy, GL. 2001.

Chiasmic Cosmology and Creation's Functional Integrity
PSCF 53(1):7-13. CELD ID 15054.

2. Kalthoff, MA. 2001.

A Different Voice from the Eve of The Origin: Reconsidering John Henry Newman on Christianity, Science, and Intelligent Design
PSCF 53(1):14-23. CELD ID 15055.

3. Miller, RJ. 2001.

Beyond the Edge?
PSCF 53(1):1. CELD ID 15056.

4. Hill, AR. 2001.

Theistic Evolution: Enough Already!
PSCF 53(1):5-6. CELD ID 15057.

5. Dawson, S. 2001.

Another View on an Alleged Fatal Flaw in Evolution
PSCF 53(1):2-3. CELD ID 15058.

6. Aulie, R. 2001.

A Look at Intelligent Design
PSCF 53(1):4-5. CELD ID 15059.

7. Hill, CA. 2001.

A Time and a Place for Noah
PSCF 53(1):24-40. CELD ID 15060.

8. Morton, GR. 2001.

Transitional Forms and the Evolution of Phyla
PSCF 53(1):42-51. CELD ID 15061.

9. Heinrichs, D. 2001.

On God, Science, and Perspectives
PSCF 53(1):67-68. CELD ID 15062.

10. Pittman, T. 2001.

Repeating Error: Another Perspective
PSCF 53(1):69-70. CELD ID 15063.

11. Siemens, DF. 2001.

PSCF 53(1):69. CELD ID 15064.

12. Mills, G. 2001.

Behe and Intelligent Design Theory
PSCF 53(1):68-69. CELD ID 15065.

13. Schneider, RJ. 2001.

Another view on the Review of God after Darwin
PSCF 53(1):70. CELD ID 15066.

14. Alfred, BM. 2001.

Book review: The Land That Could Be: Environmentalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century by William A. Shutkin
PSCF 53(1):54. CELD ID 15067.

15. Morris, M. 2001.

Book review: The Environmental Pendulum: A Quest for the Truth about Toxic Chemicals, Human Health, and Environmental Protection by R. Allan Freeze
PSCF 53(1):55. CELD ID 15068.

16. Hairfield, EM. 2001.

Book review: Good Care, Painful Choices, 2d ed. by Richard J. Devine
PSCF 53(1):55-56. CELD ID 15069.

17. Condron, D. 2001.

Book review: Body and Soul: Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics by J. P. Moreland and Scott B. Rae
PSCF 53(1):56-57. CELD ID 15070.

18. Ruble, R. 2001.

Book review: My Faith and Genesis by Daniel Heinrichs
PSCF 53(1):57. CELD ID 15071.

19. Schneider, RJ. 2001.

Book review: Science and Religion in Search of Cosmic Purpose edited by John F. Haught
PSCF 53(1):57-58. CELD ID 15072.

20. Holland, DJ. 2001.

Book review: Faith and Reason in the 19th Century, vol. 2 of Christianity and Western Thought by Steve Wilkens and Alan G. Padgett
PSCF 53(1):58-59. CELD ID 15073.

21. Yerxa, DA. 2001.

Book review: Darwin's Worms: On Life Stories and Death Stories by Adam Phillips
PSCF 53(1):59-60. CELD ID 15074.

22. Caraccilo, DJ. 2001.

Book review: Mean Genes by Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan
PSCF 53(1):60. CELD ID 15075.

23. Rogland, R. 2001.

Book review: In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life by Henry Gee
PSCF 53(1):60-61. CELD ID 15076.

24. Drake, J. 2001.

Book review: Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophic Events by Antony Milne
PSCF 53(1):61-62. CELD ID 15077.

25. Morton, GR. 2001.

Book review: Extinct Humans by Ian Tattersall and Jeffrey H. Schwart
PSCF 53(1):62-63. CELD ID 15078.

26. Caraccilo, DJ. 2001.

Book review: What's Darwin got to do with it: A Friendly Conversation about Evolution by Robert C. Newman, John L. Wiester with Janet and Jonathan Moneymaker
PSCF 53(1):63. CELD ID 15079.

27. Morton, GR. 2001.

Book review: Creation, Evolution, and Modern Science by Ray Bohlin
PSCF 53(1):63-64. CELD ID 15080.

28. Ruble, R. 2001.

Book review: The Elusive Messiah by Raymond Martin
PSCF 53(1):64-65. CELD ID 15081.

29. Karkalits, OC. 2001.

Book review: Truth Decay: Defending Christianity against the Challenges of Postmodernism by Douglas Groothuis
PSCF 53(1):65-66. CELD ID 15082.

30. Campbell, RA. 2001.

Book review: Afterwards, You're a Genius: Faith, Medicine, and the Metaphysics of Healing by Chip Brown
PSCF 53(1):66. CELD ID 15083.

31. Froman, R. 2001.

Book review: The American Paradox: Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty by David G. Myers
PSCF 53(1):66-67. CELD ID 15084.

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