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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 52(4)

Browse contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith

1. Hutchinson, IH. 2000.

Review of Faith in the Machine
PSCF 52(4):260-263. CELD ID 14816.

2. DeHaan, RF. 2000.

Robotics: Darwinism,Intelligent Design, and Genesis
PSCF 52(4):231-232. CELD ID 14817.

3. Morton, GR. 2000.

The Coming Energy Crisis
PSCF 52(4):228-229. CELD ID 14818.

4. Woodburn, JH. 2000.

The Label Problem
PSCF 52(4):230-230. CELD ID 14819.

5. Hayworth, D. 2000.

The 'Lesson of Riddles'
PSCF 52(4):222-227. CELD ID 14820.

6. Moberg, DO. 2000.

Alternatives to Creation-Evolution Theories
PSCF 52(4):287-288. CELD ID 14821.

7. McIntyre, JA. 2000.

Red Herrings and Fatal Flaws
PSCF 52(4):287-287. CELD ID 14822.

8. McIntyre, JA. 2000.

Repeating the Catholics' Galileo Error
PSCF 52(4):255-259. CELD ID 14823.

9. Carter, BM. 2000.

The Salvation of Your Souls: But What Is a Soul?
PSCF 52(4):242-254. CELD ID 14824.

10. Chadwick, AV; DeHaan, RF. 2000.

The Trilobite: Enigma of Complexity--A Case for Intelligent Design
PSCF 52(4):233-241. CELD ID 14825.

11. Miller, RJ. 2000.

A "Reviewing" Community
PSCF 52(4):219. CELD ID 14826.

12. Alfred, BM. 2000.

Book review: Earth Rising: American Environmentalism in the 21st Century by Phillip Shabecoff
PSCF 52(4):264. CELD ID 14922.

13. Berger, DJ. 2000.

Book review: The Virgin and the Dynamo: Use and Abuse of Religion in Environmental Debates by Robert Royal
PSCF 52(4):265. CELD ID 14923.

14. Condron, D. 2000.

Book review: Hard Green: Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists, A Conservative Manifesto by Peter Huber
PSCF 52(4):265-266. CELD ID 14924.

15. LaBar, M. 2000.

Book review: The Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality, Reproduction Technologies, and the Family edited by John F. Kilner, Paige C. Cunningham, and W. David Hager
PSCF 52(4):266-267. CELD ID 14925.

16. Burgeson, J. 2000.

Book review: The Body of Compassion: Ethics, Medicine and the Church by Joel James Shuman
PSCF 52(4):267-268. CELD ID 14926.

17. Karkalits, OC. 2000.

Book review: Science and Theology: The New Consonance edited by Ted Peters
PSCF 52(4):268. CELD ID 14927.

18. Campbell, RA. 2000.

Book review: Seduced by Science: How American Religion Has Lost Its Way by Steven Goldberg
PSCF 52(4):268-269. CELD ID 14928.

19. Caraccilo, DJ. 2000.

Book review: Threshold 2000: Critical Issues and Spiritual Values for a Global Age by Gerald O. Barney
PSCF 52(4):269-270. CELD ID 14929.

20. Alfred, BM. 2000.

Book review: Son of the Morning Sky: Reflections on the Spirituality of the Earth by Benjamin W. Farley
PSCF 52(4):270. CELD ID 14930.

21. Morton, GR. 2000.

Book review: The Wedge of Truth by Phillip Johnson
PSCF 52(4):270-271. CELD ID 14931.

22. Hairfield, EM. 2000.

Book review: God's Control Over the Universe: Providence, Judgment and Modern Science by P. G. Nelson
PSCF 52(4):272. CELD ID 14932.

23. Caraccilo, DJ. 2000.

Book review: Western Atheism: A Short History by James Thrower
PSCF 52(4):272-273. CELD ID 14933.

24. Ruble, R. 2000.

Book review: The Jesus Papyrus by Carsten Peter Thiede and Matthew D'Ancona
PSCF 52(4):273. CELD ID 14934.

25. Yerxa, DA. 2000.

Book review: Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos by William Poundstone
PSCF 52(4):273-274. CELD ID 14935.

26. Alfred, BM. 2000.

Book review: Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action edited by Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy, Theo C. Meyering, and Michael A. Arbib
PSCF 52(4):274-275. CELD ID 14936.

27. Holland, JD. 2000.

Book review: Out Walking: Reflections on Our Place in the Natural World by John Leax
PSCF 52(4):275-276. CELD ID 14937.

28. Schneider, RJ. 2000.

Book review: The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos: Humanity and the New Story by Brian Swimme
PSCF 52(4):276-277. CELD ID 14938.

29. Morton, GR. 2000.

Book review: The Crucible of Creation: The Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals by Simon Conway Morris
PSCF 52(4):277-278. CELD ID 14939.

30. LaBar, M. 2000.

Book review: God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution by John F. Haught
PSCF 52(4):278-279. CELD ID 14940.

31. Condron, D. 2000.

Book review: New Insights to Antiquity: A Drawing Aside of the Veil by Richard Petersen
PSCF 52(4):279. CELD ID 14941.

32. Ruble, R. 2000.

Book review: Death and the Afterlife by Brian Innes
PSCF 52(4):279-280. CELD ID 14942.

33. Ruble, R. 2000.

Book review: Biographical Dictionary of Christian Theologians edited by Patrick Carey and Joseph Lienhard
PSCF 52(4):280. CELD ID 14943.

34. Blount, G. 2000.

Book review: The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist's Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter, and Self by Fred Alan Wolf
PSCF 52(4):280-281. CELD ID 14944.

35. Barnard, DT. 2000.

Book review: Cosmology and Creation: The Spiritual Significance of Contemporary Cosmology by Paul Brockelman
PSCF 52(4):281-282. CELD ID 14945.

36. Ruble, R. 2000.

Book review: Biblical Holy Places: An Illustrated Guide by Rivka Gonen
PSCF 52(4):282. CELD ID 14946.

37. Moberg, DO. 2000.

Book review: Measures of Religiosity edited by Peter C. Hill and Ralph W. Hood
PSCF 52(4):282-283. CELD ID 14947.

38. Barnard, DT. 2000.

Book review: Predictions: Thirty Great Minds on the Future edited by Sian Griffiths
PSCF 52(4):283-284. CELD ID 14948.

39. Moberg, DO. 2000.

Book review: Shadow Culture: Psychology and Spirituality in America by Eugene Taylor and Spiritual Manifestos: Visions for Renewed Religious Life in America from Young Spiritual Leaders of Many Faiths edited by Niles Elliot Goldstein
PSCF 52(4):284-285. CELD ID 14949.

40. de Koning, J. 2000.

Book review: Toward a Just and Caring Society: Christian Responses to Poverty in America edited by David P. Gushee
PSCF 52(4):285-286. CELD ID 14950.

41. Simon, D. 2000.

Book review: The Explicit Animal: A Defense of Human Consciousness by Raymond Tallis
PSCF 52(4):286-287. CELD ID 14951.

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