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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 52(2)

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1. Miller, RJ. 2000.

On Rocks, Questions, and Creations
PSCF 52(2):81-81. CELD ID 14843.

2. Cook, H; Bestman, HD. 2000.

A Persistent View: Lamarckian Thought in Early Evolutionary Theories and in Modern Biology
PSCF 52(2):86-97. CELD ID 14844.

3. Haas, JW. 2000.

The Rev. Dr. William H. Dallinger F.R.S.: Early Advocate of Theistic Evolution and Foe of Spontaneous Generation
PSCF 52(2):107-117. CELD ID 14845.

4. Rogland, R. 2000.

Pre-Programmed Descent with Modification: Functional Integrity, Intelligent Design, and Natural History
PSCF 52(2):98-107. CELD ID 14846.

5. Beaver, B. 2000.

Science, Sand, and Spirit
PSCF 52(2):118-122. CELD ID 14847.

6. Lahti, DC. 2000.

One Spiritual Danger in Creationism: Drawing a Red Herring Across a Track
PSCF 52(2):123-126. CELD ID 14848.

7. Morton, GR. 2000.

The Transformation of a Young-Earth Creationist
PSCF 52(2):81-83. CELD ID 14849.

8. Newman, RC. 2000.

Lessons from the Kansas Decision
PSCF 52(2):83-83. CELD ID 14850.

9. Roberts, M. 2000.

Was Darwin a Christian?
PSCF 52(2):84-85. CELD ID 14851.

10. Blount, G. 2000.

On Zoeller-Greer
PSCF 52(2):146-147. CELD ID 14852.

11. McIntyre, JA. 2000.

Revisiting the Fatal Flaw
PSCF 52(2):147-148. CELD ID 14853.

12. Perkins, WG. 2000.

Counseling, Mental Illness and Sin
PSCF 52(2):146-146. CELD ID 14854.

13. Siemens, DF. 2000.

Eastern Thought Revisited
PSCF 52(2):147-147. CELD ID 14855.

14. Karkalits, OC. 2000.

Book review: Invisible Walls: Why We Ignore the Damage We Inflict on the Planet … and Ourselves by Peter Seidel
PSCF 52(2):127-128. CELD ID 14886.

15. Ruble, R. 2000.

Book review: Gardening for the Future of the Earth by Howard-Yana Shapiro and John Harrisson
PSCF 52(2):128. CELD ID 14887.

16. LaBar, M. 2000.

Book review: Bioethics: A Christian Approach in a Pluralistic Age by Scott B. Rae and Paul M. Cox
PSCF 52(2):128-129. CELD ID 14888.

17. Fayter, P. 2000.

Book review: Christianity and the Images of Science by Granville C. Henry
PSCF 52(2):129-131. CELD ID 14889.

18. Lee, E. 2000.

Book review: Science, Life, and Christian Belief: A Survey of Contemporary Issues by Malcolm A. Jeeves and R. J. Berry
PSCF 52(2):131-132. CELD ID 14890.

19. Holland, JD. 2000.

Book review: Big Bang, Small Voice: Reconciling Genesis and Modern Science by P. G. Nelson
PSCF 52(2):132-133. CELD ID 14891.

20. Cheek, DW. 2000.

Book review: God, Humanity, and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion by Christopher Southgate, et al
PSCF 52(2):133. CELD ID 14892.

21. Blight, EM. 2000.

Book review: The Bible and Healing: A Medical and Theological Commentary by John Wilkinson
PSCF 52(2):134-135. CELD ID 14893.

22. Fleming, FF. 2000.

Book review: How to Stay Christian in College by J. Budziszewski
PSCF 52(2):135. CELD ID 14894.

23. Ruble, R. 2000.

Book review: Sleeping with Extra-Terrestrials by Wendy Kaminer
PSCF 52(2):135-136. CELD ID 14895.

24. Cheek, DW. 2000.

Book review: The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw, 2d ed. by Michael Ruse
PSCF 52(2):136-137. CELD ID 14896.

25. Lewthwaite, GR. 2000.

Book review: Evangelicals in Science in Historical Perspective edited by David N. Livingstone, D. G. Hart, and Mark A. Noll
PSCF 52(2):137-138. CELD ID 14897.

26. de Koning, J. 2000.

Book review: The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi by Michael R. Molnar
PSCF 52(2):138-139. CELD ID 14898.

27. Cheek, DW. 2000.

Book review: Mystery of Mysteries: Is Evolution a Social Construction? by Michael Ruse
PSCF 52(2):139-140. CELD ID 14899.

28. Schneider, RJ. 2000.

Book review: The Creation/Evolution Controversy: A Battle for Cultural Power by Kary Doyle Smout
PSCF 52(2):140-141. CELD ID 14900.

29. Campbell, RA. 2000.

Book review: Prometheus Bedeviled: Science and the Contradictions of Contemporary Culture by Norman Levitt
PSCF 52(2):141-142. CELD ID 14901.

30. Drake, JM. 2000.

Book review: Bright Shadow of Reality: Spiritual Longing in C. S. Lewis by Corbin Scott Carnell
PSCF 52(2):142. CELD ID 14902.

31. Probst, DK. 2000.

Book review: The Jesus Myth by G. A. Wells
PSCF 52(2):143-144. CELD ID 14903.

32. Struthers, WM. 2000.

Book review: Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, 2d ed. edited by David G. Benner and Peter C. Hill
PSCF 52(2):144-145. CELD ID 14904.

33. Cheek, DW. 2000.

Book review: Secular Mind by Robert Coles
PSCF 52(2):145. CELD ID 14905.

34. Caraccilo, DJ. 2000.

Book review: Faster: The Acceleration of Just about Everything by James Gleick
PSCF 52(2):145-146. CELD ID 14906.

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