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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 52(1)

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1. Miller, RJ. 2000.

Welcome, New Day!
PSCF 52(1):1-3. CELD ID 14856.

2. Bergman, J. 2000.

Is the Inverted Eye a Poor Design?
PSCF 52(1):18-20. CELD ID 14857.

3. Dodson, EO. 2000.

Toldot Adam: A Little-Known Chapter in the History of Darwinism
PSCF 52(1):47-54. CELD ID 14858.

4. Hill, CA. 2000.

The Garden of Eden: A Modern Landscape
PSCF 52(1):31-46. CELD ID 14859.

5. Zoeller-Greer, P. 2000.

Quantum Physics and Reality: How the Bible Agrees with Quantum Physics--An Anthropic Principle of Another Kind: The Divine Anthropic Principle
PSCF 52(1):8-17. CELD ID 14860.

6. Morris, MC. 2000.

God's Design Plan in Nature: A Fresh Look at Altruism
PSCF 52(1):55-57. CELD ID 14861.

7. Roth, M. 2000.

A View from the Crossroads of Science and Faith
PSCF 52(1):4-7. CELD ID 14862.

8. Bube, KP. 2000.

Mathematical Impossibility
PSCF 52(1):74-75. CELD ID 14863.

9. Hayworth, D. 2000.

McIntyre's Fatal Flaw
PSCF 52(1):73-74. CELD ID 14864.

10. McGrath, GB. 2000.

PSCF 52(1):76-76. CELD ID 14865.

11. Mills, GC. 2000.

On Harold Booher's Origins, Icons and Illusions
PSCF 52(1):75-75. CELD ID 14866.

12. Seely, PH. 2000.

Genesis Revisted or Revised?
PSCF 52(1):77-78. CELD ID 14867.

13. Siemens, DF. 2000.

Clarification of the Prediction Sets
PSCF 52(1):75-76. CELD ID 14868.

14. Murphy, GL. 2000.

Book review: Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life by Stephen Jay Gould
PSCF 52(1):60-61. CELD ID 14869.

15. Fleming, FF. 2000.

Book review: Can Science Dispense with Religion? edited by Mehdi Golshani
PSCF 52(1):61. CELD ID 14870.

16. Kuehn, MM. 2000.

Book review: Rethinking Theology and Science: Six Models for the Current Dialogue edited by N. H. Gregerson and J. W. Wentzel van Huyssteen
PSCF 52(1):61-63. CELD ID 14871.

17. Campbell, RA. 2000.

Book review: In Search of Divine Reality: Science as a Source of Inspiration by Lothar Shafer
PSCF 52(1):63. CELD ID 14872.

18. Caraccilo, DJ. 2000.

Book review: Forbidden Archeology’s Impact by Michael A. Cremo
PSCF 52(1):63-64. CELD ID 14873.

19. Yerxa, DA. 2000.

Book review: Debating Darwin: Adventures of a Scholar by John C. Greene
PSCF 52(1):64-65. CELD ID 14874.

20. Musselman, LJ. 2000.

Book review: Messages from an Owl by Max R. Terman
PSCF 52(1):65. CELD ID 14875.

21. Wing, J. 2000.

Book review: Romancing the Universe: Theology, Science, and Cosmology by Jeffrey G. Sobosan
PSCF 52(1):65-66. CELD ID 14876.

22. Lechner, J. 2000.

Book review: A New Look at an Old Earth by Don Stoner
PSCF 52(1):66-67. CELD ID 14877.

23. Caraccilo, DJ. 2000.

Book review: Origins: Cosmos, Earth, and Mankind by Dominique Simonnet, et. al.
PSCF 52(1):68. CELD ID 14878.

24. Yerxa, DA. 2000.

Book review: Means to Message: A Treatise on Truth by Stanley L. Jaki
PSCF 52(1):68-69. CELD ID 14879.

25. Caraccilo, DJ. 2000.

Book review: Twilight of the Clockwork God: Conversations on Science and Spirituality at the End of an Age by John David Ebert
PSCF 52(1):69-70. CELD ID 14880.

26. Campbell, RA. 2000.

Book review: Science without Laws by Ronald N. Giere
PSCF 52(1):70-71. CELD ID 14881.

27. Cheek, D. 2000.

Book review: Cultural Boundaries of Science: Credibility on the Line by Thomas F. Gieryn
PSCF 52(1):71. CELD ID 14882.

28. Ruble, R. 2000.

Book review: Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics by Norman Geisler
PSCF 52(1):71-72. CELD ID 14883.

29. Simon, D. 2000.

Book review: The Shaping of Rationality by J. Wentzel van Huyssteen
PSCF 52(1):72-73. CELD ID 14884.

30. Musselman, LJ. 2000.

Book review: Unholy Madness: The Church’s Surrender to Psychiatry by Seth Farber
PSCF 52(1):73. CELD ID 14885.

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