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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 51(3)

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1. Haas, JW. 1999.

Exemplary Books
PSCF 51(3):141-141. CELD ID 14713.

2. Dormer, KJ; Kinoti, G. 1999.

Science and Development in Developing Countries
PSCF 51(3):146-157. CELD ID 14714.

3. Feucht, DL. 1999.

Determinism and the Semidecidability of a Free Choice
PSCF 51(3):158-161. CELD ID 14715.

4. McIntyre, JA. 1999.

Evolution's Fatal Flaw
PSCF 51(3):162-169. CELD ID 14716.

5. Morton, GR. 1999.

Planning Ahead: Requirement for Moral Accountability
PSCF 51(3):176-180. CELD ID 14717.

6. Seely, PH. 1999.

Creation Science Takes Psalm 104:6-9 Out of Context
PSCF 51(3):170-175. CELD ID 14718.

7. Pearson, TD. 1999.

Review of Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge by E. O. Wilson
PSCF 51(3):181-183. CELD ID 14719.

8. Everest, F. 1999.

Irving A. Cowperthwaite (1904-1999): One of the Five Founding Fathers of ASA
PSCF 51(3):142-142. CELD ID 14720.

9. McIntyre, JA. 1999.

We Won
PSCF 51(3):144-144. CELD ID 14721.

10. Miller, RL. 1999.

Where Does the Spiritual World Fit into Our Description of the Physical World?
PSCF 51(3):143-144. CELD ID 14722.

11. Morton, GR. 1999.

Neanderthal/Human Hybrid
PSCF 51(3):145-145. CELD ID 14723.

12. Siemens, DF. 1999.

On Moberg
PSCF 51(3):209-209. CELD ID 14724.

13. Tiscareno, MS. 1999.

On Unity
PSCF 51(3):208-208. CELD ID 14725.

14. Mills, GC. 1999.

A Response to David Siemens' Prediction Sets
PSCF 51(3):209-210. CELD ID 14726.

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