1. Haas, JW. 1999. The Literature on Science and ReligionPSCF 51(2):71-71. CELD ID 14727.
The Literature on Science and Religion
2. Struthers, WM. 1999. A Guide to Graduate School for Christians in Science: Growing and Staying SanePSCF 51(2):72-75. CELD ID 14728.
A Guide to Graduate School for Christians in Science: Growing and Staying Sane
3. Crouch, CH; Haarsma, DB; Haarsma, L . 1999. Doing Science and Loving the NeedyPSCF 51(2):76-77. CELD ID 14729.
Doing Science and Loving the Needy
4. Carter, BM. 1999. Consciousness ExplainedPSCF 51(2):78-86. CELD ID 14730.
Consciousness Explained
5. Morton, GR. 1999. Dating AdamPSCF 51(2):87-97. CELD ID 14731.
Dating Adam
6. McGrath, GB. 1999. James Orr's Endorsement of Theistic EvolutionPSCF 51(2):114-121. CELD ID 14732.
James Orr's Endorsement of Theistic Evolution
7. Potter, HD. 1999. How to End Science's Border War: A Conceptual FrameworkPSCF 51(2):98-101. CELD ID 14733.
How to End Science's Border War: A Conceptual Framework
8. Siemens, DF. 1999. Two Prediction Sets and Their Consequences for Applying Intelligent Design TheoriesPSCF 51(2):108-113. CELD ID 14734.
Two Prediction Sets and Their Consequences for Applying Intelligent Design Theories
9. Touryan, KJ. 1999. Are Truth Claims in Science Socially Constructed?PSCF 51(2):102-107. CELD ID 14735.
Are Truth Claims in Science Socially Constructed?
10. Polischuk, P. 1999. Book review: Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature edited by Brown, Murphy and MalonyPSCF 51(2):122-125. CELD ID 14736.
Book review: Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature edited by Brown, Murphy and Malony
11. Kuehn, MM. 1999. A Plea for a More Scholarly JournalPSCF 51(2):138-139. CELD ID 14737.
A Plea for a More Scholarly Journal
12. McGrath, GB. 1999. Tanner on the Red, Reed SeaPSCF 51(2):139-140. CELD ID 14738.
Tanner on the Red, Reed Sea
13. Fleming, FF. 1999. Book review: Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge edited by Christopher Lawrence and Steven ShapinPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14772.
Book review: Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge edited by Christopher Lawrence and Steven Shapin
14. O'Connor, R. 1999. Book review: Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion by Edward J. LarsonPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14773.
Book review: Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion by Edward J. Larson
15. Granger, BD. 1999. Book review: God, the Evidence: The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World by Patrick GlynnPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14774.
Book review: God, the Evidence: The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World by Patrick Glynn
16. Holland, D. 1999. Book review: Galileo: His Science and His Significance for the Future of Man by Albert DiCanzioPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14775.
Book review: Galileo: His Science and His Significance for the Future of Man by Albert DiCanzio
17. Wingard, C. 1999. Book review: Evangelicalism in Britain 1935–1995: A Personal Sketch by Oliver BarclayPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14776.
Book review: Evangelicalism in Britain 1935–1995: A Personal Sketch by Oliver Barclay
18. Barnard, DT. 1999. Book review: The Roving Mind by Isaac AsimovPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14777.
Book review: The Roving Mind by Isaac Asimov
19. Buswell, JO. 1999. Book review: Darwin's Leap of Faith by John Ankerberg and John WeldonPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14778.
Book review: Darwin's Leap of Faith by John Ankerberg and John Weldon
20. MacKenzie, RE. 1999. Book review: The Creation/Evolution Controversy: An Annotated Bibliography by James L. HaywardPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14779.
Book review: The Creation/Evolution Controversy: An Annotated Bibliography by James L. Hayward
21. MacKenzie, R. 1999. Book review: Objectives Sustained: Subversive Essays on Evolution, Law and Culture by Phillip E. JohnsonPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14780.
Book review: Objectives Sustained: Subversive Essays on Evolution, Law and Culture by Phillip E. Johnson
22. Berger, DJ. 1999. Book review: Science for a Polite Society: Gender, Culture and the Demonstration of Enlightenment by Geoffrey V. SuttonPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14781.
Book review: Science for a Polite Society: Gender, Culture and the Demonstration of Enlightenment by Geoffrey V. Sutton
23. Bube, RH. 1999. Book review: Science, Theology and Consciousness: The Search for Unity by John Boghosian ArdenPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14782.
Book review: Science, Theology and Consciousness: The Search for Unity by John Boghosian Arden
24. Faw, HW. 1999. Book review: Limning the Psyche: Explorations in Christian Psychology edited by Robert C. Roberts and Mark R. TalbotPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14783.
Book review: Limning the Psyche: Explorations in Christian Psychology edited by Robert C. Roberts and Mark R. Talbot
25. Burgeson, JW. 1999. Book review: End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon? by Richard AbanesPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14784.
Book review: End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon? by Richard Abanes
26. Hatcher, E. 1999. Book review: Skeptics Answered by D. James KennedyPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14785.
Book review: Skeptics Answered by D. James Kennedy
27. Condron, D. 1999. Book review: The One Purpose of God: An Answer to the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment by Jan BondaPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14786.
Book review: The One Purpose of God: An Answer to the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment by Jan Bonda
28. Hiebert, TG. 1999. Book review: The Complete Book of Bible Answers by Ron RhodesPSCF 51(2):. CELD ID 14787.
Book review: The Complete Book of Bible Answers by Ron Rhodes