1. Haas, JW. 1998. The Joy of SciencePSCF 50(3):157-157. CELD ID 14608.
The Joy of Science
2. Hall, SG. 1998. In TransitionPSCF 50(3):158-159. CELD ID 14609.
In Transition
3. Barclay, O. 1998. A Strategy for the Evolution Debate: A View from the Other Side of the AtlanticPSCF 50(3):161-163. CELD ID 14610.
A Strategy for the Evolution Debate: A View from the Other Side of the Atlantic
4. Haarsma, LD; Haarsma, DB. 1998. Neutrino Mass, Inflationary Cosmology, and the Fine-tuning ArgumentPSCF 50(3):160-160. CELD ID 14611.
Neutrino Mass, Inflationary Cosmology, and the Fine-tuning Argument
5. Bufford, RK; Garrison, JM. 1998. Evolutionary Psychology: A Paradigm Whose Time May Come: A Response to J. Raymond ZimmerPSCF 50(3):185-193. CELD ID 14612.
Evolutionary Psychology: A Paradigm Whose Time May Come: A Response to J. Raymond Zimmer
6. Pun, P. 1998. Toward an Ethics of the Human Genome ProjectPSCF 50(3):164-175. CELD ID 14613.
Toward an Ethics of the Human Genome Project
7. Spradley, JL. 1998. Religion and the Search for Extraterrestrial IntelligencePSCF 50(3):194-204. CELD ID 14614.
Religion and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
8. Zimmer, JR. 1998. Evolutionary Psychology Challenges the Current Social SciencesPSCF 50(3):176-184. CELD ID 14615.
Evolutionary Psychology Challenges the Current Social Sciences
9. Pennock, RT. 1998. The Prospects for a Theistic SciencePSCF 50(3):205-210. CELD ID 14616.
The Prospects for a Theistic Science
10. Tanner, WF. 1998. Did Israel Cross the Red Sea?PSCF 50(3):211-216. CELD ID 14617.
Did Israel Cross the Red Sea?
11. Siemens, DF. 1998. On Pearson's Lament: Codes, Morals, and EthicsPSCF 50(3):234-234. CELD ID 14618.
On Pearson's Lament: Codes, Morals, and Ethics
12. Morton, G. 1998. Reply to TannerPSCF 50(3):233-234. CELD ID 14619.
Reply to Tanner