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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 50(2)

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1. Haas, JW. 1998.

Faith and Science in International Context
PSCF 50(2):79-79. CELD ID 14639.

2. Ju, GC. 1998.

Caution: Roadblocks Ahead
PSCF 50(2):80-83. CELD ID 14640.

3. McCarrick, A. 1998.

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too
PSCF 50(2):84. CELD ID 14641.

4. Morton, GR. 1998.

Bonobo Trails
PSCF 50(2):84. CELD ID 14642.

5. Pearson, TD. 1998.

Ethics in the Workplace: What Should the Christian Do?
PSCF 50(2):84. CELD ID 14643.

6. Aulie, RR. 1998.

The Guide for the Perplexed: An Unforeseen Overture to Science in Twelfth-Century Cairo
PSCF 50(2):122-135. CELD ID 14644.

7. Polischuk, P. 1998.

Perspectives on the Self: Substantial and Dialogical Aspects
PSCF 50(2):95-107. CELD ID 14645.

8. Snoke, D. 1998.

The Apologetic Argument
PSCF 50(2):108-121. CELD ID 14646.

9. Strand, MA. 1998.

The Meaning of Personhood
PSCF 50(2):88-94. CELD ID 14647.

10. Mills, GC. 1998.

Possible Role of Protein Modules in a Theory of Theistic Evolution
PSCF 50(2):136-139. CELD ID 14648.

11. Luther, MEW. 1998.

Missed the Point
PSCF 50(2):155-155. CELD ID 14649.

12. Siemens, DF. 1998.

Is Theology Science? Re: Peterson
PSCF 50(2):155-155. CELD ID 14650.

13. Siemens, DF. 1998.

God as a Blown-up Me: re: Busen
PSCF 50(2):155-156. CELD ID 14651.

14. Tanner, WF. 1998.

The Messinian Crisis vs. Noah's Flood
PSCF 50(2):156-156. CELD ID 14652.

15. Gingerich, O. 1998.

Book review: The Secret Melody and Man Created the Universe by Trinh Xuan Thuan
PSCF 50(2):140. CELD ID 14653.

16. DeWeerd, AJ. 1998.

Book review: The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins by Alan H. Guth
PSCF 50(2):140. CELD ID 14654.

17. Burgeson, JW. 1998.

Book review: The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch
PSCF 50(2):141. CELD ID 14655.

18. de Koning, J. 1998.

Book review: Instituting Science: The Cultural Production of Scientific Disciplines by Timothy Lenoir. Stanford
PSCF 50(2):141. CELD ID 14656.

19. Wason, PK. 1998.

Book review: Modern Culture From a Comparative Perspective by Wilfred Cantwell Smith
PSCF 50(2):142. CELD ID 14657.

20. Haas, JW. 1998.

Book review: Huxley: From Devil's Disciple to Evolution's High Priest by Adrian Desmond
PSCF 50(2):143. CELD ID 14658.

21. Morton, GR. 1998.

Book review: The Fossil Trail by Ian Tattersall
PSCF 50(2):144. CELD ID 14659.

22. Howell, DJ. 1998.

Book review: The Ecology of Hope: Communities Collaborate for Sustainability by Ted Bernard and Jora Young
PSCF 50(2):145. CELD ID 14660.

23. Cheek, DW. 1998.

Book review: Ecologists and Environmental Politics: A History of Contemporary Ecology by Stephen Bocking
PSCF 50(2):147. CELD ID 14661.

24. Cheek, DW. 1998.

Book review: Redeeming the Time: A Political Theology of the Environment by Stephen Bede Scharper
PSCF 50(2):146. CELD ID 14662.

25. LaBar, M. 1998.

Book review: Religion and Technology: A Study in the Philosophy of Culture by Jay Newman
PSCF 50(2):148. CELD ID 14663.

26. Campbell, RA. 1998.

Book review: Anglo-American Postmodernity: Philosophical Perspectives on Science, Religion, and Ethics by Nancey Murphy
PSCF 50(2):148. CELD ID 14664.

27. Turner, JM. 1998.

Book review: In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case For God's Action in History edited by R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas
PSCF 50(2):149. CELD ID 14665.

28. Wigger, JB. 1998.

Book review: A Natural History of Parenting: From the Emperor Penguins to Reluctant Ewes, A Naturalist Looks at How Parenting Differs in the Animal World and Ours by Susan Allport
PSCF 50(2):151. CELD ID 14666.

29. Drodge, J. 1998.

Book review: Quest for Perfection: The Drive to Breed Better Human Beings by Gina Maranto
PSCF 50(2):151. CELD ID 14667.

30. de Koning, J. 1998.

Book review: Models for Christian Higher Education: Strategies for Success in the Twenty-First Century edited by Richard T. Hughes and William B. Adrian
PSCF 50(2):152. CELD ID 14668.

31. Bube, RH. 1998.

Book review: All God's Children: A Biblical Critique of Racism by Stephen L. McKenzie
PSCF 50(2):152. CELD ID 14669.

32. Barnard, DT. 1998.

Book review: The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship by George M. Marsden
PSCF 50(2):154. CELD ID 14670.

33. Fleming, FF. 1998.

Book review: Transformed Thinking: Loving God with All Your Mind by Edward M. Curtis with John Brugaletta
PSCF 50(2):154. CELD ID 14671.

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