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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 49(3)

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1. Plantinga, A. 1997.

Methodological Naturalism?
PSCF 49(3):143-154. CELD ID 14410.

2. Pence, TG. 1997.

Charles S. Pierce, Scientific Method, and God
PSCF 49(3):156-161. CELD ID 14411.

3. Abney, K. 1997.

Naturalism and Non-teleological Science: A Way to Resolve the Demarcation Problem Between Science and Non-science
PSCF 49(3):162-169. CELD ID 14412.

4. Shanahan, T. 1997.

Darwinian Naturalism, Theism, and Biological Design
PSCF 49(3):170-171. CELD ID 14413.

5. Dembski, WA. 1997.

Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information
PSCF 49(3):180-190. CELD ID 14414.

6. Drozdek, A. 1997.

Time and Eternity
PSCF 49(3):192-195. CELD ID 14415.

7. Siemens, DF. 1997.

On Moreland: Spurious Freedom, Mangled Science, Muddled Philosophy
PSCF 49(3):196-199. CELD ID 14416.

8. McGrath, GB. 1997.

Response to Bube
PSCF 49(3):209-210. CELD ID 14417.

9. Siemens, DF . 1997.

Tanner: Right, But...
PSCF 49(3):210-210. CELD ID 14418.

10. Heinrichs, D. 1997.

Reflections on PSCF Articles
PSCF 49(3):208-209. CELD ID 14419.

11. Koons, RC. 1997.

Conference on Naturalism, Theism, and the Scientific Enterprise
PSCF 49(3):141-141. CELD ID 14420.

12. Pittman, T. 1997.

Response to Seely
PSCF 49(3):210-210. CELD ID 14421.

13. Burgeson, JW. 1997.

Book review: The End of Science: Facing the Limits of Knowledge in the Twilight of the Scientific Age by John Horgan
PSCF 49(3):200. CELD ID 14422.

14. Alfred, BM. 1997.

Book review: God, Chance and Necessity by Keith Ward
PSCF 49(3):201. CELD ID 14423.

15. Fleming, FF. 1997.

Book review: A Theory of Almost Everything: A Scientific and Religious Quest for Ultimate Answers by Robert Barry
PSCF 49(3):202. CELD ID 14424.

16. Copan, P. 1997.

Book review: The Nature of Space and Time by Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose
PSCF 49(3):203. CELD ID 14425.

17. Karkalits, OC. 1997.

Book review: Cosmic Beginnings and Human Ends: Where Science and Religion Meet edited by Clifford N. Matthews and Roy Abraham Varghese
PSCF 49(3):203. CELD ID 14426.

18. Hall, SG. 1997.

Book review: The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy by Charles Officer and Jake Page
PSCF 49(3):204. CELD ID 14427.

19. Gladwin, J. 1997.

Book review: Bioethics: A Primer for Christians by Gilbert Meilaender
PSCF 49(3):207. CELD ID 14428.

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