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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 49(1)

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1. Moreland, JP. 1997.

Complementarity, Agency Theory, and the God of the Gaps
PSCF 49(1):2-14. CELD ID 14452.

2. O'Connor, RC. 1997.

Science on Trial: Exploring the Rationality of Methodological Naturalism
PSCF 49(1):15-30. CELD ID 14453.

3. Woodall, DL. 1997.

The Relationship between Science and Scripture in the Thought of Robert Boyle
PSCF 49(1):32-39. CELD ID 14454.

4. Busen, KM. 1997.

Eternity and the Personal God
PSCF 49(1):40-49. CELD ID 14455.

5. Pun, P. 1997.

Video Review: The Deep Waters of Evolution
PSCF 49(1):52-53. CELD ID 14456.

6. Miller, KB. 1997.

Video Review: The Deep Waters of Evolution
PSCF 49(1):54-55. CELD ID 14457.

7. Siemens, DF. 1997.

Don't Tar Van Till: A Response to Anderson and Mills
PSCF 49(1):70-70. CELD ID 14458.

8. Haas, JW. 1997.

On Intelligent Design, Irreducible Complexity, and Theistic Science
PSCF 49(1):1-1. CELD ID 14459.

9. DeGraaf, DE. 1997.

Science Series Review: Science K-2 and Science 3-6
PSCF 49(1):50-51. CELD ID 14460.

10. Alfred, BM. 1997.

Book review: The Origins Solution: An Answer in the Creation-Evolution Debate by Dick Fischer
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14461.

11. de Koning, J. 1997.

Book review: Genesis Today: Genesis and the Questions of Science by Ernest Lucas
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14462.

12. Davis, EB. 1997.

Book review: Religion and the Natural Sciences: The Range of Engagement edited by James E. Huchingson
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14463.

13. Bube, RH. 1997.

Book review: Cosmic Witness: Commentaries on Science/Technology Themes by George L. Murphy, LaVonne Althouse, and Russell Willis
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14464.

14. Bowman, RM. 1997.

Book review: God and the Philosophers edited by Thomas Morris
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14465.

15. Bowman, RM. 1997.

Book review: Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology by William Lane Craig and Quentin Smith
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14466.

16. Campbell, RA. 1997.

Book review: Thinking Clearly About God and Science by David Wilkinson and Rob Frost
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14467.

17. LaBar, M. 1997.

Book review: The Artful Universe by John D. Barrow
PSCF 49(1):. CELD ID 14468.

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