1. Haas, JW. 1996. The ASA ListServPSCF 48(3):143-143. CELD ID 13935.
The ASA ListServ
2. Wauzzinski, RA. 1996. Technological OptimismPSCF 48(3):144-152. CELD ID 13936.
Technological Optimism
3. DeHaan, RF. 1996. Paradoxes in Darwinian Theory Resolved by a Theory of Macro-DevelopmentPSCF 48(3):154-163. CELD ID 13937.
Paradoxes in Darwinian Theory Resolved by a Theory of Macro-Development
4. Bergman, J. 1996. The History of Evolution's Teaching of Women's InferiorityPSCF 48(3):164-178. CELD ID 13938.
The History of Evolution's Teaching of Women's Inferiority
5. Trenn, TJ. 1996. Caring for Science under Friendly FirePSCF 48(3):179-181. CELD ID 13939.
Caring for Science under Friendly Fire
6. DeWitt, CB. 1996. Creation and God's JudgmentPSCF 48(3):182-183. CELD ID 13940.
Creation and God's Judgment
7. Suppe, J. 1996. "Are Evangelical Scientists Practical Atheists?"PSCF 48(3):184-185. CELD ID 13941.
"Are Evangelical Scientists Practical Atheists?"
8. Bube, RH. 1996. How Does My Faith Affect My Scientific Work?PSCF 48(3):186-187. CELD ID 13942.
How Does My Faith Affect My Scientific Work?
9. DeGraaf, DE. 1996. Book review: The Battle of Beginnings by Del RatzschPSCF 48(3):188-191. CELD ID 13943.
Book review: The Battle of Beginnings by Del Ratzsch
10. Kline, M. 1996. Comments On Collins, et alPSCF 48(3):209-210. CELD ID 13944.
Comments On Collins, et al
11. Siemens, DF. 1996. Clark and his Critics on PacifismPSCF 48(3):210-211. CELD ID 13945.
Clark and his Critics on Pacifism
12. Winder, CG. 1996. Response to Macer and BoylePSCF 48(3):211-211. CELD ID 13946.
Response to Macer and Boyle
13. Morton, G. 1996. Response to David WilcoxPSCF 48(3):212-212. CELD ID 13947.
Response to David Wilcox
14. Burgeson, JW. 1996. Book review: Quarks, Chaos and Christianity: Questions to Science and Religion by John PolkinghornePSCF 48(3):192. CELD ID 13948.
Book review: Quarks, Chaos and Christianity: Questions to Science and Religion by John Polkinghorne
15. Fleming, FF. 1996. Book review: Visions that Shaped the Universe: A History of Scientific Ideas about the Universe by Joseph L. SpradleyPSCF 48(3):192. CELD ID 13949.
Book review: Visions that Shaped the Universe: A History of Scientific Ideas about the Universe by Joseph L. Spradley
16. de Koning, J. 1996. Book review: Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks: Singularities and Causalities in Relativistic Spacetimes by John EarmanPSCF 48(3):193. CELD ID 13950.
Book review: Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks: Singularities and Causalities in Relativistic Spacetimes by John Earman
17. de Koning, J. 1996. Book review: The Three Big Bangs: Comet Crashes, Exploding Stars, and the Creation of the Universe by Philip M. Dauber and Richard A. MulletPSCF 48(3):193. CELD ID 13951.
Book review: The Three Big Bangs: Comet Crashes, Exploding Stars, and the Creation of the Universe by Philip M. Dauber and Richard A. Mullet
18. Bube, RH. 1996. Book review: Science and Religion: From Conflict to Conversation by John F. HaughtPSCF 48(3):194. CELD ID 13952.
Book review: Science and Religion: From Conflict to Conversation by John F. Haught
19. de Koning, J. 1996. Book review: In Search of Infinity by N.Ya. VilenkinPSCF 48(3):195. CELD ID 13953.
Book review: In Search of Infinity by N.Ya. Vilenkin
20. Bube, RH. 1996. Book review: The Physicists and God: The New Priests of Religion? by Anthony Van den BeukelPSCF 48(3):195. CELD ID 13954.
Book review: The Physicists and God: The New Priests of Religion? by Anthony Van den Beukel
21. de Koning, J. 1996. Book review: Evolutionism and the Return of Natural Theology by M. A. CoreyPSCF 48(3):196. CELD ID 13955.
Book review: Evolutionism and the Return of Natural Theology by M. A. Corey
22. Piersma, BJ. 1996. Book review: Evolution: Fact, Fraud or Faith by Don BoysPSCF 48(3):197. CELD ID 13956.
Book review: Evolution: Fact, Fraud or Faith by Don Boys
23. de Koning, J. 1996. Book review: Ape or Adam? Our Roots According to the Book of Genesis by William R. Van der ZeePSCF 48(3):197. CELD ID 13957.
Book review: Ape or Adam? Our Roots According to the Book of Genesis by William R. Van der Zee
24. Mast, AR. 1996. Book review: Evolution as Growth of One Earth-Organism by Thomas A. MorrillPSCF 48(3):198. CELD ID 13958.
Book review: Evolution as Growth of One Earth-Organism by Thomas A. Morrill
25. Bube, RH. 1996. Book review: Environmental Values in American Culture by Willett Kempton, James S. Boster, and Jennifer A. Hartley and Livable Planets are Hard to Find by Irving W. KnoblochPSCF 48(3):198. CELD ID 13959.
Book review: Environmental Values in American Culture by Willett Kempton, James S. Boster, and Jennifer A. Hartley and Livable Planets are Hard to Find by Irving W. Knobloch
26. Burgeson, JW. 1996. Book review: The Bible May Agree With Evolution by Marjorie Mary GilfillanPSCF 48(3):199. CELD ID 13960.
Book review: The Bible May Agree With Evolution by Marjorie Mary Gilfillan
27. Harrison, W. 1996. Book review: Judaism and the Doctrine of Creation by Norbert M. SamuelsonPSCF 48(3):200. CELD ID 13961.
Book review: Judaism and the Doctrine of Creation by Norbert M. Samuelson
28. Berger, DJ. 1996. Book review: At the Fringes of Science: Science, Science Contested, and Pseudo-Science by Michael W. FriedlanderPSCF 48(3):200. CELD ID 13962.
Book review: At the Fringes of Science: Science, Science Contested, and Pseudo-Science by Michael W. Friedlander
29. Bowling, A. 1996. Book review: Jesus, the Wisdom of God: An Ecological Theology by Denis EdwardsPSCF 48(3):201. CELD ID 13963.
Book review: Jesus, the Wisdom of God: An Ecological Theology by Denis Edwards
30. Chen, TT. 1996. Book review: The Advancement of Science: Science without Legend, Objectivity without Illusions by Philip KitcherPSCF 48(3):202. CELD ID 13964.
Book review: The Advancement of Science: Science without Legend, Objectivity without Illusions by Philip Kitcher
31. Musselman, LJ. 1996. Book review: The Word of God and the Languages of Man: Interpreting Nature in Early Modern Science and Medicine by James J. BonoPSCF 48(3):203. CELD ID 13965.
Book review: The Word of God and the Languages of Man: Interpreting Nature in Early Modern Science and Medicine by James J. Bono
32. Bowman, RM. 1996. Book review: Missionaries to the Skeptics by John A. SimsPSCF 48(3):204. CELD ID 13966.
Book review: Missionaries to the Skeptics by John A. Sims
33. Bowman, RM. 1996. Book review: Why Freud was Wrong by Richard WebsterPSCF 48(3):204. CELD ID 13967.
Book review: Why Freud was Wrong by Richard Webster
34. Chen, ML. 1996. Book review: Child Rearing and Personality Development by Paul D. Meier, Donald E. Ratcliff, and Frederick L. RowePSCF 48(3):205. CELD ID 13968.
Book review: Child Rearing and Personality Development by Paul D. Meier, Donald E. Ratcliff, and Frederick L. Rowe
35. Blight, EM. 1996. Book review: Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine by Larry DosseyPSCF 48(3):206. CELD ID 13969.
Book review: Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine by Larry Dossey
36. Bowser, EO. 1996. Book review: The Sea of Galilee Boat: An Extraordinary 2000 Year Old Discovery by Shelley WachsmannPSCF 48(3):206. CELD ID 13970.
Book review: The Sea of Galilee Boat: An Extraordinary 2000 Year Old Discovery by Shelley Wachsmann
37. Bowser, EO. 1996. Book review: Christian Scripture: An Evangelical Perspective on Inspiration, Authority and Interpretation by David S. DockeryPSCF 48(3):207. CELD ID 13971.
Book review: Christian Scripture: An Evangelical Perspective on Inspiration, Authority and Interpretation by David S. Dockery