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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 48(1)

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1. Haas, JW. 1996.

Is Anyone Reading This Journal?
PSCF 48(1):1-1. CELD ID 14004.

2. Kline, MG. 1996.

Space and Time in the Genesis Cosmogony
PSCF 48(1):2-15. CELD ID 14005.

3. Zimmer, JR. 1996.

The Creation of Man and the Evolutionary Record
PSCF 48(1):16-26. CELD ID 14006.

4. Ferngren, GB; Numbers, RL. 1996.

C. S. Lewis on Creation and Evolution: The Acworth Letters, 1944-1960
PSCF 48(1):28-33. CELD ID 14007.

5. Isaac, R. 1996.

Chronology of The Fall
PSCF 48(1):34-43. CELD ID 14008.

6. Tanner, WF. 1996.

Real World Stratigraphy and the Noachian Flood
PSCF 48(1):44-47. CELD ID 14009.

7. Miller, K. 1996.

Response to Newman
PSCF 48(1):66-68. CELD ID 14010.

8. Garrison, L. 1996.

Responses to Mark T. Clark
PSCF 48(1):68-68. CELD ID 14011.

9. Burka, JF. 1996.

Jesus, the Prince of Peace (not of Just War)
PSCF 48(1):68-68. CELD ID 14012.

10. Pittman, T. 1996.

Response to Tanner
PSCF 48(1):68-70. CELD ID 14013.

11. Feucht, DL. 1996.

Book review: Show Me God: What the Message from Space Is Telling Us About God by Fred Heeren
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14014.

12. Fleming, FF. 1996.

Book review: Blaise Pascal: Mathematician, Physicist and Thinker about God by Donald Adamson
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14015.

13. Koonz, M. 1996.

Book review: Putting it all Together: Seven Patterns for Relating Science and Christian Faith by Richard H. Bube
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14016.

14. Wing, J. 1996.

Book review: Vital Dust: Life As A Cosmic Imperative by Christian de Duve
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14017.

15. Hamilton, B. 1996.

Book review: Foundation, Fall and Flood: A Harmonization of Genesis and Science by Glenn R. Morton
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14018.

16. Bube, RH. 1996.

Book review: Einstein Lived Here by Abraham Pais
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14019.

17. Burgeson, JW. 1996.

Book review: Science and the Bible by Henry M. Morris
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14020.

18. Copan, P. 1996.

Book review: River out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life by Richard Dawkins
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14021.

19. Burgeson, JW. 1996.

Book review: Evolution, Guilty As Charged by Frederick C. Kubicek
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14022.

20. Wing, J. 1996.

Book review: The Scars of Evolution: What Our Bodies Tell Us About Human Origins by Elaine Morgan
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14023.

21. Boardman, CR. 1996.

Book review: An EARTH-CAREFUL WAY OF LIFE: Christian Stewardship and the Environmental Crisis by Lionel Basney
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14024.

22. Spaling, H. 1996.

Book review: Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos by Garrett Hardin
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14025.

23. de Koning, J. 1996.

Book review: Caring For Creation: An Ecumenical Approach to the Environment Crisis by Max Oelschlager
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14026.

24. Bowman, RM. 1996.

Book review: Christianity, Evidence and Truth by Roger Forster and Paul Marston
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14027.

25. Bowser, EO. 1996.

Book review: Irrationalality: Why We Don't Think Straight by Stuart Sutherland
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14028.

26. Worth, F. 1996.

Book review: Christian Science in the Age of Mary Baker Eddy by Stuart E. Knee
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14029.

27. Strand, MA. 1996.

Book review: The Facts of Life: Science and the Abortion Controversy by Harold J. Morowitz and James Trefil
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14030.

28. de Koning, J. 1996.

Book review: Emotion and Spirit: Questioning the Claims of Psychoanalysis and Religion by Neville Symington
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14031.

29. Hatcher, E. 1996.

Book review: Leaving the Fold by Edward T. Babinski
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14032.

30. Eichman, P. 1996.

Book review: Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants by Paul Brand and Philip Yancey
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14033.

31. Ruble, R. 1996.

Book review: The Making of the New Testament by Arthur G. Patzia
PSCF 48(1):. CELD ID 14034.

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