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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 47(4)

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1. Haas, JW. 1995.

Peer Review
PSCF 47(4):1-1. CELD ID 13756.

2. Clark, MT. 1995.

The Paradox of War and Pacifism
PSCF 47(4):220-232. CELD ID 13757.

3. Haas, JW. 1995.

John Wesley's Vision of Science in the Service of Christ
PSCF 47(4):234-243. CELD ID 13758.

4. Malony, HN. 1995.

John Wesley and the Eighteenth Century Therapeutic Uses of Electricity
PSCF 47(4):244-254. CELD ID 13759.

5. Macer, D; Boyle, T. 1995.

Science and Christianity in Japan
PSCF 47(4):255-259. CELD ID 13760.

6. Tanner, WF. 1995.

How Many trees did Noah take on the Ark?
PSCF 47(4):260-263. CELD ID 13761.

7. Bube, RH. 1995.

Toward Responsible Christian Stewardship [re. book, On Behalf of God]
PSCF 47(4):264-266. CELD ID 13762.

8. Siemens, DF. 1995.

Retrogression and Relapse: About Mills, Moreland, and their Ilk
PSCF 47(4):284-285. CELD ID 13763.

9. Beisner, EC. 1995.

Issues and Evidence, not Ad Hominem, Should Characterize Environmental Debate; A Response to Richard Wright
PSCF 47(4):285-287. CELD ID 13764.

10. Wright, R. 1995.

The Wright Response
PSCF 47(4):287-288. CELD ID 13765.

11. Gerard, WA. 1995.

Corrective Surgery or An Autopsy?
PSCF 47(4):288-289. CELD ID 13766.

12. Touryan, KJ. 1995.

Genesis and Time Warp
PSCF 47(4):289-289. CELD ID 13767.

13. Hearn, WR. 1995.

Book review: The Faith of a Physicist: Reflections of a Bottom-Up Thinker by John Polkinghorne
PSCF 47(4):267. CELD ID 13768.

14. Trenn, TJ. 1995.

Book review: The Darwin Legend by James Moore
PSCF 47(4):267. CELD ID 13769.

15. Bowman, RM. 1995.

Book review: Science and Theology edited by Murray Rae, Hiliary Regan and John Stenhouse
PSCF 47(4):268. CELD ID 13770.

16. Karkalits, OC. 1995.

Book review: Designer Universe: Is Christianity Compatible With Modern Science? by John Wright
PSCF 47(4):269. CELD ID 13771.

17. Haas, JW. 1995.

Book review: Worlds Apart: The Unholy War Between Religion and Science by Karl Giberson and Religion Confronting Science: And There Was Light by Donivan Bessinger
PSCF 47(4):270. CELD ID 13772.

18. Murphy, GL. 1995.

Book review: Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy by Margaret J. Osler
PSCF 47(4):271. CELD ID 13773.

19. Fleming, FF. 1995.

Book review: Science and the Bible: 30 Scientific Demonstrations Illustrating Scriptural Truths by Donald B. De Young
PSCF 47(4):272. CELD ID 13774.

20. Bowman, RM. 1995.

Book review: Christian Apologetics in the Postmodern World edited by Timothy R. Phillips and Dennis L. Okholm
PSCF 47(4):273. CELD ID 13775.

21. Bowling, A. 1995.

Book review: Humanity, Environment and God: Glasgow Centenary Gifford Lectures edited by Neil Spurway
PSCF 47(4):274. CELD ID 13776.

22. Wing, J. 1995.

Book review: Back to Darwin: The Scientific Case for Deistic Evolution by Michael Anthony Corey
PSCF 47(4):274. CELD ID 13777.

23. Bube, RH. 1995.

Book review: The Earth, Humanity and God by Colin A. Russell
PSCF 47(4):275. CELD ID 13778.

24. Worth, F. 1995.

Book review: Earth-Wise by Calvin B. DeWitt
PSCF 47(4):276. CELD ID 13779.

25. Burgeson, JW. 1995.

Book review: Creationism's Upside-down Pyramid: How Science Refutes Fundamentalism by Lee Tiffin
PSCF 47(4):277. CELD ID 13780.

26. Barnard, DT. 1995.

Book review: Aging and God: Spiritual Pathways to Mental Health in Midlife and Later Years by Harold G. Koenig
PSCF 47(4):278. CELD ID 13781.

27. de Koning, J. 1995.

Book review: Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness by Roger Penrose
PSCF 47(4):279. CELD ID 13782.

28. Haas, JW. 1995.

Book review: Responsible Grace: John Wesley's Practical Theology by Randy L. Maddox
PSCF 47(4):280. CELD ID 13783.

29. Burgeson, JW. 1995.

Book review: The Biblical Flood: A Case Study of the Church's Response to Extrabiblical Evidence by Davis A. Young
PSCF 47(4):282. CELD ID 13784.

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