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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 46(3)

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1. Haas, JW. 1994.

The Freedom to Think Otherwise and to Build Bridges
PSCF 46(3):149. CELD ID 13335.

2. Emberger, G. 1994.

Theological and Scientific Explanations for the Origin and Purpose of Natural Evil
PSCF 46(3):150-158. CELD ID 13336.

3. Mills, GC. 1994.

The Molecular Evolutionary Clock: A Critique
PSCF 46(3):159-168. CELD ID 13337.

4. Moore, JR. 1994.

Cutting Both Ways -- Darwin among the Devout [Resp. to Livingstone, Miles, Noll]
PSCF 46(3):169. CELD ID 13338.

5. Beal, RS. 1994.

Can a Premillenialist Consistently Entertain a Concern for the Environment? A Rejoinder to Al Truesdale [6/1994]
PSCF 46(3):172-177. CELD ID 13339.

6. Maatman, R. 1994.

The Galileo Incident
PSCF 46(3):179. CELD ID 13340.

7. Bergman, J. 1994.

Arno A. Penzias: Astrophysicist, Nobel Laureate
PSCF 46(3):183-187. CELD ID 13341.

8. Fischer, RB. 1994.

Uses of the Word 'God' in Scientists' Writings
PSCF 46(3):188-192. CELD ID 13342.

9. Wilcox, DL. 1994.

Method and Miracle -- A Reaction
PSCF 46(3):216-217. CELD ID 13343.

10. Siemens, DF. 1994.

Bube, Meyer and Moreland: A Middle View
PSCF 46(3):217-218. CELD ID 13344.

11. Crenshaw, RE. 1994.

More on the Big Bang/Big Crunch
PSCF 46(3):218. CELD ID 13345.

12. Fleming, FF. 1994.

Book review: Novelties in the Heavens: Rhetoric and Science in the Copernican Controversy by Jean Dietz Moss
PSCF 46(3):195. CELD ID 13346.

13. Seaton, CE. 1994.

Book review: Shooting for the Stars by Ross Clifford and Philip Johnson
PSCF 46(3):196. CELD ID 13347.

14. de Koning, J. 1994.

Book review: The Promise of Nature: Ecology and Cosmic Purpose by John F. Haught. Mahwah
PSCF 46(3):197. CELD ID 13348.

15. Rice, S. 1994.

Book review: Rebirth of Value: Meditations on Beauty, Ecology, Religion and Education by Frederick Turner
PSCF 46(3):197. CELD ID 13349.

16. Bube, RH. 1994.

Book review: The Earth is the Lord's: Christians and the Environment edited by Richard D. Land and Louis A. Moore
PSCF 46(3):198. CELD ID 13350.

17. LaBar, M. 1994.

Book review: Christianity, Wilderness, and Wildlife: The Original Desert Solitaire by Susan Power Bratton
PSCF 46(3):199. CELD ID 13351.

18. Mitchell, HT. 1994.

Book review: Six billion and more: Human Population Regulation and Christian Ethics by Susan Power Bratton
PSCF 46(3):200. CELD ID 13352.

19. Probst, DK. 1994.

Book review: The Extraordinary Story of Human Origins by Piero and Alberto Angela
PSCF 46(3):201. CELD ID 13353.

20. Wiester, JL. 1994.

Book review: Genesis, Creation, and Creationism by Lloyd R. Bailey
PSCF 46(3):201. CELD ID 13354.

21. Newman, RC. 1994.

Book review: The Impact of Evolutionary Theory: A Christian View by Russell Maatman
PSCF 46(3):202. CELD ID 13355.

22. Rice, S. 1994.

Book review: Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism by James Rachels
PSCF 46(3):203. CELD ID 13356.

23. Eichman, P. 1994.

Book review: Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA by R. C. Lewontin
PSCF 46(3):205. CELD ID 13357.

24. Bowser, EO. 1994.

Book review: The Human Factor: Evolution, Culture and Religion by Philip Hefner
PSCF 46(3):206. CELD ID 13358.

25. Hamilton, WE. 1994.

Book review: Man and Creation: Perspectives on Science and Theology edited by Michael Bauman
PSCF 46(3):207. CELD ID 13359.

26. Noble, EJ. 1994.

Book review: Taking the Word to Heart: Self and Others in an Age of Therapies by Robert C. Roberts
PSCF 46(3):208. CELD ID 13360.

27. de Koning, J. 1994.

Book review: Christian Perspective on Human Development edited by Leroy Aden, David G. Benner and J. Harold Ellens
PSCF 46(3):210. CELD ID 13361.

28. Drozdek, A. 1994.

Book review: Creating Minds by Howard Gardner
PSCF 46(3):210. CELD ID 13362.

29. Murphy, GL. 1994.

Book review: Nature, God, and Pulpit by Elizabeth Achtemeier
PSCF 46(3):211. CELD ID 13363.

30. Ruble, R. 1994.

Book review: Aging in good health edited by Florence Liebermann and Morris F. Collen
PSCF 46(3):211. CELD ID 13364.

31. Wason, PK. 1994.

Book review: The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion by Stephen L. Carter
PSCF 46(3):212. CELD ID 13365.

32. MacKenzie, RE. 1994.

Book review: Intellectuals Don't Need God: Building Brides to Faith Through Apologetics by Alister E. McGrath
PSCF 46(3):213. CELD ID 13366.

33. Kennedy, RC. 1994.

Book review: Understanding the New Age by Russell Chandler
PSCF 46(3):214. CELD ID 13367.

34. de Koning, J. 1994.

Book review: Defending your Faith: How to Answer the Tough Questions by Dan Story
PSCF 46(3):215. CELD ID 13368.

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