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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 46(1)

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1. Moreland, JP. 1994.

Conceptual Problems and the Scientific Status of Creation Science
PSCF 46(1):2-13. CELD ID 1682.

2. Meyer, SC. 1994.

The Use and Abuse of Philosophy of Science: A Response to Moreland
PSCF 46(1):14-18. CELD ID 1683.

3. Bube, RH. 1994.

Is Creation Science an Oxymoron? A Response to Moreland
PSCF 46(1):19-21. CELD ID 1684.

4. Moreland, JP. 1994.

Response to Meyer and Bube [re. Scientific Status of Creation Science, 46.1]
PSCF 46(1):22-25. CELD ID 1685.

5. Aulie, RP. 1994.

Al-Ghazali Against Aristotle: An Unforseen Overture to Science in Eleventh-Century Baghdad
PSCF 46(1):26-46. CELD ID 1686.

6. Fischer, D. 1994.

In Search of the Historical Adam: Part 2
PSCF 46(1):47-57. CELD ID 1687.

7. Johnson, BH. 1994.

'In the Beginning...' I Think There Was a Big Bang!
PSCF 46(1):58-60. CELD ID 1688.

8. Hancock, BW. 1994.

The Death Penalty and Christianity: A Conceptual Paradox
PSCF 46(1):61-65. CELD ID 1689.

9. Miller, RD. 1994.

Weister's 'Real Meaning of Evolution'
PSCF 46(1):68-69. CELD ID 1690.

10. Siemens, DF. 1994.

Is Fischer's Search Misdirected?
PSCF 46(1):69-70. CELD ID 1691.

11. Zipf, EM; Herrmann, RL. 1994.

American Scientific Affiliation 1993 Annual Report
PSCF 46(1):70-78. CELD ID 1692.

12. Haas, JW. 1994.

Putting Things Into Perspective
PSCF 46(1):1. CELD ID 13318.

13. Bube, RH. 1994.

Book review: Guide to science and belief by Michael Poole
PSCF 46(1):65. CELD ID 13319.

14. Fleming, FF. 1994.

Book review: Understanding the present: Science and the Soul of Modern Man by Bryan Appleyard
PSCF 46(1):65. CELD ID 13320.

15. Barnard, DT. 1994.

Book review: The science and theology of information edited by Christoph Wasserman, Richard Kirby and Bernard Rordorf
PSCF 46(1):66. CELD ID 13321.

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