1. Haas, JW. 1993. The Graying of the ASAPSCF 45(3):149-149. CELD ID 1664.
The Graying of the ASA
2. Miller, KB. 1993. Theological Implications of an Evolving CreationPSCF 45(3):150-160. CELD ID 1665.
Theological Implications of an Evolving Creation
3. Murphy, GL. 1993. The Third Article in the Science-Theology DialoguePSCF 45(3):162-168. CELD ID 1666.
The Third Article in the Science-Theology Dialogue
4. Price, DJ. 1993. Discovering a Dynamic Concept of the Person in Both Psychology and TheologyPSCF 45(3):170-181. CELD ID 1667.
Discovering a Dynamic Concept of the Person in Both Psychology and Theology
5. Weister, JL. 1993. The Real Meaning of EvolutionPSCF 45(3):182-186. CELD ID 1668.
The Real Meaning of Evolution
6. Drozdek, A. 1993. The Infinite and the Finite [re. Hedman, 45.1]PSCF 45(3):187-190. CELD ID 1669.
The Infinite and the Finite [re. Hedman, 45.1]
7. Miles, S. 1993. Darwin: A Man of His Times -- A Theory of Its Time? [re. Darwin by A. Desmond & J. Moore]PSCF 45(3):191-195. CELD ID 1670.
Darwin: A Man of His Times -- A Theory of Its Time? [re. Darwin by A. Desmond & J. Moore]
8. Crenshaw, RE. 1993. The Big Bang and the Big CrunchPSCF 45(3):217-217. CELD ID 1671.
The Big Bang and the Big Crunch
9. Claassen, A. 1993. On Murphy's Critique of 'Darwin on Trial' [45.1]PSCF 45(3):218-218. CELD ID 1672.
On Murphy's Critique of 'Darwin on Trial' [45.1]
10. Siemens, DF. 1993. On Rust's Critique of Siemens [45.1]PSCF 45(3):218-218. CELD ID 1673.
On Rust's Critique of Siemens [45.1]
11. Russell, C. 1993. Without a Memory (Guest Editorial)PSCF 45(3):219-221. CELD ID 1674.
Without a Memory (Guest Editorial)
12. Fischer, D. 1993. In Search of the Historical Adam: Part 1PSCF 45(3):241-251. CELD ID 1677.
In Search of the Historical Adam: Part 1
13. Spradley, JL. 1993. Four Experiences in Overseas TeachingPSCF 45(3):260-263. CELD ID 1679.
Four Experiences in Overseas Teaching
14. Bube, RH. 1993. The 'Strange Loop' of Complementarity [re. Loder & Neidhardt, 'The Knight's Move', Helmers & Howard, 1992]PSCF 45(3):270-271. CELD ID 1681.
The 'Strange Loop' of Complementarity [re. Loder & Neidhardt, 'The Knight's Move', Helmers & Howard, 1992]
15. Wason, PK. 1993. Book review: The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450 by David C. LindbergPSCF 45(3):196. CELD ID 13673.
Book review: The Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450 by David C. Lindberg
16. Bube, RH. 1993. Book review: Religion and the Natural Sciences: The Range of Engagement edited by J. E. HuchingsonPSCF 45(3):197. CELD ID 13674.
Book review: Religion and the Natural Sciences: The Range of Engagement edited by J. E. Huchingson
17. Thurman, LD. 1993. Book review: The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth by Peter J. BowlerPSCF 45(3):198. CELD ID 13675.
Book review: The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth by Peter J. Bowler
18. Murphy, GL. 1993. Book review: Origins: What is at Stake? by Wilbert H. RuschPSCF 45(3):198. CELD ID 13676.
Book review: Origins: What is at Stake? by Wilbert H. Rusch
19. Eichman, P. 1993. Book review: The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900 by Peter J. BowlerPSCF 45(3):199. CELD ID 13677.
Book review: The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades Around 1900 by Peter J. Bowler
20. de Koning, J. 1993. Book review: Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life and Homo Sapiens edited by Henry Margenau and Roy Abraham VarghesePSCF 45(3):199. CELD ID 13678.
Book review: Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of the Universe, Life and Homo Sapiens edited by Henry Margenau and Roy Abraham Varghese
21. Bowser, EO. 1993. Book review: Origins Reconsidered: In Search of What Makes Us Human by Richard Leakey and Roger LewinPSCF 45(3):200. CELD ID 13679.
Book review: Origins Reconsidered: In Search of What Makes Us Human by Richard Leakey and Roger Lewin
22. Wray, DE. 1993. Book review: The Creationist Movement in Modern America by Raymond A. Eve and Francis B. HarroldPSCF 45(3):201. CELD ID 13680.
Book review: The Creationist Movement in Modern America by Raymond A. Eve and Francis B. Harrold
23. Strong, AC. 1993. Book review: The Invasion of the Computer Culture by Allen Emerson and Cheryl ForbesPSCF 45(3):202. CELD ID 13681.
Book review: The Invasion of the Computer Culture by Allen Emerson and Cheryl Forbes
24. Gruenwald, O. 1993. Book review: Ethics in an Age of Technology: The Gifford Lectures Volume 2 by Ian G. BarbourPSCF 45(3):203. CELD ID 13682.
Book review: Ethics in an Age of Technology: The Gifford Lectures Volume 2 by Ian G. Barbour
25. Bube, RH. 1993. Book review: Worldviews in Conflict: Choosing Christianity in a World of Ideas by Ronald H. NashPSCF 45(3):204. CELD ID 13683.
Book review: Worldviews in Conflict: Choosing Christianity in a World of Ideas by Ronald H. Nash
26. Bube, RH. 1993. Book review: The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say About the Environment? edited by Calvin B. DeWittPSCF 45(3):205. CELD ID 13684.
Book review: The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say About the Environment? edited by Calvin B. DeWitt
27. Wray, DE. 1993. Book review: Rediscovery of Creation: A Bibliographical Study of the Church's Response to the Environmental Crisis by Joseph K. SheldonPSCF 45(3):205. CELD ID 13685.
Book review: Rediscovery of Creation: A Bibliographical Study of the Church's Response to the Environmental Crisis by Joseph K. Sheldon
28. Thurman, LD. 1993. Book review: 50 Ways you can help save the planet by Tony Campolo and Gordon AeschlimanPSCF 45(3):206. CELD ID 13686.
Book review: 50 Ways you can help save the planet by Tony Campolo and Gordon Aeschliman
29. de Koning, J. 1993. Book review: On the Wild Side by Martin GardnerPSCF 45(3):207. CELD ID 13687.
Book review: On the Wild Side by Martin Gardner
30. Mitchell, HT. 1993. Book review: Reaching for Heaven on Earth: The Theological Meaning of Economics by Robert H. NelsonPSCF 45(3):207. CELD ID 13688.
Book review: Reaching for Heaven on Earth: The Theological Meaning of Economics by Robert H. Nelson
31. Bube, RH. 1993. Book review: The Meeting of Science and Spirit: Guidelines for a New Age by John WhitePSCF 45(3):208. CELD ID 13689.
Book review: The Meeting of Science and Spirit: Guidelines for a New Age by John White
32. Ruble, R. 1993. Book review: Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health by Linda Brannon and Jess FeistPSCF 45(3):209. CELD ID 13690.
Book review: Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health by Linda Brannon and Jess Feist
33. Eichman, P. 1993. Book review: Quality of Life: The New Medical Dilemma edited by James J. Walter and Thomas A. ShannonPSCF 45(3):210. CELD ID 13691.
Book review: Quality of Life: The New Medical Dilemma edited by James J. Walter and Thomas A. Shannon
34. Johnson, DE. 1993. Book review: A Century of Psychology as a Science edited by Sigmund Koch and David E. LearyPSCF 45(3):210. CELD ID 13692.
Book review: A Century of Psychology as a Science edited by Sigmund Koch and David E. Leary
35. Bullock, WL. 1993. Book review: When is it Right to Die? Suicide, Euthanasia, Suffering, Mercy by Joni Eareckson TadaPSCF 45(3):211. CELD ID 13693.
Book review: When is it Right to Die? Suicide, Euthanasia, Suffering, Mercy by Joni Eareckson Tada
36. Bullock, WL. 1993. Book review: Let's Talk: An Honest Conversation On Critical Issues: Abortion, Euthanasia, AIDS, Health Care by C. Everett Koop and Timothy JohnsonPSCF 45(3):212. CELD ID 13694.
Book review: Let's Talk: An Honest Conversation On Critical Issues: Abortion, Euthanasia, AIDS, Health Care by C. Everett Koop and Timothy Johnson
37. Worthington, EL. 1993. Book review: Racing Toward 2001: The Forces Shaping America's Religious Future by Russell ChandlerPSCF 45(3):212. CELD ID 13695.
Book review: Racing Toward 2001: The Forces Shaping America's Religious Future by Russell Chandler
38. de Koning, J. 1993. Book review: Miracles and the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles by Norman L. GeislerPSCF 45(3):214. CELD ID 13696.
Book review: Miracles and the Modern Mind: A Defense of Biblical Miracles by Norman L. Geisler
39. Bowser, EO. 1993. Book review: Slaying the Dragon: Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition by Bernard F. BattoPSCF 45(3):214. CELD ID 13697.
Book review: Slaying the Dragon: Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition by Bernard F. Batto
40. Bowser, EO. 1993. Book review: And the One Became Two by J. Edward FinnPSCF 45(3):215. CELD ID 13698.
Book review: And the One Became Two by J. Edward Finn
41. Rubler, R. 1993. Book review: Archaeology and Bible History by Joseph P. Free and Howard F. VosPSCF 45(3):215. CELD ID 13699.
Book review: Archaeology and Bible History by Joseph P. Free and Howard F. Vos