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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 45(2)

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1. Kaiser, CB. 1993.

The Creationist Tradition in the History of Science
PSCF 45(2):80-89. CELD ID 1656.

2. Wood, KA. 1993.

The Scientific Exegesis of the Qur'an: A Case Study in Relating Science and Scripture
PSCF 45(2):90-95. CELD ID 1657.

3. Grant, C. 1993.

The Odds Against Altruism: The Sociobiology Agenda
PSCF 45(2):96-110. CELD ID 1658.

4. Kaita, R. 1993.

Obstacles and Opportunities In Science for Christian Witness
PSCF 45(2):112-115. CELD ID 1659.

5. Pennello, G. 1993.

A Statistical Test that Fails to Substantiate Decay in the Velocity of Light
PSCF 45(2):116-119. CELD ID 1660.

6. Moore, JR. 1993.

Speaking of 'Science and Religion' -- Then and Now [Essay Review]
PSCF 45(2):120-126. CELD ID 1661.

7. Crenshaw, RE. 1993.

On the Mind/Brain Question
PSCF 45(2):147-147. CELD ID 1662.

8. Battson, A. 1993.

Proffering Some Advice [re. Gingerich, 44.2]
PSCF 45(2):147-148. CELD ID 1663.

9. Haas, JW. 1993.

Putting things into perspective
PSCF 45(2):79. CELD ID 13651.

10. Bube, RH. 1993.

Book review: Reason and Reality: The Relationship Between Science and Theology by John Polkinghorne
PSCF 45(2):127. CELD ID 13652.

11. Eichman, P. 1993.

Book review: Michael Faraday: Sandemanian and Scientist by Geoffrey Cantor
PSCF 45(2):128. CELD ID 13653.

12. Bube, RH. 1993.

Book review: Belonging to the Universe: Explorations on the Frontiers of Science and Spirituality by Fritjof Capra and David Steindl-Rast with Thomas Matus
PSCF 45(2):128. CELD ID 13654.

13. Drozdek, A. 1993.

Book review: Reading the Mind of God: In Search of the Principle of Universality by James Trefil
PSCF 45(2):129. CELD ID 13655.

14. Drozdek, A. 1993.

Book review: Anarchy and Christianity by Jacques Ellul
PSCF 45(2):130. CELD ID 13656.

15. Barnard, DT. 1993.

Book review: The Struggle to Understand: History of Human Wonder and Discovery by Herbert C. Corben
PSCF 45(2):130. CELD ID 13657.

16. de Koning, J. 1993.

Book review: Science and the Soul: New Cosmology, The Self and God by Angela Tilby
PSCF 45(2):131. CELD ID 13658.

17. Chen, TT. 1993.

Book review: Deadly Blessings: Faith Healing On Trial by Richard J. Brenneman
PSCF 45(2):133. CELD ID 13659.

18. Worthington, EL. 1993.

Book review: Does Psychitry Need Public Philosophy? by Don S. Browning and Ian S. Evison
PSCF 45(2):135. CELD ID 13660.

19. Rice, S. 1993.

Book review: Earthkeeping in the Nineties: Stewardship of Creation edited by Loren Wilkinson
PSCF 45(2):135. CELD ID 13661.

20. Rice, S. 1993.

Book review: Reclaiming America: Restoring Nature to Culture by Richard Cartwright Austin
PSCF 45(2):137. CELD ID 13662.

21. Bullock, WL. 1993.

Book review: How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshipping Nature: A Christian's Call to Save Creation by Tony Campolo
PSCF 45(2):137. CELD ID 13663.

22. Strong, AC. 1993.

Book review: Naming the Silences: God, Medicine and the Problem of Suffering by Stanley Hauerwas
PSCF 45(2):138. CELD ID 13664.

23. Bowser, EO. 1993.

Book review: Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama of Divine Omnipotence by Jon D. Levenson
PSCF 45(2):139. CELD ID 13665.

24. Bube, RH. 1993.

Book review: Life and Death Decisions: Help in Making Tough Choices about Bioethical Issues by R. D. Orr, D. L. Schiedermayer, and D. B. Biebel
PSCF 45(2):139. CELD ID 13666.

25. Bube, RH. 1993.

Book review: Evidence for Faith: Deciding the God Question edited by J. W. Montgomery
PSCF 45(2):140. CELD ID 13667.

26. Rice, S. 1993.

Book review: The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics by Roderick F. Nash
PSCF 45(2):143. CELD ID 13668.

27. Ruble, R. 1993.

Book review: Psychology of Religion by H. Newton Malony
PSCF 45(2):144. CELD ID 13669.

28. Epstein, M. 1993.

Book review: The Vatican, The Law and the Human Embryo by Michael J. Coughlan
PSCF 45(2):144. CELD ID 13670.

29. Bube, RH. 1993.

Book review: Matters of Life and Death by John B. Co
PSCF 45(2):145. CELD ID 13671.

30. Barnard, DT. 1993.

Book review: Mind Matters: How Mind and Brain Interact to Create Our Conscious Lives by Michael S. Gazzaniga
PSCF 45(2):146. CELD ID 13672.

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