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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 44(4)

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1. Stines, JW. 1992.

Time, Chaos Theory and the Thought of Michael Polanyi
PSCF 44(4):220-227. CELD ID 1634.

2. Siemens, DF. 1992.

More Problems With Flood Geology
PSCF 44(4):228-235. CELD ID 1635.

3. Mills, GC. 1992.

Structure of Cytochrome c and c-like Genes: Significance for the Modification and Origin of Genes
PSCF 44(4):236-245. CELD ID 1636.

4. Kinnamon, KE. 1992.

God Versus Scientists' Use of Animals?
PSCF 44(4):246-248. CELD ID 1637.

5. Wiester, JL. 1992.

How Science Works: The Views of Gingerich and Johnson
PSCF 44(4):249-252. CELD ID 1638.

6. ASA Executive Council. 1992.

A Voice for Evolution AS SCIENCE [ASA resolution adopted 12/7/91]
PSCF 44(4):252-252. CELD ID 1639.

7. Gingerich, O. 1992.

Further Reflections on 'Darwin on Trial' [P. Johnson, reviewed in 43.2]
PSCF 44(4):253-254. CELD ID 1640.

8. Krienke, K. 1992.

Theodicy and Evolution
PSCF 44(4):255-257. CELD ID 1641.

9. Haas, JW. 1992.

A Promising Beginning: A Report on the First Pascal Centre Conference on Science and Belief
PSCF 44(4):257-257. CELD ID 1642.

10. Plantinga, A. 1992.

On Rejecting the Theory of Common Ancestry: A Reply to Hasker [44.3 p.150]
PSCF 44(4):258-263. CELD ID 1643.

11. Haas, JW. 1992.

Putting things into perspective
PSCF 44(4):219. CELD ID 13582.

12. Brown, G. 1992.

Should We Start with More Basic Misconceptions Than Wonderly Did?
PSCF 44(4):281. CELD ID 13583.

13. Drozdek, A. 1992.

Book review: Can Scientists Believe? Some Examples of the Attitude of Scientists to Religion edited by Nevill Mott
PSCF 44(4):264. CELD ID 13584.

14. Rice, S. 1992.

Book review: Restructuring Science Education: The Importance of Theories and Their Development, by Richard A. Duschl
PSCF 44(4):266. CELD ID 13585.

15. Haas, JW. 1992.

Book review: The Word of Science: The Religious and Social Thought of C. A. Coulson by David and Eileen Hawkin
PSCF 44(4):267. CELD ID 13586.

16. Kuehn, M. 1992.

Book review: The Shroud and the Controversy by Kenneth E. Stevenson and Gary R. Habermas
PSCF 44(4):267. CELD ID 13587.

17. McHugh, S. 1992.

Book review: The Road to Jaramillo: Critical Years of the Revolution in Earth Science by William Glen
PSCF 44(4):268. CELD ID 13588.

18. Haas, JW. 1992.

Book review: Nature Lost? Natural Science and the German Theological Traditions of the Nineteenth Century by Frederick Gregory
PSCF 44(4):269. CELD ID 13589.

19. Kuehn, MM. 1992.

Book review: Hidden Dangers: Environmental Consequences of Preparing for War edited by Anne H. Ehrlich and John W. Birks
PSCF 44(4):270. CELD ID 13590.

20. Mills, GC. 1992.

Book review: On Methuselah's Trail: Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions by Peter Douglas Ward
PSCF 44(4):271. CELD ID 13591.

21. Scadding, SR. 1992.

Book review: Animal Liberation by Peter Singer
PSCF 44(4):272. CELD ID 13592.

22. Rice, S. 1992.

Book review: Hope for the Land: Nature in the Bible by Richard Cartwright
PSCF 44(4):273. CELD ID 13593.

23. Bishop, JG. 1992.

Book review: Standing Ground: A Personal Story of Faith and Environmentalism by John Leax
PSCF 44(4):274. CELD ID 13594.

24. Bube, RH. 1992.

Book review: Caring for Creation by Anne Rowthorn and The Meaning of Life in the 1990's: An Ecological, Christian Perspective by Michael Dowd
PSCF 44(4):275. CELD ID 13595.

25. Rice, S. 1992.

Book review: Global Dust Bowl: Can We Stop the Destruction of the Land Before It's Too Late? by C. Dean Freudenberger
PSCF 44(4):277. CELD ID 13596.

26. Ruble, R. 1992.

Book review: The Pursuit of Happiness by David G. Myers
PSCF 44(4):279. CELD ID 13597.

27. Barnard, DT. 1992.

Book review: Who am I? What am I? Searching for Meaning in Your Work by Calvin Redekop and Urie A. Bender
PSCF 44(4):280. CELD ID 13598.

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