1. Hasker, W. 1992. Evolution and Alvin Plantinga [re. Chr. Scholar's Review 9/91]PSCF 44(3):150-162. CELD ID 1624.
Evolution and Alvin Plantinga [re. Chr. Scholar's Review 9/91]
2. Liben, PH. 1992. Science Within the Limits of TruthPSCF 44(3):163-168. CELD ID 1625.
Science Within the Limits of Truth
3. Siemens, DF. 1992. Some Relatively Non-Technical Problems with Flood GeologyPSCF 44(3):169-174. CELD ID 1626.
Some Relatively Non-Technical Problems with Flood Geology
4. Grizzle, RE. 1992. Some Comments on the 'Godless' Nature of Darwinian Evolution, & a Plea to the Philosophers Among UsPSCF 44(3):175-177. CELD ID 1627.
Some Comments on the 'Godless' Nature of Darwinian Evolution, & a Plea to the Philosophers Among Us
5. Van Till, HJ. 1992. Can The Creationist Tradition Be Recovered? Reflections on 'Creation & the History of Science' [C. Kaiser]PSCF 44(3):178-185. CELD ID 1628.
Can The Creationist Tradition Be Recovered? Reflections on 'Creation & the History of Science' [C. Kaiser]
6. Osborn, JG. 1992. On Bullock's 'The Origin of Species & Origins of Disease' [44.1]PSCF 44(3):216-217. CELD ID 1629.
On Bullock's 'The Origin of Species & Origins of Disease' [44.1]
7. Bullock, WL. 1992. ... And a Response [re. Osborn, p. 216]PSCF 44(3):216-217. CELD ID 1630.
... And a Response [re. Osborn, p. 216]
8. Thaxton, CB. 1992. More on 'Darwin on Trial' [re. 44.2 p. 140]PSCF 44(3):217-218. CELD ID 1631.
More on 'Darwin on Trial' [re. 44.2 p. 140]
9. Lubenow, ML. 1992. On Bernard Ramm and Spradley [44.1 p. 2]PSCF 44(3):218-218. CELD ID 1632.
On Bernard Ramm and Spradley [44.1 p. 2]
10. Spradley, JL. 1992. And A Response [re. Lubenow, 44.3 p. 218]PSCF 44(3):218-218. CELD ID 1633.
And A Response [re. Lubenow, 44.3 p. 218]
11. Drozdek, A. 1992. Book review: The Technological Bluff by Jacques EllulPSCF 44(3):185. CELD ID 13564.
Book review: The Technological Bluff by Jacques Ellul
12. Drozdek, A. 1992. Book review: In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations by Jerry ManderPSCF 44(3):186. CELD ID 13565.
Book review: In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations by Jerry Mander
13. Lollar, FP. 1992. Book review: A Brief History of Eternity by Roy E. PeacockPSCF 44(3):186. CELD ID 13566.
Book review: A Brief History of Eternity by Roy E. Peacock
14. Bowman, RM. 1992. Book review: The Non-Reality of Free Will by Richard DoublePSCF 44(3):189. CELD ID 13567.
Book review: The Non-Reality of Free Will by Richard Double
15. Smith, KW. 1992. Book review: The Justification of Science and the Rationality of Religious Belief by Michael J. BannerPSCF 44(3):190. CELD ID 13568.
Book review: The Justification of Science and the Rationality of Religious Belief by Michael J. Banner
16. Drozdek, A. 1992. Book review: Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues edited by Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. RosenbaumPSCF 44(3):191. CELD ID 13569.
Book review: Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues edited by Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum
17. Chen, TT. 1992. Book review: Alternative Medicine and American Religious Life by Robert C. FullerPSCF 44(3):192. CELD ID 13570.
Book review: Alternative Medicine and American Religious Life by Robert C. Fuller
18. Drozdek, A. 1992. Book review: Varieties of Moral Personality: Ethics and Psychological Realism by Owen FlanaganPSCF 44(3):193. CELD ID 13571.
Book review: Varieties of Moral Personality: Ethics and Psychological Realism by Owen Flanagan
19. O'Mathuna, D. 1992. Book review: In God's Image After All: How Psychology Supports Biblical Creationism by Paul D. AckermanPSCF 44(3):194. CELD ID 13572.
Book review: In God's Image After All: How Psychology Supports Biblical Creationism by Paul D. Ackerman
20. Ruble, R. 1992. Book review: Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Views by David M. WulffPSCF 44(3):194. CELD ID 13573.
Book review: Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Views by David M. Wulff
21. Blight, EM. 1992. Book review: Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People edited by Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel; John H. Court and J. Gordon MuirPSCF 44(3):195. CELD ID 13574.
Book review: Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People edited by Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel; John H. Court and J. Gordon Muir
22. Bowman, RM. 1992. Book review: Religion and Counseling: The Psychological Impact of Religious Belief by Robert J. LovingerPSCF 44(3):197. CELD ID 13575.
Book review: Religion and Counseling: The Psychological Impact of Religious Belief by Robert J. Lovinger
23. Bowman, RM. 1992. Book review: Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism by George M. MardsenPSCF 44(3):198. CELD ID 13576.
Book review: Understanding Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism by George M. Mardsen
24. Bezilla, GA. 1992. Book review: The Scattered Voice: Christians at Odds in the Public Square by James W. SkillenPSCF 44(3):199. CELD ID 13577.
Book review: The Scattered Voice: Christians at Odds in the Public Square by James W. Skillen
25. Bowman, RM. 1992. Book review: Economics Today: A Christian Critique by Donald A. HayPSCF 44(3):200. CELD ID 13578.
Book review: Economics Today: A Christian Critique by Donald A. Hay
26. Hummel, CE. 1992. Book review: Darwin and the General Reader: The Reception of Darwin's Theory of Evolution in the British Periodical Press, 1859-1872 by Alvar EllegardPSCF 44(3):202. CELD ID 13579.
Book review: Darwin and the General Reader: The Reception of Darwin's Theory of Evolution in the British Periodical Press, 1859-1872 by Alvar Ellegard
27. Rice, S. 1992. Book review: Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate by Tim M. BerraPSCF 44(3):203. CELD ID 13580.
Book review: Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate by Tim M. Berra
28. Strong, AC. 1992. Book review: Sustaining the Earth by John YoungPSCF 44(3):205. CELD ID 13581.
Book review: Sustaining the Earth by John Young