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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 44(2)

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1. Rust, P. 1992.

How Has Life and Its Diversity Been Produced?
PSCF 44(2):80-94. CELD ID 1613.

2. Hazen, CJ. 1992.

'Science Never Fails:' Popular Science & the Emergence of American Metaphysical Religion
PSCF 44(2):95-108. CELD ID 1614.

3. Bergman, J. 1992.

Eugenics and the Development of Nazi Race Policy
PSCF 44(2):109-123. CELD ID 1615.

4. McIntyre, JA. 1992.

It's Time to Rejoin the Scientific Establishment
PSCF 44(2):124-127. CELD ID 1616.

5. Ritchie, Peter. 1992.

Designer Explanations of Nature
PSCF 44(2):128-130. CELD ID 1617.

6. Wonderly, DE. 1992.

Fanciful Bible-Science Stories' Harm: A Call to Action
PSCF 44(2):131-133. CELD ID 1618.

7. Don, E. 1992.

A Dream Journey into Understanding
PSCF 44(2):134-135. CELD ID 1619.

8. Dickerson, RE. 1992.

The Game of Science: Reflections After Arguing with Some Rather Overwrought People
PSCF 44(2):137-138. CELD ID 1620.

9. Hearn, WR. 1992.

Scientific Gamesmanship
PSCF 44(2):138-139. CELD ID 1621.

10. Bergman, J. 1992.

On Davis' 'Whale of a Tale' [43.4]
PSCF 44(2):147-148. CELD ID 1622.

11. Siemens, DF. 1992.

On Snoke's 'Unified View of Science and Theology' [43.3]
PSCF 44(2):148-148. CELD ID 1623.

12. Thurman, LD. 1992.

Book review: Darwin on Trial by Phillip E. Johnson
PSCF 44(2):140. CELD ID 13558.

13. Eichman, P. 1992.

Book review: The Creation Science Controversy by Barry Price
PSCF 44(2):142. CELD ID 13559.

14. Drozdek, A. 1992.

Book review: Science and Reason by Henry E. Kyburg
PSCF 44(2):143. CELD ID 13560.

15. Kuehn, M. 1992.

Book review: Beyond the Big Bang: Quantum Cosmologies and God by Willem B. Drees
PSCF 44(2):144. CELD ID 13561.

16. Bube, RH. 1992.

Book review: The Church and Contemporary Cosmology edited by James B. Miller and Kenneth E. McCall
PSCF 44(2):145. CELD ID 13562.

17. Kuehn, M. 1992.

Book review: Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate by Tim M. Berra
PSCF 44(2):146. CELD ID 13563.

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