1. Spradley, JL. 1992. Changing Views of Science and Scripture: Bernard Ramm & the ASAPSCF 44(1):2-9. CELD ID 1603.
Changing Views of Science and Scripture: Bernard Ramm & the ASA
2. Chappell, DF. 1992. Christian, Teacher, Scientist, Mentor: Dr. Russell L. Mixter: Visionary for the Role of Science in Christian Higher EducationPSCF 44(1):10-16. CELD ID 1604.
Christian, Teacher, Scientist, Mentor: Dr. Russell L. Mixter: Visionary for the Role of Science in Christian Higher Education
3. Spradley, JL. 1992. Wheaton Women in the Early ASAPSCF 44(1):17-24. CELD ID 1605.
Wheaton Women in the Early ASA
4. Swearengen, JC. 1992. Arms Control and God's Purpose in HistoryPSCF 44(1):25-35. CELD ID 1606.
Arms Control and God's Purpose in History
5. Bullock, WL. 1992. The Origin of Species and the Origins of Disease: A Tale of Two TheoriesPSCF 44(1):36-44. CELD ID 1607.
The Origin of Species and the Origins of Disease: A Tale of Two Theories
6. Bube, RH. 1992. The Many Faces of 'Tribalism' [Ethnocentrism]PSCF 44(1):45-48. CELD ID 1608.
The Many Faces of 'Tribalism' [Ethnocentrism]
7. Thorson, WR. 1992. An I Behind the Eye: Donald MacKay's Gifford LecturesPSCF 44(1):49-54. CELD ID 1609.
An I Behind the Eye: Donald MacKay's Gifford Lectures
8. Haas, JW. 1992. Donald M. MacKay (1922-1987): A View from the Other Side of the AtlanticPSCF 44(1):55-60. CELD ID 1610.
Donald M. MacKay (1922-1987): A View from the Other Side of the Atlantic
9. Jones, DG. 1992. Preparing for Socially Comfortable Acceptance of Abortion?PSCF 44(1):71-71. CELD ID 1611.
Preparing for Socially Comfortable Acceptance of Abortion?
10. Hess, G; Herrmann, RL. 1992. ASA 1991 Annual ReportPSCF 44(1):72-78. CELD ID 1612.
ASA 1991 Annual Report
11. Paul, WW. 1992. Book review: Hidden Threads: Social Thought for Christians by Russell HeddendorfPSCF 44(1):61. CELD ID 13546.
Book review: Hidden Threads: Social Thought for Christians by Russell Heddendorf
12. Thurman, LD. 1992. Book review: The Origin of Species Revisited I by W. R. BirdPSCF 44(1):61. CELD ID 13547.
Book review: The Origin of Species Revisited I by W. R. Bird
13. Hummel, CE. 1992. Book review: The Church and Contemporary Cosmology edited by James B. Miller and Kenneth E. McCallPSCF 44(1):62. CELD ID 13548.
Book review: The Church and Contemporary Cosmology edited by James B. Miller and Kenneth E. McCall
14. Wing, J. 1992. Book review: Cosmic Life-Force by Fred Hoyle and Chandra WickramasinghePSCF 44(1):63. CELD ID 13549.
Book review: Cosmic Life-Force by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe
15. Burgeson, JW. 1992. Book review: Paradigms Lost: Images of Man In The Mirror of Science by John L. CastiPSCF 44(1):64. CELD ID 13550.
Book review: Paradigms Lost: Images of Man In The Mirror of Science by John L. Casti
16. Burgeson, JW. 1992. Book review: Searching for Certainty: What Scientists Can Know About The Future by John L. CastiPSCF 44(1):65. CELD ID 13551.
Book review: Searching for Certainty: What Scientists Can Know About The Future by John L. Casti
17. Drozdek, A. 1992. Book review: Minds, Brains and Machines by Geoffrey BrownPSCF 44(1):66. CELD ID 13552.
Book review: Minds, Brains and Machines by Geoffrey Brown
18. Spaling, H. 1992. Book review: Project Earth: Preserving The World God Created by William B. BadkePSCF 44(1):67. CELD ID 13553.
Book review: Project Earth: Preserving The World God Created by William B. Badke
19. Auday, BC. 1992. Book review: Social Problems: A Christian Understanding and Response by Jack O. Balswick and J. Kenneth MorlandPSCF 44(1):68. CELD ID 13554.
Book review: Social Problems: A Christian Understanding and Response by Jack O. Balswick and J. Kenneth Morland
20. Bube, R. 1992. Book review: Theory and Practice in Medical Ethics by Glenn C. Graber and David C. ThomasmaPSCF 44(1):69. CELD ID 13555.
Book review: Theory and Practice in Medical Ethics by Glenn C. Graber and David C. Thomasma
21. Adolphson, I. 1992. Book review: Modern Psychotherapies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal by Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. ButmanPSCF 44(1):69. CELD ID 13556.
Book review: Modern Psychotherapies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal by Stanton L. Jones and Richard E. Butman
22. Smitka, M. 1992. Book review: Market Capitalism and Christianity by Jim HaltemanPSCF 44(1):70. CELD ID 13557.
Book review: Market Capitalism and Christianity by Jim Halteman