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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 43(4)

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1. Miles, SJ. 1991.

From Being to Becoming: Science & Theology in the 18th Century
PSCF 43(4):215-223. CELD ID 1595.

2. Davis, EB. 1991.

A Whale of a Tale: Fundamentalist Fish Stories
PSCF 43(4):224-237. CELD ID 1596.

3. Hart, DG. 1991.

The Fundamentalist Origins of the American Scientific Affiliation
PSCF 43(4):238-248. CELD ID 1597.

4. Haas, JW. 1991.

Irwin A. Moon, F. Alton Everest and Will H. Houghton: Early Links Between the Moody Bible Institute and the American Scientific Affiliation
PSCF 43(4):249-258. CELD ID 1598.

5. Kalthoff, MA. 1991.

The Harmonious Dissonance of Evangelical Scientists: Rhetoric and Reality in the Early Decades of the ASA
PSCF 43(4):259-272. CELD ID 1599.

6. Bube, RH. 1991.

The Future of the ASA: Challenges and Pitfalls
PSCF 43(4):273-279. CELD ID 1600.

7. Barnard, DT. 1991.

On Dembski's Views of Cognitive Science
PSCF 43(4):281-281. CELD ID 1601.

8. Ratcliff, D. 1991.

Crass Stereotyping [re. Diaz, 43.3 p. 211]
PSCF 43(4):282-282. CELD ID 1602.

9. Haas, JW. 1991.

Looking Back, Looking Forward
PSCF 43(4):237. CELD ID 13508.

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