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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 43(2)

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1. Hearn, WR. 1991.

Search: Biochemist Known for 'Humanity, Scholarship, Research'
PSCF 43(2):-. CELD ID 1570.

2. Haas, JW. 1991.

The American Scientific Affiliation at 50
PSCF 43(2):73-74. CELD ID 1571.

3. Jones, DG. 1991.

Non-Existence and its Relevance for Medical Ethics & Genetic Technology
PSCF 43(2):75-81. CELD ID 1572.

4. Stangl, W. 1991.

Mutual Interaction: Newton's Science and Theology
PSCF 43(2):82-91. CELD ID 1573.

5. Eichman, P. 1991.

The Christian Character of Michael Faraday as Revealed in His Personal Life and Recorded Sermons
PSCF 43(2):92-95. CELD ID 1574.

6. MacLarkey, R. 1991.

Reformational Social Philosophy and Sociological Theory
PSCF 43(2):96-102. CELD ID 1575.

7. Clark, GA. 1991.

Response to W. Dembski's 'Converting Matter into Mind' [12/90]
PSCF 43(2):103-106. CELD ID 1576.

8. Dembski, WA. 1991.

Conflating Matter and Mind [re. Dembski, 12/90]
PSCF 43(2):107-111. CELD ID 1577.

9. Siemens, DF. 1991.

Two Problems With Torrance
PSCF 43(2):112-113. CELD ID 1578.

10. Neidhardt, WJ. 1991.

Reflections on Remarks of Siemens Concerning the Theology/Science Integration of T.F. Torrance
PSCF 43(2):114-116. CELD ID 1579.

11. McKenna, JE. 1991.

Essay Review: 'The God Who Would Be Known' [Herrmann & Templeton]
PSCF 43(2):117-119. CELD ID 1580.

12. Barclay, OR. 1991.

Donald MacKay and Semi-materialism [re. Dembski, 12/90]
PSCF 43(2):141-141. CELD ID 1581.

13. Fraser, B. 1991.

Scriptural Physics [re. Fraser, 9/90]
PSCF 43(2):141-142. CELD ID 1582.

14. Nelson, JE. 1991.

Swallowing Absolutism [re. Clouser, 3/91]
PSCF 43(2):142-142. CELD ID 1583.

15. Rice, S. 1991.

Book review: Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientific Perspectives on the World's Formation by Howard J. Van Till, Robert E. Snow, John H. Stek, and Davis A. Young
PSCF 43(2):120. CELD ID 13481.

16. Rice, S. 1991.

Book review: Knowing the Truth about Creation: How it Happened and What It Means for Us by Norman Geisler
PSCF 43(2):121. CELD ID 13482.

17. Hummel, CE. 1991.

Book review: Biology Through the Eyes of Faith by Richard T. Wright
PSCF 43(2):124. CELD ID 13483.

18. Bube, RH. 1991.

Book review: Discipleship of the Mind by James W. Sire
PSCF 43(2):125. CELD ID 13484.

19. Faw, H. 1991.

Book review: Vitality Therapy by Dennis L. Gibson
PSCF 43(2):126. CELD ID 13485.

20. Bube, RH. 1991.

Book review: The Voice from the Whirlwind: The Problem of Evil and the Modern World by Stephen J. Vicchio
PSCF 43(2):133. CELD ID 13486.

21. Jennings, G. 1991.

Book review: The Evangelical Movement: Growth, Impact, Controversy, Dialogue by Mark Ellingsen
PSCF 43(2):134. CELD ID 13487.

22. Bullock, WL. 1991.

Book review: A New Agenda for Medical Missions edited by D. Merrill Ewert
PSCF 43(2):135. CELD ID 13488.

23. Ruble, R. 1991.

Book review: Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Psychological Issues by Joseph Rubinstein and Brent Slife
PSCF 43(2):135. CELD ID 13489.

24. Kuehn, M. 1991.

Book review: Inerrant Wisdom: Science and Inerrancy in Biblical Perspective by Paul H. Seely
PSCF 43(2):136. CELD ID 13490.

25. Cogdell, JR. 1991.

Book review: Evolution: The Great Debate by Vernon Blackmore and Andrew Page
PSCF 43(2):137. CELD ID 13491.

26. Bergman, J. 1991.

Book review: Religious Postures: Essays on Modern Christian Apologists and Religious Problems by G.A. Wells
PSCF 43(2):138. CELD ID 13492.

27. Bube, RH. 1991.

Book review: Terminal Choices: Euthanasia, Suicide, and the Right to Die by Robert N. Wennberg
PSCF 43(2):139. CELD ID 13493.

28. Bowser, EO. 1991.

Book review: The Tree of Healing: Psychological & Biblical Foundations for Counseling & Pastoral Care by Roger F. Hurding
PSCF 43(2):140. CELD ID 13494.

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