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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 42(4)

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1. Dembski, WA. 1990.

Converting Matter into Mind: Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone in Cognitive Science
PSCF 42(4):202-226. CELD ID 1553.

2. Moberg, DO. 1990.

Hypocrisy and Wholeness: A Dialectical Puzzle and Paradox
PSCF 42(4):227-238. CELD ID 1554.

3. Cottingham, DC. 1990.

Rosen, Moltmann, and the Anticipatory Paradigm
PSCF 42(4):239-245. CELD ID 1555.

4. Geisler, NL. 1990.

Of Pandas and People: the Central Questions of Biological Origins
PSCF 42(4):246-249. CELD ID 1556.

5. Nelson, JE. 1990.

PSCF 42(4):250-253. CELD ID 1557.

6. Bube, RH. 1990.

Penetrating the Word Maze [on frozen embryos]
PSCF 42(4):254-256. CELD ID 1558.

7. Boyd, C. 1990.

A More Specific Reply to Thomas Key's Book of Mormon 'Problems'
PSCF 42(4):270-271. CELD ID 1559.

8. Siemens, DF. 1990.

Dolphin Communication
PSCF 42(4):271-271. CELD ID 1560.

9. Nicholi, AM. 1990.

Strange Inferences [re. Strahler, 42.2 p. 135]
PSCF 42(4):271-272. CELD ID 1561.

10. Burgeson, JW. 1990.

A Minor Disagreement [re. Mills, 42.3]
PSCF 42(4):272-272. CELD ID 1562.

11. Hartzler, HH. 1990.

A New Community [re. Russell, 42.3]
PSCF 42(4):272-272. CELD ID 1563.

12. Haas, JW. 1990.

Putting Things Into Perspective
PSCF 42(4):226. CELD ID 13454.

13. Fisher, D. 1990.

Book review: The God who would be known: Revelations of the Divine in Contemporary Science by John M. Templeton and Robert L. Herrmann
PSCF 42(4):257. CELD ID 13455.

14. Bube, RH. 1990.

Book review: Physics, Philosophy, and Theology: A Common Quest for Understanding edited by Robert John Russell, William R. Stoeger, S.J., and George V. Coyne, S.J.
PSCF 42(4):257. CELD ID 13456.

15. Murphy, GL. 1990.

Book review: The World within the World by John D. Barrow
PSCF 42(4):258. CELD ID 13457.

16. Johnson, AR. 1990.

Book review: Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos by Ian Stewart
PSCF 42(4):260. CELD ID 13458.

17. Eichman, P. 1990.

Book review: Does God Play Dice? A Look at the Story of the Universe by John Houghton
PSCF 42(4):261. CELD ID 13459.

18. Hummel, CE. 1990.

Book review: The Dawn of Modern Science by Thomas Goldstein
PSCF 42(4):262. CELD ID 13460.

19. Murphy, GL. 1990.

Book review: The New Faith-Science Debate: Probing Cosmology, Technology, and Theology edited by John M. Mangum
PSCF 42(4):263. CELD ID 13461.

20. Piersma, BJ. 1990.

Book review: The Long War Against God: The History and Impact of the Creation/Evolution Conflict by Henry M. Morris
PSCF 42(4):264. CELD ID 13462.

21. Eichman, P. 1990.

Book review: Anti-Evolution: An Annotated Bibliography by Tom McIver
PSCF 42(4):265. CELD ID 13463.

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