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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 42(3)

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1. Russell, RJ. 1990.

Christian Discipleship & the Challenge of Physics: Formation, Flux, and Focus
PSCF 42(3):139-154. CELD ID 1542.

2. Mills, GC. 1990.

Presuppositions of Science as Related to Origins
PSCF 42(3):155-161. CELD ID 1543.

3. Bube, RH. 1990.

Of Dominoes, Slippery Slopes, Thin Edges of Wedges, and Camels' Noses in Tents: Pitfalls in Christian Ethical Consistency
PSCF 42(3):162-172. CELD ID 1544.

4. Noble, L. 1990.

A Sociologist Looks at Oppression and Shalom
PSCF 42(3):173-176. CELD ID 1545.

5. Fraser, B. 1990.

A Christian Perspective on Time
PSCF 42(3):177-179. CELD ID 1546.

6. Siemens, DF. 1990.

Some Problems with Fischer's 'Days of Creation' [42.1 p. 15]
PSCF 42(3):180-181. CELD ID 1547.

7. Fischer, D. 1990.

Fischer Responds to Dr. David Siemens [re. 42.3 p. 180]
PSCF 42(3):182-184. CELD ID 1548.

8. Bacon, F. 1990.

Aphorism 89 from 'The New Organon' or 'True Directions Concerning Interpretation of Nature'
PSCF 42(3):184-184. CELD ID 1549.

9. Bube, RH. 1990.

PSCF 42(3):185-186. CELD ID 1550.

10. Hearn, WR. 1990.

A Case of Interlinear Hyperlexia? [re. Strahler, 42.2 p. 135]
PSCF 42(3):199-200. CELD ID 1551.

11. Brown, G. 1990.

Further Response to 'Word Maze' -- Soul/Spirit [re. Bube, 42.1]
PSCF 42(3):200-200. CELD ID 1552.

12. Haas, JW. 1990.

Putting Things Into Perspective
PSCF 42(3):137. CELD ID 13445.

13. Durbin, WA. 1990.

Book review: Darwinism and the Divine in America: Protestant Intellectuals and Organic Evolution, 1859-1900 by Jon H. Roberts
PSCF 42(3):188. CELD ID 13446.

14. Rice, S. 1990.

Book review: The World that Perished by John C. Whitcomb
PSCF 42(3):189. CELD ID 13447.

15. Drozdek, A. 1990.

Book review: Logic and Affirmation: Perspectives in Mathematics and Theology by John Puddefoot
PSCF 42(3):190. CELD ID 13448.

16. Dueck, A. 1990.

Book review: Freudianism: A Critical Sketch by V.N. Volosinov and Jung: A Biography by G. Wehr
PSCF 42(3):192. CELD ID 13449.

17. Lindquist, S. 1990.

Book review: The Psychology of Human Freedom by Malcolm R. Westcott
PSCF 42(3):194. CELD ID 13450.

18. Drozdek, A. 1990.

Book review: Nucleus: Reconnecting Science and Religion in the Nuclear Age by Scott T. Eastham
PSCF 42(3):195. CELD ID 13451.

19. Phillips, PG. 1990.

Book review: Extraterrestrials: Science and Alien Intelligence edited by Edward Regis, Jr.
PSCF 42(3):196. CELD ID 13452.

20. Lindquist, SE. 1990.

Book review: Tillich's Response to Freud by John M. Perry
PSCF 42(3):198. CELD ID 13453.

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