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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 41(3)

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1. Hearn, WR. 1989.

He Tracks Inherited Diseases [V. Elving Anderson]
PSCF 41(3):6-. CELD ID 1502.

2. Fischer, RB. 1989.

Scientific Truth: A Case Study Within the Biblical Christian World View
PSCF 41(3):130-136. CELD ID 1503.

3. Neidhardt, WJ. 1989.

Biblical Humanism: The Tacit Grounding of James Clerk Maxwell's Creativity
PSCF 41(3):137-142. CELD ID 1504.

4. Bube, RH. 1989.

'So, You Want to Be a Science Professor!' The Education Business: Things My Mother Never Told Me
PSCF 41(3):143-151. CELD ID 1505.

5. Sheldon, JK. 1989.

Twenty-One Years After 'The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis': How Has the Church Responded?
PSCF 41(3):152-159. CELD ID 1506.

6. Bube, RH. 1989.

Life/death [Penetrating the Word Maze]
PSCF 41(3):160-161. CELD ID 1507.

7. Bullock, WL; Wright, RT. 1989.

Review: 'Biology Through the Eyes of Faith'
PSCF 41(3):162-167. CELD ID 1508.

8. Gingerich, O. 1989.

Oops! Book Review Correction [re. Seeger, 41.2]
PSCF 41(3):192-192. CELD ID 1509.

9. Patrick, JB. 1989.

Crises of Conscience [re. Bube, 41.1]
PSCF 41(3):192-192. CELD ID 1510.

10. Bullock, WL. 1989.

Putting Things in Perspective
PSCF 41(3):129. CELD ID 13420.

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