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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 41(1)

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1. Rice, S. 1989.

Bringing Blessings Out of Adversity: God's Activity in the World
PSCF 41(1):2-9. CELD ID 1480.

2. Bube, RH. 1989.

Crises of Conscience for Christians in Science
PSCF 41(1):11-19. CELD ID 1481.

3. Schiedermayer, DL. 1989.

Comforting Job in the ICU: Ethical Issues in High Technology Medicine
PSCF 41(1):20-25. CELD ID 1482.

4. Byl, J. 1989.

On Cellular Automata and the Origin of Life
PSCF 41(1):26-29. CELD ID 1483.

5. Neidhardt, WJ. 1989.

The Functional Dependence of Reason on Faith in Theology and Science: An Epistemological Symmetry
PSCF 41(1):30-31. CELD ID 1484.

6. Murphy, GL. 1989.

Science and Martyrdom
PSCF 41(1):33-35. CELD ID 1485.

7. Armstrong, JR. 1989.

Seeking Ancient Paths
PSCF 41(1):33-35. CELD ID 1486.

8. Seeger, RJ. 1989.

Franklin, Deist
PSCF 41(1):35-36. CELD ID 1487.

9. Bube, RH. 1989.

Determinism, Chance, Free Will
PSCF 41(1):37-38. CELD ID 1488.

10. Phillips, PG; Wonderly, DE. 1989.

Neglect of Geologic Data: Sedimentary Strata Compared with Young-Earth Creationist's Writings
PSCF 41(1):39-41. CELD ID 1489.

11. Toombs, C. 1989.

Limits to Biotechnology
PSCF 41(1):63-64. CELD ID 1490.

12. Hill, CA. 1989.

Paluxy Mantracks Still Affirmed
PSCF 41(1):64-64. CELD ID 1491.

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