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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 40(2)

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1. Van Dyke, F. 1988.

Planetary Economies and Ecologies: The Christian World View and Recent Literature
PSCF 40(2):66-71. CELD ID 1450.

2. Bradley, WL. 1988.

Thermodynamics and the Origin of Life
PSCF 40(2):72-73. CELD ID 1451.

3. Vukanovic, V. 1988.

Opposite Directions [of nature toward life and toward death]
PSCF 40(2):84-90. CELD ID 1452.

4. Eichman, P. 1988.

MIchael Faraday: Man of God - Man of Science
PSCF 40(2):91-97. CELD ID 1453.

5. Cobern, WW. 1988.

The Integration of Faith and Science Learning
PSCF 40(2):98-100. CELD ID 1454.

6. Arndt, JR. 1988.

Myth: Science is in Conflict with the Christian Faith
PSCF 40(2):100-102. CELD ID 1455.

7. Bube, RH. 1988.

Penetrating the Word Maze: 'Prove'
PSCF 40(2):104-105. CELD ID 1456.

8. Siemens, DF. 1988.

Origin Science
PSCF 40(2):128-128. CELD ID 1457.

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