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Contents of Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 39(2)

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1. Bube, RH. 1987.

On the Pursuit of Excellence: Pitfalls in the Effort to Become No. 1
PSCF 39(2):67-76. CELD ID 1412.

2. Herrmann, RL; Templeton, JM. 1987.

Scientific Contributions to Meaning and Purpose in the Universe
PSCF 39(2):77-86. CELD ID 1413.

3. Rothrock, PE; Rothrock, ME. 1987.

Christianity and E. O. Wilsons Mythology of Scientific Materialism
PSCF 39(2):87-93. CELD ID 1414.

4. Bergman, J. 1987.

The Sociology of Religious Organizations
PSCF 39(2):94-104. CELD ID 1415.

5. Bozack, MJ. 1987.

Conjugate Properties and the Hypostatic Union
PSCF 39(2):105-106. CELD ID 1416.

6. Adolphson, DR. 1987.

A Different Christian View of Nuclear Weapons
PSCF 39(2):107-109. CELD ID 1417.

7. Seeger, RJ. 1987.

Copernicus, Courageous Canon
PSCF 39(2):109-110. CELD ID 1418.

8. Nelson, JE. 1987.

Mind vs. Brain: Two Dimensions of Reality?
PSCF 39(2):124-124. CELD ID 1419.

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