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Contents of Origins 9(2)

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1. Tkachuck, RD. 1982.

Origins-GRI 9(2):61-62. CELD ID 2008.

2. Allen, WM; Amlaner, CJ. 1982.

Re: Brown: Geo and Cosmic Chronology (8:20-45)
Origins-GRI 9(2):63. CELD ID 2009.

3. Moore, JN; Brown, RH. 1982.

Re: Brown: Scientific Creationism? (ORIGINS 8:57-58)
Origins-GRI 9(2):64. CELD ID 2010.

4. Clark, HW; Ellwanger, P. 1982.

Re: News and Comments: Arkansas Act 590 (8:46-48)
Origins-GRI 9(2):64-65. CELD ID 2011.

5. Brand, L; Florence, J. 1982.

Stratigraphic Distribution of Vertebrate Fossil Footprints Compared with Body Fossils
Origins-GRI 9(2):67-74. CELD ID 2012.

6. Hayward, JL; Casebolt, DE. 1982.

The Genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11: A Statistical Study
Origins-GRI 9(2):75-81. CELD ID 2013.

7. Brazo, MW; Austin, SA. 1982.

The Tunguska Explosion of 1908
Origins-GRI 9(2):82-93. CELD ID 2014.

8. Ching, K. 1982.

The Dogmatic Skeptic
Origins-GRI 9(2):94-97. CELD ID 2015.

9. McCluskey, ES. 1982.

Temperature Regulation in Tetrapod Vertebrates: Ectotherms vs. Endotherms
Origins-GRI 9(2):98-100. CELD ID 2016.

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